Legislative Assembly of Alberta

Bill Status

Status of Bill 36: Securities Transfer Act (Knight)

  View Bill 36
Download Bill (MS Word) 268KB
First Reading: Apr. 24 aft. (H.967) 
Second Reading: May 1 eve. (H.1180-83) — passed 
Committee of the Whole: May 9 eve. (H.1434-35, 1442-45) — passed with amendments 
Third Reading: May 16 eve. (H.1625-26) — passed 
Royal Assent: May 24 outside of House sitting 
Comes into force: on proclamation; SA 2006 cS-4.5 

Links to passed Amendments:
Amendment 1 (May 9, 2006) Download Amendment (MS Word) 28KB

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Note: The Bill sponsor's name is in brackets following the Bill title. If it is a money Bill, ($) will appear between the title and the sponsor's name. Numbers in brackets following each reading date refer to Hansard pages where the text of debates is found. Bills numbered 200 or higher are Private Members' Public Bills. Bills with lower numbers are Government Bills. Bills numbered Pr1, etc., are Private Bills.

Note: If a Bill comes into force "on proclamation," "with exceptions," or "on various dates," please contact Legislative Counsel for details at (780) 427-2217. The chapter number assigned to the Bill is entered immediately following the date the Bill comes into force. SA indicates Statutes of Alberta; this is followed by the year in which it is included in the statutes, and its chapter number.

Note: Bills and amendments are provided for download in MS Word 2000. Opening these files in other word processors or converting these files to other formats may result in changes in document layout. 

Legislative Assembly of Alberta
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