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Alberta Energy Publications

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Annual Report

The Department of Energy annual report measures the department's performance by comparing the goals outlined in our business plan with actual performance. The annual report also includes the ministry's audited financial statements, and an overview of operations and organizational structure.
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Business Plan

The ministry's three-year business plan describes Alberta Energy's core businesses, goals, strategies, and provincial government priorities. The business plan is our primary planning document and guides decision-making throughout the ministry. It is updated annually.
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Energy Industry Overview

Energy is the engine of Alberta's economy. It accounts for approximately one-third of all revenue collected by the Provincial Government, ensuring the ongoing delivery of critical public programs, such as health, education and infrastructure. Energy also accounts for just over half of the value of our province's total exports and about one-quarter of our Gross Domestic Product. Energy employs – directly and indirectly – nearly one in every six workers in Alberta.
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Department Library

Alberta Department of Energy Library Services supports the mandate and programs of the Alberta Department of Energy by facilitating and managing access to published and public program-related information.
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Acts and Regulations

Below is a brief description of each Act administered by the department and links to the text version of the Acts and Regulations; Copies of Alberta Acts, Regulations and government publications can be ordered from the Queen's Printer Bookstore .
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Energy Facts
Petrochemicals are made by processing and reprocessing natural gas and oil.