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Alberta Energy News Room

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Alberta Energy has a variety of information for your news needs.

Minister's Biography

The Honourable Greg Melchin is the minister responsible for the Department of Energy
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News Releases & Backgrounders

For the latest breaking news check out Alberta Energy's news releases and backgrounders
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About Our Business

Albertans own 81 per cent of the province's oil, natural gas and other mineral resources. The Department of Energy manages the sustained development of these resources in a responsible manner that maximizes long-term benefits to the province.
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Publications & Maps

Alberta Energy offers a variety of publications and maps related to the follow business areas within the department.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick and easy answers to commonly asked questions related to both the industry and the resources Alberta Energy manages.
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Energy Facts
Aboriginal Relations
The largest Alberta First Nation is the Blood Tribe, with a population of 9,505.