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The AGLC is an agent of the Government of Alberta and consists of a Board and a Corporation. The Board is responsible for reflecting government's direction through policy and regulatory matters.

Members of the current AGLC Board are as follows:

The responsibilities of the AGLC Board are set out in Section 12 of the Gaming and Liquor Act. These responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring that the operations of the Commission are carried out in accordance with the legislation and Board direction.
  • Establishing policies for the operations of the Commission. The Board also takes policy direction from the Minister and develops strategies and plans for that policy direction to be effectively implemented.
  • Reviewing and approving liquor and gaming licences and registrations.
  • Conducting hearings into matters involving licences and registrations and breaches of legislation.

Under legislation, the AGLC Board is required to take policy direction from the Minister of Gaming and develop strategies and plans for that policy direction to be effectively implemented.

For more information:

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