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Agricultural Software Directory

 Locating and selecting the right agricultural software for on-farm and institutional use can be difficult and occasionally frustrating. The purpose of the Agricultural Software Directory is to make that task easier.

The agricultural software industry is in a constant state of change; consequently, the data contained in this directory is also subject to change. More detailed and current information should be obtained directly from the software manufacturers.

Financial Record Keeping
  • Accounting and Record Keeping
  • Equipment and Machinery
  • Farm Management
  • Farm Supplies
  • Inventory
  • Produce and Shippers
  • Tax Planning
  • Financial Analysis/Planning
Physical Record Keeping
  • Animal Health (Veterinary)
  • Elevators (Grain)/Seed Cleaning
  • Feedmills
  • Field Records - Crop Production - Irrigation
  • Greenhouse and Orchards
  • Beef Health Records & Production Mgmt
  • Dairy Health Records and Production Mgmt
  • Equine Health Records and Production Mgmt
  • Sheep Health Records and Production Mgmt
  • Feedlot Health Records and Production Mgmt
  • Swine Health Records and Production Mgmt
  • Poultry Health Records and Production Mgmt
  • Miscellaneous
  • Herbicides / Pesticides / Chemicals
Nutrition / Ration / Fertilizer Analysis
  • Beef
  • Dairy
  • Equine
  • Feedlot
  • Swine
  • Poultry
  • Mixed/Multiple - Ration Analysis
  • Fertilizer

Decision Aids
  • Beef
  • Crop
  • Dairy
  • Feedlot
  • Swine
  • Poultry
  • Miscellaneous

  • On-Line Information Services and Databases
  • Communications Software
  • Graphics
  • Marketing/General
  • Commodities/Futures
  • Livestock
  • Buildings
  • Irrigation/Weather Monitor
Land Management
  • Land Management
  • Educational Agricultural Software
  • Agricultural Statistics
  • Miscellaneous

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Sheri Dowson-Craig.
This information published to the web on May 23, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on November 29, 2006.

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