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Gaming History & Facts

Quick Facts - Gaming in Alberta PDF

Here are some milestones in the history of gaming in Alberta.

1892 The Criminal Code of Canada is amended to tolerate gambling under certain conditions.
1910 An amendment to the Criminal Code of Canada allows pari-mutuel betting and participation in games of chance where profits are used for charitable or religious purposes. Some gaming is allowed at agricultural fairs and exhibitions.
1920s Bingo is played in community halls and church basements.
The popularity of horse racing grows.
1950s Illegal sale of Lucky 7 jar tickets (pull tickets) occurs until the 1970s, when the sale of pull tickets is legalized.
1967 Alberta’s first charitable casino opens at Edmonton’s annual fair.
1969 Amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada authorize lotteries and sweepstakes. Provinces have the authority to licence and operate lotteries and casinos.
1970s Edmonton’s Northlands Park and the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede start holding sweepstakes.
1975 An Edmonton Kinsmen Club establishes Alberta’s first not-for-profit casino. The first-ever lottery ticket, "The Western", is sold.
1979 Lotteries are now exclusively under provincial authority.
1980 Alberta’s first permanent, privately operated charitable casino opens in Calgary.

Alberta’s second permanent, privately operated charitable casino opens in Edmonton.

1982 Lotto 6/49 is launched.

A government lottery review gathers Albertans’ views on the disbursement of unused lottery revenue. An amendment to the Criminal Code of Canada allows provinces to operate mechanical gaming devices.

1987 Revenue pooling is an option for casinos and bingo associations.
1989 Bill 10 establishes the Alberta Lottery Fund. The first horseracing simulcast is run at Calgary’s Trout Springs.
1990 Teletheatre betting is introduced.

Video lottery terminals (VLTs) are tested at summer fairs in Edmonton and Calgary.

1992 The VLT program is officially introduced.

Alberta Lotteries and Gaming releases a commissioned report on gaming behaviour and problem gambling in Alberta. The Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC) receives funding for problem gambling treatment, research and education.


The Lotteries Review Committee releases "New Directions for Lotteries and Gaming: Report and Recommendations of the Lotteries Review Committee" following public consultations. Government establishes new policies for gaming in Alberta after adopting several recommendations from the report.


The MLA Committee on Native Gaming releases its report and recommendations on native gaming in Alberta.

Slot machines are introduced into Alberta’s charitable casinos.

Satellite bingo is introduced.

The Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) is created by combining the responsibilities and operations of the Alberta Liquor Control Board, Alberta Lotteries, the Alberta Gaming Commission, Alberta Lotteries and Gaming and the Gaming Control Branch.

The Alberta Racing Corporation is formed to help revitalize the horse racing industry in Alberta.


VLTs are removed from Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake following local plebiscites.

Plebiscites are also held in Barrhead, Wood Buffalo (including Fort McMurray) and Lacombe.

  • Barrhead votes to keep VLTs.
  • Wood Buffalo votes to remove VLTs, but retailers take legal action.
  • The courts declare Lacombe’s vote invalid.

Community Lottery Boards are established by the Alberta government to oversee the distribution of an additional $50 million in lottery funds.

The Alberta Lotteries and Gaming Summit ’98 is held in Medicine Hat in April. Government accepts or accepts in principle all eight summit recommendation.

During the October 19 civic elections, VLT plebiscites are held in 36 Alberta municipalities. Six municipalities vote to have their VLTs removed. VLT retailers take legal action.

Courts rule the Alberta government cannot direct the AGLC to remove VLTs from municipalities unless there is specified legislation in place. Government passes legislation to remove VLTs from Wood Buffalo and the six communities that voted against VLT.


Bill 36, the Gaming and Liquor Amendment Act, is passed on May 19, giving the Minister authority to give policy direction to the AGLC and to terminate VLT retailer agreements in municipalities that voted in favour of VLT removal.

The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench granted on interim injunction on May 20, prohibiting the AGLC from disabling or removing VLTs pending the constitutional challenge of Bill 36.

AGLC launches a Bingo Industry Review to examine the bingo industry and charities that take part in bingo activities.

The Ministry of Gaming is created, which is the Department of Gaming, the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, the Community Lottery Program Secretariat, the Alberta Gaming Research Council and the Horse Racing Alberta Act.

An agreement between the Government of Alberta and the province’s three major universities results in a leading-edge research institute to study gaming issues in Alberta. The Alberta Gaming Research Institute, a consortium of the Universities of Alberta, Calgary and Lethbridge, will sponsor research into the social and economic aspects of gaming, aboriginal gaming issues, gaming trends and other related gaming topics.


Alberta Gaming initiates a review of gaming licensing policies and processes. While the review is underway, consideration of requests to licence or approve new casinos, casino expansions and relocations, new games and gaming environments are suspended.

Government announces the implementation of the majority of recommendations from the Bingo Review Committee.

The AGLC teamed up with the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC) and the gaming industry to develop new programs to assist problem gamblers, including "Casino Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program" and “Deal Us In.”

The governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba signed a new agreement with the Western Canada Lottery Corporation (WCLC) resulting in cost savings to the AGLC of approximately $2.2 million per year.


The Alberta government introduces a new First Nations Gaming Policy, based on Alberta’s unique charitable gaming model. First Nation casinos will be located on reserve land, will be regulated by the AGLC and operate under the same terms and conditions as off-reserve casinos.

The government released the Gaming licensing Policy Review (GLPR), which included 61 recommendations that were developed during a comprehensive, 20-month review of gaming policies.


The moratorium respecting new casino facilities was removed on March 1, after the AGLC developed specific casino terms and conditions to manage and control gaming expansion in the province, consistent with the policy direction provided by government as a result of the Gaming licensing Policy Review.

The AGLC reviewed the Gaming and Liquor Act and Gaming and Liquor Regulation in order to ensure gaming and liquor activities are conducted with integrity. This review resulted in Bill 14, the Gaming and Liquor Amendment Act, which was debated and passed in the spring legislature session, and came into effect in May.

Bill 16, the Racing Corporation Amendment Act, was debated and passed in the spring legislature, and came into effect in May. This Bill is a major step in revitalizing the province’s horse racing industry.

The Community Lottery Board program was discontinued.

The Community Initiatives Program was introduced on June 24, and commits $30 million per year for the next three years.


Launched the Alberta Lottery Fund website. Increased funding by 25 per cent to the foundations and granting programs supported through the Alberta Lottery Fund.

Honoured the 1997/1998 plebiscite results and removed nearly 200 VLTs from seven communities across the province.
The Bingo Terms & Conditions and Operating Guidelines were updated in response to consultations with bingo industry stakeholders. These policies govern bingo operation in Alberta.

Introduced DIGI Bingo and Keno into bingo halls across the province in order to help revitalize the bingo industry.

2004 The VLT Replacement Project has been completed. Alberta’s 6,000 VLTs have been replaced with updated machines that feature new games and responsible gaming features.
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