News Release

April 3, 2006

Second roundtable on liquor and violence sets next course of action

Edmonton... Improved education and training, potentially higher licensing standards and more research have emerged as the top priorities needed to help curb the growing problems of violence around bars and lounges across the province. These priorities were determined during the second Alberta Roundtable on Violence In and Around Licensed Premises held March 31st in Calgary.

"The issue of liquor and violence is a complex one that won't be solved overnight," said Gordon Graydon, Minister of Gaming. "By having this discussion with key stakeholders at the table, we've been able to identify the priorities that this group collectively thinks is the starting point to addressing this issue. Based on these priorities, we are taking action."

The group also supported a joint task force model that includes police, fire marshals, AGLC inspectors, health inspections and municipal by-law enforcement. There was also a strong consensus among the group that more research is needed in areas such as minimum drink prices and happy hour practices. Before deciding to change any policies or legislation, solid, proven data needs to be gathered and reviewed. Further consultation with stakeholders may then be required as well.

"These priorities provide a win-win situation for everyone involved from bar owners and their patrons to police agencies, municipalities and government," said Harvey Cenaiko, Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security. "Once the wheels are in motion, we will be able to build momentum for longer-term, sustainable solutions."

The Alberta Roundtable on Violence In and Around Licensed Premises explored the issue of violence within the context of bars, nightclubs, and other licensed premises. Its purpose was to gather input, information and advice from stakeholders on the frontlines - from the people who work in, own, manage, regulate and protect the province's licensed premises.

Approximately 70 participants from government, industry associations, police agencies and licensees from across Alberta gathered to review ideas discussed during the first roundtable held last November in Edmonton.

A final report, based on the discussions and outcomes of both roundtables, will be released later this spring.


Media enquiries may be directed to:

Jennifer Raimundo
Alberta Gaming
(780) 447-8740

Christine Wronko
Solicitor General and Public Security
(780) 427-6171
(780) 405-9507 (cell phone)

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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