News Release

October 20, 2006

Gaming revenues to help First Nation communities

Edmonton... The Alberta government has adopted new policies allowing First Nation charities to spend charitable gaming proceeds in ways that directly benefit their communities including infrastructure, life skills training and addictions treatment.

"These policies are another example of this government's commitment to First Nations gaming which began with the 2001 First Nations Gaming Policy," said Gaming Minister Gordon Graydon. "The overriding goal is to help improve the economic and social conditions within their communities. These amended policies are another step in that direction."

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Minister Pearl Calahasen agreed, adding "The new policy empowers First Nations to utilize gaming proceeds to build stronger and healthier communities."

Me'Chet Charities Limited of the Enoch Cree Nation will be the first charitable group to use the amended charitable policies once the casino opens next week. The new policies were supported by all of the Host First Nations and approved by the Board of the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC).

Enoch Cree Nation Chief Ron Morin, on behalf of all the Host First Nations said, "The Host First Nations were pleased that they had an opportunity to provide input during the development of the new policies. We look forward to continuing to work with the AGLC to ensure that the policies meet the unique needs of First Nations."

Overall, the majority of the policies are largely the same as current charitable use of proceeds except where it was demonstrated that additional policies were required to address the unique charitable and cultural needs of Alberta's First Nations. Like traditional charities, all First Nation charitable gaming proceeds must be used to support charitable objects and purposes. Host First Nation charities will be expected to follow AGLC policy, including diligent financial reporting requirements.

"This is an exciting time for Alberta," added Minister Graydon. "In partnership with Alberta's Host First Nations, this government has created the necessary policy to guide First Nations charitable gaming into the future."

For more information, including a copy of the handbook, visit the AGLC's website at

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Attachment: Host First Nation Charitable Casino Policies - Key Highlights

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Stephanie Francis
Gaming Communications
(780) 447-8742

Chief Ron Morin, Enoch Cree Nation
Host First Nations representative
(780) 887-0043

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


October 20, 2006

Host First Nation Charitable Casino Policies - Key Highlights

The following new policy sections were added at the request of the Host First Nations to help clarify how/where charitable gaming proceeds can be spent. They include:

In addition, some current policies were slightly modified to allow use of proceeds to pay for:

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Stephanie Francis
Gaming Communications
(780) 447-8742

Chief Ron Morin, Enoch Cree Nation
Host First Nations representative
(780) 887-0043

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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