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 Location: Alberta Government > Sust. Res. Dev. > Fish and Wildlife > Living with Fish and Wildlife > Viewing Guide > Calgary > Bow Valley

Last Review/Updated: May 10, 2002


songbirds hoofed mammals reptiles/amphibians wildflowers
Yamnuska Mountain rises abruptly from Morley Flats and the Bow River Valley, marking the beginning of the Front Ranges. Hiking trails at the base of the mountain lead past beaver ponds, open meadows, swamps, delicate springfed (calcareous) areas, forests of aspen, white spruce and lodgepole pine, and many species of plants; some of which are rare.
P. Lee (AB Gov.)
Yamnuska Mountain

Orchids are a specialty here—yellow lady's-slippers are especially plentiful—and western wood lilies can also be seen. On other trails leading higher up the mountain, you may spot bighorn sheep or mountain goats.

At both Bow Valley Provincial Park and Yamnuska, look for calliope and rufous hummingbirds and a large variety of songbirds. Three species of chickadee are found in this area and woodpeckers include northern flickers and both species of three-toed woodpeckers. Amphibians include long-toed salamanders, tiger salamanders, boreal toads, wood frogs and spotted frogs.

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