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 Location: Alberta Government > Sust. Res. Dev. > Fish and Wildlife > Living with Fish and Wildlife > Viewing Guide > Calgary > Sheep River

Last Review/Updated: May 10, 2002


birds of prey small mammals hoofed mammals carnivores
A large band of bighorn sheep lives year-round in this sanctuary, with its abundant grasslands and convenient escape routes along the river canyon walls. The sanctuary is an excellent place to watch sheep feeding, interacting and on occasion, being stalked by coyotes. During the fall, mature rams can often be closely observed from the comfort of your vehicle.
D. Culbert (AB Gov.)
Sheep River sanctuary

This is one of the best areas in the province for observing migrating birds of prey which follow the foothill ridges in spring and fall. Nearly all of Alberta's birds of prey have been recorded here during migration, and golden eagles are especially prominent.

Cougars, secretive animals which move primarily at night, have occasionally been observed in the area. Look for Columbian ground squirrels on the grassland slopes in the summer. Further west near Bluerock Campground, American dippers and an occasional harlequin duck can be found along the fast-flowing river.

The sanctuary is closed to vehicles Dec. 1 to May 15 to protect the winter sheep range.

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