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 Location: Alberta Government > Sust. Res. Dev. > Fish and Wildlife > Living with Fish and Wildlife > Viewing Guide > Edmonton > Elk Island

Last Review/Updated: May 10, 2002


songbirds waterfowl hoofed mammals carnivores aquatic mammals
An extraordinarily high density of animals makes Elk Island one of the best places in Alberta for year-round wildlife watching. More than 100 kilometres of trails for hiking and skiing extend throughout this fenced wilderness of lakes, spruce bogs, low forested hills and meadows. Five hundred plains bison, 400 wood bison, 400 moose and 1600 wapiti range throughout the park. Coyotes are often seen along the roadside. The park is also home to over 2000 beavers. In the transitional aspen forest, 228 bird species have been recorded, including red-eyed vireos, least flycatchers, song sparrows, northern saw-whet and great horned owls.

red-necked grebeAt Astotin Lake, the interpretive Lakeview Trail and Living Waters boardwalk follow the water's edge, where you may glimpse double-crested cormorants, great blue herons, and black-crowned night-herons. In summer, the red-necked grebe with its loud, wailing call is the most prominent waterfowl bird to be seen. The lake is one of the few places outside the mountains where Barrow's goldeneyes nest.

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