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 Location: Alberta Government > Sust. Res. Dev. > Fish and Wildlife > Living with Fish and Wildlife > Viewing Guide > Edmonton > Whitemud

Last Review/Updated: May 10, 2002


© C. Wershler
northern saw-whet owl
upland game birds birds of prey small mammals carnivores aquatic mammals

Hidden within the deeply incised Whitemud Creek Ravine is a tranquil natural setting surrounded by the bustle of suburban life in southwest Edmonton. White-tailed and mule deer, snowshoe hares and coyotes thrive in the heavily wooded security of the ravine. On an early May morning, listen for the raspy honk of cock pheasants, or the loud ratchet drumming of pileated woodpeckers. You might see a merlin making a high speed chase for its prey over the tree tops.

In winter, merlins are especially attracted to the large flocks of foraging Bohemian waxwings. Other birds drawn to the area are spotted sandpipers, belted kingfishers, northern orioles, ruby-crowned kinglets. and northern saw-whet owls.

The John Janzen Nature Centre, just west of the mouth of Whitemud Creek, provides nature information for all of Edmonton; the centre also stages family events throughout the year.

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