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 Location: Alberta Government > Sust. Res. Dev. > Fish and Wildlife > Living with Fish and Wildlife > Viewing Guide > Edmonton > Wagner

Last Review/Updated: May 10, 2002


songbirds birds of prey reptile/amphibians wildflowers
Approximately one-third of all of Alberta's plant species can be found in this area of black spruce forests, willow-sedge fens, mixedwood forests and calcium-rich ponds. The fifteen different species of orchids include the more common northern green bog, sparrow's egg and lady's-slipper, as well as rare species, like the bog adder's-mouth orchid.

On the 1.2 kilometre self-guiding trail and boardwalk through the forests and fens, look for unusual carnivorous plants such as the sundew, bladderwort and butterwort.

least flycatcher and nest
Least flycatcher and nest
© C. Wershler (2 photos)

A total of 138 bird species has been recorded at Wagner, 97 of which are known to have nested here. Least flycatchers, yellow-rumped warblers and dark-eyed juncos are common, as are typically boreal species such as the ruby-crowned kinglet and boreal chickadee. Pileated woodpeckers and northern goshawks frequent the mature woodlands and the calls of northern saw-whet and great horned owls may be heard at dusk.

The ponds are home to wood frogs, boreal chorus frogs, and western toads. "Toading walks" are conducted in the spring.

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