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Legislative Review

Public Consultation Phases Complete

The public consultation phases of the legislative review of the Dependent Adults Act and the Personal Directives Act are now complete.

Albertans who participated in the public consultation phase of this legislative review provided valuable insight and ideas.

Summaries of the consultation phases are listed below.

Phase One: QuestionnairePDF Document - 458 KB
June/July 2005

In June 2005, the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) and the Office of the Public Trustee (OPT) distributed a questionnaire to private guardians, private trustees, family members and legal advisors of dependent adults, health care providers and community groups. Albertans who were interested in completing the questionnaire could also do so online. Over 3,500 responses and eight formal written submissions were received during Phase One.

Phase Two: Public Consultation SessionsPDF Document - 243 KB
October/November 2005

Public consultation sessions were held in eight locations across Alberta in the fall of 2005. Participants in these sessions include private guardians and trustees, parents of dependent adults, social workers, doctors, nurses, health care providers, legal professionals and private citizens. The feedback from these sessions helped frame the questions for the detailed stakeholder discussion guide and questionnaire.

Phase Three: Stakeholder Consultation Questionnaire and Consultation SessionsPDF Document - Stakeholder Consultation Questionnaire and Consultation Sessions
December 2005/January 2006

Two questionnaires, one general and one detailed, were sent to stakeholders in December 2005 and January 2006. Stakeholders also participated in consultation sessions in January 2006. These sessions were held in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer and included lawyers, service providers in the developmental disability and mental health fields, health care and long-term care professionals, trustees, guardians and Aboriginal groups. Over 450 stakeholders participated in the consultations through the focus groups and questionnaires.

A summary report of the online detailed questionnaire, primarily about trusteeship issues, is also available for your information.
Feedback from the Detailed Questionnaire for Stakeholders

Phase Four: Dependent Adult Focus GroupsPDF Document - Dependent Adult Focus Groups
March 2006

Ten focus groups were scheduled with dependent adults who have guardians to gain their unique input on this legislation. Self advocates, people with developmental disabilities who are speaking on their own behalf, were also included in the sessions.

Next Steps

The feedback received during the public consultation process has been incorporated into recommendations that will be presented to the legislative assembly for consideration.

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