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Advisory and other support bodies
Advisory Committee on AIDS  
Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics  
Health Facilities Review Committee  
Health Information Standards Committee for Alberta
Health Quality Council of Alberta
Out-of-Country Health Services Committee
Public Health Appeal Board
Standing Policy Committee (SPC) on Health and Community Living

Advisory Committee on AIDS
The Alberta Advisory Committee on AIDS was established by the Minister of Health and Wellness to provide advice and recommendations about the prevention, management and control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Alberta.

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Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics
Alberta's Expert Committee on Drug Evaluation and Therapeutics was established by the Minister of Health and Wellness to provide advice and recommendations about the therapeutic value and cost-effectiveness of drugs and drug products considered for coverage under programs sponsored by Alberta Heath and Wellness.

Members of the Expert Committee are practicing physicians or pharmacists with expertise in pharmacology, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacokinetics and epidemiology.

The Expert Committee serves in an external capacity, providing advice to the Minister. Members review drug products on an ongoing basis and make recommendations on additions and deletions – and the interchangeability of products – for the Drug Benefit List (DBL), which defines prescription drugs and drug products covered by programs sponsored by Alberta Health and Wellness.

The Expert Committee's drug review process is based on the critical, evidence-based analysis of clinical and economic evidence submitted in support of a drug product by pharmaceutical manufacturers. Consideration to add a new drug product to the DBL follows careful review of its scientific, therapeutic and socioeconomic merits and how it compares to drug products already covered via the DBL.

The Minister of Health and Wellness makes the final decision on and changes to the DBL

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Health Facilities Review Committee
The Health Facilities Review Committee monitors the quality of care, treatment and standards of accommodation provided to patients and residents in health care facilities. The Committee also receives and investigates complaints that cannot be resolved at the facility. more...

Health Facilities Review Committee
250 Garneau Professional Centre
11044- 82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 0T2  Telephone:  (780) 427- 4924 Fax:  (780) 427-0806
Toll free for the rest of Alberta dial 310-0000 then (780) 427-4924

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Health Information Standards Committee for Alberta
The Health Information Standards Committee for Alberta oversees and co-ordinates development, adoption and dissemination of approved health information, data and technology standards within Alberta. Operating through collaboration and consensus-building with stakeholders, the committee ensures these standards align with approved provincial reporting guidelines, and with national and international protocols. more...

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Health Quality Council of Alberta
The Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) is an arm's length organization empowered and funded by the Government of Alberta through the Minister of Health and Wellness to report directly to Albertans on the quality and performance of health services.  The Council is charged with identifying best practices and reviewing and monitoring health care quality, including acceptability, accessibility, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency and safety. We also collaborate with stakeholders to continuously improve the quality and safety of the health system. more...

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Out-of-Country Health Services Committee
Alberta's Out-of-Country Health Services Committee processes health insurance claims and provides information to Albertans seeking medical treatments outside Canada.

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Public Health Appeal Board
The Public Health Appeal Board hears appeals that may arise from decisions and/or orders issued pursuant to section 5 of the Public Health Act by Regional Health Authorities.  

For more information contact:

Public Health Appeal Board
23rd Floor, 10025 Jasper Ave.
Telus Plaza North Tower
Edmonton, AB T5J 1S6
Telephone (780) 427-2813
Facsimile (780) 422-0914

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Standing Policy Committee (SPC) on Health and Community Living
The Standing Policy Committee on Health and Community Living allows Albertans to provide specific input into health policies, programs and legislation.

Comprised of cabinet ministers and other members of the government, the Standing Policy Committee meets with health care professionals and representatives from various organizations to hear their ideas about Alberta's health system and health policies.

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