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About the Act

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the FOIP Act) was passed by the Alberta Legislature in June 1994. It came into effect on October 1, 1995.

The FOIP Act provides individuals with the right to request access to information in the custody or control of public bodies while providing public bodies with a framework within which they must conduct the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Public bodies are defined in section 1(1)(p) of the FOIP Act and include:

  • a department, branch or office of the government of Alberta
  • an agency, board, commission, corporation , office or other body designated as a public body in the regulations of the Act
  • educational bodies (universities, technical institutes, colleges, school boards and charter schools)
  • health care bodies (Regional Health Authorities, provincial health boards, nursing home operators, hospital boards and subsidiary health corporations)
  • local government bodies (municipalities, Metis settlements, police services and commissions, libraries, etc)

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