On February 13, 1947, news of a huge oil strike at Leduc #1 was transmitted around Alberta, Canada and the world.

On that cold February day, local residents, government and Imperial Oil officials gathered to watch as Vern “The Dry Hole” Hunter and his crew brought Leduc #1 into production. They didn’t know it yet, but that well was the start of an oil boom that provided both growth and prosperity to Alberta and all of Canada.

Operated by the Leduc/Devon Oilfield Historical Society, the Canadian Petroleum Discovery Centre at the Leduc #1 Historical Site salutes the grit, determination and success of the Alberta oil patch and indoor and outdoor exhibits reflect on its history, technology and progress. We invite you to come to where it happened and stand on the floor of a 1940’s drilling rig to touch a part of Alberta’s rich petroleum heritage.

Browse the rest of this web site to learn more about our services, membership, expansion projects and to view a few of our collections. Or better yet! Come book a tour and visit us during Alberta's 100th Birthday Centennial.

Location/Hours of Operation  

The Canadian Petroleum Discovery Centre is located at the junction of the Devon and Nisku Highways (60 & 19), just 10 minutes West of the Edmonton International Airport.

Open for visitors seven days/week
Group tours may be booked year-round
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Adult - $6.00
Senior - $5.00
Youth - $4.00 (6-18 years)
Family - $15.00 (2 adults with youth)

Please note that we do not accept debit.
Gift shop or admission purchases may be made by VISA, MASTER CARD, CASH or CHEQUE.