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Economics and Competitiveness Division

 Core business | Key initiatives| Units | Contact information | Identity

Core Business

The Economics and Competitiveness Division conducts economic, market and statistical research related to the competitiveness of Alberta's agriculture and agri-food industries. The knowledge and recommendations from this research is provided to AAFRD clients, fostering continued growth and sustainability of the industry.


There are five functional Units and one special initiatives project within the E&C Division that provide expert knowledge and tools to assist Albertans in the agriculture industry and agri-food business. For more detail, please click on the specific Unit link at the bottom of this document.
  • International Relations Unit - Plays an advocacy role in bilateral discussions regarding agriculture opportunities with priority trading partners.
  • Competitiveness Unit - In partnership with internal and external clients, conduct projects to assess competitiveness of Alberta's food, feed and bio-industrial production and processing.
  • Economics Unit - Provides expertise to analyse strategic opportunities to the agri-food industry and policy direction of AAFRD.
  • Statistics and Data Development Unit - Conducts surveys and provides statistical data and analysis.
  • Market and Consumer Analysis - Provides market research expertise to assess emerging markets and technologies; provides market and commodity outlooks and forecasting.
  • Ukraine Project - Manages and coordinates AAFRD's participation in Ukraine activities and projects.
Key Initiatives

Staff members of our Division are engaged in the following knowledge initiatives and services to meet the needs of AAFRD clients:
  • Conduct, analyze and disseminate primary and secondary research, market research and competitive intelligence
  • Provide marketing outlooks and risk management tools
  • Collect, analyze and provide statistical data
  • Provide an advocacy role for bilateral relations with key US states and other priority trading partners
  • Manage and coordinate AAFRD's participation in Ukraine activities and projects
Contact Information

For information about the Economics and Competitiveness Division, please phone (780) 422-3771 or bookmark our Division page for future reference on Ropin' the Web.

NameTitle Phone Areas of Responsibility / Expertise
Jackson Gardner
Director (780) 422-1243Provide overall direction and leadership of the Division’s human and financial capital
Sherry Wallbank
Division Administrator(780) 422-5026Coordinate Division administrative projects and activities

Division Identity

The print products of the Economics and Competitiveness Division are identified by a wide, deep blue vertical strip bounded on the top and bottom by narrow horizontal black bands. The top band contains our Division name. The AAFRD logo is included on all Division products.

Other Documents in the Series

  Economics and Competitiveness Division - Current Document
International Relations Unit
Competitiveness Unit
Economics Unit
Statistics and Data Development Unit
Market and Consumer Analysis Unit
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Gail Atkinson.
This information published to the web on September 30, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on May 7, 2006.

  Top of Document

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