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Food Safety Division

 Overview | Vision | Mission | What's new | Food Safety Division contact information


The Food Safety Division of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development was formed in March of 1999 to pro-actively address food safety and market access issues. The division is made up of the Office of the Chief Provincial Veterinarian, Agri-Food Laboratories Branch, and the Agri-Food Systems Branch.

Food Safety Division staff work together in the areas of food safety and animal health surveillance. They also work together in various scientific fields to enhance the safety of Alberta's food and increase consumer confidence. This also means working in partnership with industry and other public bodies.


Alberta is recognized as a world leader in the production of safe food and agriculture products.


To provide leadership and support for safe food production systems and global market access for Alberta’s agriculture and food industry through information, services and legislation.

What's New

Click on the links to view new initiatives lead by the FSD:

Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network (AVSN)
Alberta HACCP Advantage (AHA!)

Food Safety Division Contact Information

Staff within the Food Safety Divsion are comprised of laboratory technicians, accreditated Veternarians, Epidemiologists, Pathologists, Toxicologists, technical support (programming, data management, etc.), administration officers, research officers, scientists, Chief and Assistant Chief Provincial Veternarians, and Food Safety Specialists. To reach any one of our expert and knowledgeable staff members, please contact the Office of the Director at the number below.

Office of the Director
Food Safety Division
9th Floor, O.S. Longman Building
6909-116 Street
Edmonton AB T6H 4P2
Ph : (780) 427-6159
Fax : (780) 427-1437

The Director's office is supported by Pat Diduck.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Sandy Honour.
This document is maintained by Sheila Hart.
This information published to the web on December 12, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 9, 2005.

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