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Alberta Irrigation Secretariat

 Who we are
The Irrigation Secretariat is established under the Irrigation Districts Act . It consists of employees of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AAFRD) and operates within the Environment and Food Safety Sector of the department, reporting directly to the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Sector.

Our core functions
The Irrigation Secretariat assists AAFRD in developing policies and legislation relating to irrigation districts and provides clarification to irrigation districts and other partners in the irrigation industry on those policies and legislation.

The Irrigation Secretariat, in conjunction with the Irrigation Council, administers the department’s Irrigation Rehabilitation Program (IRP). The IRP is an on-going 75% (Province)/25% (irrigation district) cost shared, multi-million dollar grant program that is based on annual agreements between the Minister and Alberta’s thirteen irrigation districts. The IRP provides funding for the irrigation districts to use to rehabilitate their extensive water conveyance and storage infrastructure.

In accordance with the Irrigation Districts Act, the Irrigation Secretariat also carries out the functions and duties assigned by the Irrigation Council under the direction of the Irrigation Council. The Irrigation Secretariat is responsible to ensure that Alberta’s Irrigation Council is well informed on irrigation matters, and has the tools to meet its legislated responsibilities under the Irrigation Districts Act. The Director of the Irrigation Secretariat acts as Secretary to the Irrigation Council.

Some other responsibilities assigned to the Irrigation Secretariat in the Irrigation Districts Act are to act as the administrative arm of the Irrigation Council, liaise with others in dealing with matters relating to irrigation districts, assist and advise irrigation districts on administrative matters, maintain and compile records, statistics and data for the Irrigation Council, certify and submit irrigation district documentation to change the area of a district, and perform any other work assigned to it by the Irrigation Council or the Minister.

Our partners
- Irrigation Council (AAFRD)
- Alberta’s Thirteen Irrigation Districts
- Resource Management and Irrigation Division (AAFRD)
- Alberta Environment
- Southern Alberta Land Titles Office
- Alberta Irrigation Projects Association

Contact information
Len Ring - Director

Laurie Hodge - Office Manager

Rebecca Fast - Administrative Assistant

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Rebecca Fast.
This information published to the web on June 20, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 31, 2006.

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