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Alberta Irrigation Council

 What is the Irrigation Council?
  • Irrigation Council is a provincial agency reporting to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AFRD)
  • Irrigation Council is established under Section 50 of the Irrigation Districts Act
  • Irrigation Council operates according to a Memorandum of Understanding with the Minister and is accountable to the Minister
Irrigation Council’s mission statement is:
  • To support the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development by providing relevant advice and regulatory administration for irrigation sustainability
What is an Irrigation District?
  • A corporation created according to the Irrigation Districts Act
  • Acts similar to a municipality, with an elected board of directors responsible for managing the irrigation district
  • The thirteen irrigation districts are collectively represented by the Alberta Irrigation Projects Association (AIPA)
What is the purpose of the Irrigation Districts Act?
  • The purpose of this Act is to provide for the formation, dissolution and governance of Alberta’s thirteen irrigation districts in order that the management and delivery of water in the districts occur in an efficient manner that provides for the needs of the users
  • The powers and duties of Irrigation Council, the irrigation districts, the irrigation district board of directors and the Irrigation Secretariat are specified in the Act
What are the functions of the Irrigation Council?
  • The powers and duties of Council are outlined in Section 51 of the Act and include:
    • Making recommendations to the Minister respecting any matter under the Act,
    • Monitoring the operation and financial performance of the thirteen irrigation districts
    • Granting approval for irrigation districts to expend money under a cost-sharing agreement between the district and the Government of Alberta
    • Acting as an appeal body for matters specified in the Act
  • Irrigation Council:
    • Reviews the Audited Financial Statements for each irrigation district for the use of sound management practices
    • Encourages the development and implementation of viable economic and technical plans for the long-term sustainability of irrigation districts and their infrastructure
    • Establishes policies and procedures to ensure accountability of the public’s ongoing investment in the Irrigation Rehabilitation Program (IRP), a multi-million dollar provincial cost-shared program with the irrigation districts
    • Approves irrigation district applications to participate in the IRP
    • Approves irrigation district rehabilitation projects to be built with IRP funds
    • Audits IRP projects to ensure the irrigation district is performing adequate maintenance to maximize the life of the infrastructure
    • Supports the resolution and mediation of matters under appeal
    • Conducts appeal hearings and renders decisions as required under the Act
    • Maintains the "Standards for the Classification of Land for Irrigation in the Province of Alberta"
    • Meets with the board of directors of each irrigation district on an annual basis to share information and tour the district
Who may appeal to the Irrigation Council?
  • Persons specified in the Act may appeal specified matters to Irrigation Council
  • Section 167(1) of the Irrigation Districts Act outlines the persons and the circumstances in which an appeal may be commenced, and the timelines associated with the appeal process
What is the membership of the Irrigation Council?
  • Irrigation Council consists of seven members (see below) appointed by the Minister of AFRD; five public members and two government representatives, one from each of the departments of Environment and AFRD


    Vern Hoff, Chair
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 1995. I’ve had a life-long love affair with irrigation. It started when, as a kid, I helped my Dad lay out contour ditches for "wild flooding", then leveling land for border dikes, and through hand moves, wheel rolls to the present pivots. Served as a Director and Chairman of the Western Irrigation District and a Director of Alberta Irrigation Projects Association. Though semi-retired, when those hot dry days of prairie summers occur, "I’ll be helping my sons with life-giving irrigation".

    Henry Doeve, Vice-Chair
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 1999. Mr. Doeve, along with his wife Carolyn and family, have operated an irrigated dairy farm in the Coaldale area since 1981. In addition, he is on the Board of Governors for the Lethbridge Community College and is a member of the Society of Christian Education in Southern Alberta. He is also a former member of Toastmasters International and past chairman of the County of Lethbridge Appeal Board.

    Svend Rasmussen
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 2002. Mr. Rasmussen has farmed in the Brooks area since 1971. He and his sons are currently operating the farm together. Their operation involves grain production and alfalfa seed production. His previous involvement in the irrigation industry includes being a member of the Canadian Seed Growers Association since 1975, and serving on the Eastern Irrigation District Board of Directors in the early 1990’s.

    Gordon Bruins
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 1999. A 1958 graduate of the University of Alberta with a B.Sc. (Agric). Mr. Bruins has been owner-operator of a mixed irrigation and dryland farm in the Medicine Hat area since 1960. From 1961 to 1973 he was in charge of agricultural operations and land administration on the Bow River Irrigation Project. He was Regional Manager of the Alberta Agricultural Development Corporation at Calgary in 1973 to 1974 and at Lethbridge from 1974 to 1991, during which time he was also the Irrigation Land Manager. He is currently also Director of South Alta Rural Electrification Association Ltd., Vice-Chair of the Municipal Planning Commission (Cypress County), and Director of Southern Energy Ltd., South Alta Wires Ltd., and the Energy Users Association of Alberta.

    Peter Schuld
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 2001. Prior to retiring to Lethbridge, Mr. Schuld was a long-time resident of the Iron Springs area, where he operated the family farm in conjunction with his son. The farm businesses involved irrigation, dairy and a feedlot operation. He has served, and remains involved in a number of agriculture related areas, including the Provincial and National Board of the Dairy Industry, the Board of Directors of the Veterinary Infectious Diseases for the University of Saskatchewan, and the Canada/Alberta Research Trust at the Lethbridge Research Station.

    Denis Magowan
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 2003, representing Alberta Environment (AENV). Graduate of the University of Alberta in Civil Engineering. His career with AENV began in 1987 and encompassed the operation and maintenance of the provincially owned water management infrastructure in Southern Alberta. His current position is Director of Water Management Operations, Regional Services, Lethbridge.

    John Tackaberry
    Appointed to Irrigation Council in 1999, representing Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AFRD). A 1971 graduate of the University of Alberta, Faculty of Agriculture (Soils major). His career began with AFRD as a District Agriculturist, serving the communities of Lamont, Vermillion, Wainwright and Valleyview from 1971 to 1980. Between 1980 and 1991 he was Regional Director for the Northwest Region, Field Services Sector, Barrhead. From 1991 to 1999 he was Director of Rural Development Division, Field Services Sector, Edmonton, covering the areas of Public Land Management, Agricultural Education and Community Services, 4-H and Engineering Services. His current position is Director of Resource Management and Irrigation Division, Environment and Food Safety Sector, Edmonton.

Who carries out the decisions of the Irrigation Council?
  • The Irrigation Secretariat is the administrative arm of Irrigation Council and carries out the decisions of Irrigation Council
  • The Irrigation Secretariat is established under the Irrigation Districts Act and reports to the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Environment and Food Safety Sector of AFRD
  • The Irrigation Secretariat also acts as an agent of the Minister with regard to requirements listed in the Act
How do we contact the Irrigation Council?
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Laurie Hodge.
This document is maintained by Rebecca Fast.
This information published to the web on October 28, 2004.
Last Reviewed/Revised on June 12, 2006.

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