Legislative Assembly of Alberta


Bill 24: Fiscal Responsibility Amendment Act, 2006 (McClellan)

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Please note: The text that appears on this web page is the Bill as introduced in the First Reading. When applicable, amendments to the Bill made in subsequent readings can be accessed through the links provided below. Also, the explanatory notes in the online version are provided in a section at the end of each Bill. The files are provided for download in MS Word format. Opening these files in other word processors or converting these files to other formats may result in changes in document layout. Questions about the status of the Bill can be directed to the Bills and Journals Clerk: judy.bressmer@assembly.ab.ca Questions about the content of the Bill should be directed to the sponsor of the Bill (sponsor's name is in brackets following the Bill title).

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Bill 24




(Assented to , 2006)

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Amends RSA 2000 cF-15

1   The Fiscal Responsibility Act is amended by this Act.

2   Section 1(k.1)(i) is amended by striking out "$4 750 000 000" and substituting "$5 300 000 000".

      Explanatory Notes

    1   Amends chapter F-15 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000.

    2   Section 1(k.1) presently reads:

      1   In this Act,

      (k.1) "non-renewable resource revenue for fiscal policy purposes" in respect of a fiscal year means the lesser of

        (i) $4 750 000 000, and

        (ii) the average of the following:

        (A) the forecast non-renewable resource revenue for the previous fiscal year, and

        (B) the actual non-renewable resource revenue for each of the 2 fiscal years preceding the fiscal year referred to in paragraph (A);

Legislative Assembly of Alberta
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