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Chapter P‑4

Table of Contents

                1       Pension Fund

                2       Transfer of assets to Pension Fund

                3       General investment powers

                4       Transfer of money between Funds

                6       Fiscal year 

                7       Annual report

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:

Pension Fund

1(1)  There is hereby established a fund called the Pension Fund.

(2)  The Minister of Finance shall hold and administer the Pension Fund in accordance with this Act.

(3)  The Minister of Finance shall maintain a separate accounting record of the Pension Fund.

(4)  The Minister of Finance may, on behalf of the Pension Fund, be a depositor in the Consolidated Cash Investment Trust Fund.

RSA 2000 cP‑4 s1;2006 c23 s62

Transfer of assets to Pension Fund

2(1)  As soon as practicable after the commencement of this Act, there shall be transferred from the General Revenue Fund to the Pension Fund the sum of $1 100 000 000.

(2)  The amount transferred pursuant to subsection (1) may be transferred in the form of cash or other assets, but if assets other than cash are to be transferred the Treasury Board shall, before any transfer is made, approve

                                 (a)    the assets to be transferred,

                                 (b)    the manner in which the transfer is to be made, and

                                 (c)    the valuation of the assets or the method by which the assets are to be valued,

and the Treasury Board may impose any conditions relating to the transfer that it considers necessary.

(3)  The income of the Pension Fund accrues to and forms part of the Pension Fund.

RSA 1980 cP‑3.1 s2

General investment powers

3(1)  The Minister of Finance has the same powers of investment and making loans with respect to the Pension Fund as the Minister of Finance has with respect to the General Revenue Fund under Part 5 of the Financial Administration Act.

(2)  In addition to the powers of investment under subsection (1), the Minister of Finance may make loans from the Pension Fund on the security of the pledge of investments or securities owned by the borrower

                                 (a)    that are investments or securities of any of the classes enumerated in section 43(1) of the Financial Administration Act, and

                                 (b)    that have a market value at least equal to the amount loaned.

RSA 2000 cP‑4 s3;2006 c23 s62

Transfer of money between Funds

4(1)  In this section, “pension Act” means Members of the Legislative Assembly Pension Plan Act.

(2)  The Minister of Finance shall deposit all money received by the Minister of Finance pursuant to the pension Act in the General Revenue Fund and shall transfer that money to the Pension Fund in accordance with subsection (4).

(3)  The Minister of Finance shall advance money from the General Revenue Fund to make all payments required under the pension Act and shall, in accordance with subsection (4), transfer money from the Pension Fund to the General Revenue Fund to cover payments under this subsection.

(4)  As soon as practicable after the end of each month, the Minister of Finance shall

                                 (a)    determine the amount received by the Minister of Finance pursuant to the pension Act,

                                 (b)    determine the amount paid out by the Minister of Finance pursuant to the pension Act,

                                 (c)    transfer from the General Revenue Fund to the Pension Fund the sum, if any, by which the amount referred to in clause (a) exceeds the amount referred to in clause (b), and

                                 (d)    transfer from the Pension Fund to the General Revenue Fund the sum, if any, by which the amount referred to in clause (b) exceeds the amount referred to in clause (a).

(5)  If, because of insufficient assets in the Pension Fund, the Minister of Finance is unable to transfer money from the Pension Fund to the General Revenue Fund under subsection (4)(d), then the payments required under the pension Act must be paid from the General Revenue Fund to the extent of the amount of that insufficiency of assets and shall form a charge on the General Revenue Fund.

(6)  No interest is payable with respect to any money transferred pursuant to subsection (4).

(7)  Except for money paid out pursuant to subsection (5), the money received by the Minister of Finance and deposited in the General Revenue Fund for subsequent transfer to the Pension Fund and the advances made from the General Revenue Fund for subsequent reimbursement from the Pension Fund are not to be recorded as revenues or expenditures in the accounts of the General Revenue Fund.

RSA 2000 cP‑4 s4;2006 c23 s62

5   Repealed 2006 c23 s62.

Fiscal year

6   The fiscal year of the Pension Fund is April 1 to the following March 31.

RSA 1980 cP‑3.1 s6

Annual report

7   The Minister of Finance shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year of the Pension Fund, prepare a report summarizing the transactions and affairs of the Pension Fund during the preceding fiscal year and shall lay a copy of it before the Legislative Assembly if it is then sitting, and if it is not then sitting, within 15 days after the commencement of the next sitting.

RSA 2000 cP‑4 s7;2006 c23 s62

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