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(Consolidated up to 217/2002)


Government Fees and Charges Review Act


1   The Government Fees and Charges Review Act is amended by this Regulation.

2   Schedule 2 is amended

                        (a) ‑ (d)    repealed AR 217/2002 s14(1);

                                 (e)    by repealing the portion relating to fees under the Government Organization Act, Schedule 13 relating to the land information system and substituting the following:

Fees under the Government Organization Act, Schedule 13 relating to electronic products and services


Land Title Search

Current Title

Historical Title


each title

each title





Land Title Index

each land ID



Land Title Owner

base charge

+ each title




Land Titles Changes Summary Diskettes or electronic files

Current Data



    Rest of Province

Historical Data



    Rest of Province




per release

per release

per release


per month

per month

per month




$ 40








Land Titles Changes Summary Books

Assessment region books

Custom printed reports



+ copying

+ faxing



each region per release

per hour

per page

per page









Establish an Alberta Registries’ credit account

per account



Establish additional user ID for existing clients

per user ID



Basic surcharge for remote electronic access to products provided on‑line from the Personal Property Registry and the Corporate Registry




per item





                           (f) ‑ (i)    repealed AR 217/2002 s14(1).

AR 44/2000 s2;217/2002

3   This Regulation comes into force on February 25, 2000.

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