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(Consolidated up to 95/2006)


Insurance Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Inducement to replace contract

                3       Agents duty where replacement could be detrimental

                4       Agents duty where contract should be changed

                5       Disclosure statement on replacement

                6       Agents duty on new contract application

                7       Delivery of contract and statements

                8       No insurance agent

                9       Right to withdraw application

              10       Refund on withdrawal

              11       Transitional

              12       Repeal

              13       Expiry

              14       Coming into force


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “contract” means a contract of insurance relating to life insurance;

                                 (b)    “replacement of a contract” or “replacement” means any transaction whereby life insurance is purchased in a single contract or in 2 or more related contracts by a person from an insurer and, as a consequence of the transaction, one or more existing contracts are

                                           (i)    rescinded, lapsed or surrendered,

                                          (ii)    changed to paid‑up insurance or continued as extended term insurance or under automatic premium loans,

                                         (iii)    changed in any other manner to effect a reduction of  benefits,

                                         (iv)    changed so that cash values in excess of 50% of the tabular cash value are released, or

                                          (v)    subjected to the borrowing of any policy loan value, whether in a single loan or under a schedule of borrowing over a period of time, whereby an amount in excess of 50% of the tabular cash value is borrowed,

but does not include a transaction whereby a new purchase is made pursuant to a contractual privilege being exercised by the policyholder under an existing contract or an existing contract is replaced by an annuity.

Inducement to replace contract

2   An insurer or insurance agent must not, where it would be detrimental to the interests of the policyholder, directly or indirectly induce or attempt to induce a policyholder to effect a replacement of a contract.

Agents duty where replacement could be detrimental

3(1)  Where, in the opinion of an insurance agent who is recommending the replacement of a contract, the replacement would be detrimental to the interests of a policyholder, the insurance agent must make every reasonable effort to ensure that the existing contract is maintained in force.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), where a policyholder initiates a replacement that, in the opinion of an insurance agent, would be detrimental to the policyholder’s interests, the insurance agent must advise the policyholder of the advantages and disadvantages to the policyholder that would result from the replacement.

Agents duty where contract should be changed

4   Where it comes to the knowledge of an insurance agent that, due to a change in circumstances, an existing contract should be amended or replaced, the insurance agent must endeavour to have the existing contract amended or replaced by the insurer that issued it, in a manner that is consistent with the policyholder’s best interests and in such a manner that any values, credits or privileges in the existing contract are transferred to the amended or replacing contract.

Disclosure statement on replacement

5(1)  Where replacement of a contract is recommended by an insurance agent or instructed by a policyholder, the insurance agent must, prior to taking a new application,

                                 (a)    complete and present to and review with the applicant a disclosure statement in a form approved by the Minister, and

                                 (b)    obtain on the disclosure statement the signature of the applicant or other person whose life will be insured under the replacement contract, to indicate receipt of the disclosure statement by the applicant or other person.

(2)  The holder of a level 1 or probationary life insurance agent’s certificate of authority must have the disclosure statement countersigned by the holder of a full life insurance agent’s certificate of authority who, by countersigning it, accepts responsibility for the completion of the disclosure statement as if the holder of the full life insurance agent’s certificate of authority had completed the disclosure statement as the insurance agent.

(3)  References in subsection (2) to a level of life insurance certificate are references to the level of a certificate of authority to act as a life insurance agent specified in the Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation.

AR 127/2001 s5;9/2003

Agents duty on new contract application

6   An insurance agent for an insurer

                                 (a)    must obtain as part of an application for a contract a statement signed by the applicant stating whether replacement of a contract is intended, and

                                 (b)    must prepare and forward to the insurer with the application a statement signed by the agent stating whether replacement is intended.

Delivery of contract and statements

7   On taking an application where replacement of a contract is intended, an insurance agent

                                 (a)    must forward to the insurer whose existing contract is intended to be replaced a copy of the disclosure statement, completed in accordance with section 5, within 3 working days of the date of application,

                                 (b)    must forward to the insurer that has been requested to issue a new contract a copy of the disclosure statement, completed in accordance with section 5, a copy of all written proposals presented to the applicant by the insurance agent and all written directions received by the insurance agent from the applicant, and

                                 (c)    must deliver the new contract as soon as is practicable unless contrary written instructions are received from the applicant.

No insurance agent

8   Where there is no insurance agent, the insurer that is replacing an insurance policy must comply with sections 3 to 7 as if that insurer were an insurance agent.

Right to withdraw application

9   An applicant for the replacement of a contract may in writing withdraw the application within 20 days of the date on which the applicant signed the completed disclosure statement.

Refund on withdrawal

10   Where the applicant withdraws an application under section 9, the insurer must refund any premium, deposit or other payment made by the applicant in respect of the proposed replacement, and if the application is for a single premium life insurance policy or a policy whose value depends on a stated rate of interest or a stated group of assets, the refund must be adjusted to reflect the change in the capital value of the contract.


11   Any disclosure statement approved by the Minister under the Replacement of Life Insurance Contracts Regulation (AR 63/90) is continued as if it were approved by the Minister under this Regulation.


12   The Replacement of Life Insurance Contracts Regulation (AR 63/90) is repealed.


13   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on April 30, 2016.

AR 127/2001 s13;95/2006

Coming into force

14   This Regulation comes into force on the coming into force of any section of the Insurance Act (SA 1999 cI‑5.1).

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