function dcsVar(){ // This functino populates the DCS object with information to send to the collector var dCurrent=new Date();*-1; if ({"0"; }; WT.ul=navigator.appName=="Netscape"?navigator.language:navigator.userLanguage; if (typeof(screen)=="object"){"Netscape"?screen.pixelDepth:screen.colorDepth;"x"+screen.height; } if (typeof(navigator.javaEnabled())=="boolean"){"Yes":"No"; } if (document.title){ WT.ti=document.title; } WT.js="Yes"; if (typeof(gVersion)!="undefined"){ WT.jv=gVersion; } if (document.body&&document.body.addBehavior){ document.body.addBehavior("#default#clientCaps"); if (document.body.connectionType){ WT.ct=document.body.connectionType; } document.body.addBehavior("#default#homePage"); WT.hp=document.body.isHomePage(location.href)?"1":"0"; } if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>3){ if ((navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer")&&document.body){"x"+document.body.offsetHeight; } else if (navigator.appName=="Netscape"){"x"+window.innerHeight; } }"No"; if (window.ActiveXObject){ if ((typeof(gFV)!="undefined")&&(gFV.length>0)){"Yes"; WT.fv=gFV; } } else if (navigator.plugins&&navigator.plugins.length){ for (var i=0;i0){ for (var i=0;i0)){ gImages[gIndex].onload=gImages[gIndex].onerror=dcsLoadHref; } gImages[gIndex].src=dcsSrc; gIndex++; //alert(dcsSrc); } else{ document.write(''); //alert(''); } } function dcsMeta(){ // This function looks through the document for any meta tags where the name of the tag // starts with "WT." or "DCSext." or "DCS." // It then adds any tags it finds to the appropriate object e.g. WT using the substring // after the prefix e.g. "WT." as the index name and the // contetnt as the property value for use by the collector. var elems; if (document.all){ elems=document.all.tags("meta"); } else if (document.documentElement){ elems=document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); } if (typeof(elems)!="undefined"){ for (var i=1;i<=elems.length;i++){ var meta=elems.item(i-1); if ({ if ('WT.')==0){ WT[]=meta.content; } else if ('DCSext.')==0){ DCSext[]=meta.content; } else if ('DCS.')==0){ DCS[]=meta.content; } } } } } function dcsTag(){ // This function takes the objects DCS, WT, and DCSext and converts properties of each to substrings // within the P variable (which is then passed to the dcsCreateImage function) var P="http"+(window.location.protocol.indexOf('https:')==0?'s':'')+"://"+gDomain+(gDcsId==""?'':'/'+gDcsId)+"/dcs.gif?"; for (N in DCS){ if (DCS[N]) { P+=A(N,DCS[N]); } } for (N in WT){ if (WT[N]) { P+=A("WT."+N,WT[N]); } } for (N in DCSext){ if (DCSext[N]) { P+=A(N,DCSext[N]); } } if (P.length>2048&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0){ P=P.substring(0,2040)+"&WT.tu=1"; } dcsCreateImage(P); } function dcsFunc(func){ // checks to see if a function actually exists and then calls it // so that this script can be generic if (typeof(window[func])=="function"){ window[func](); } } // get a variables such as url to pass to the collector dcsVar(); // get any defined meta variables to pass to the collector dcsMeta(); // all this ends up doing is calling dcsCookie which calls some other functions and is used to track the session dcsFunc("dcsAdv"); // generate the image to call from variables DCS, WT, DCSext // and the call dcsCreateImage to actually write it out dcsTag(); //-->