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Filing a Complaint with Employment Standards

The Employment Standards Code and Employment Standards Regulation establish minimum standards of employment for most employers and employees working in Alberta.  Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Employment Standards, will assist employees and employers to resolve differences concerning the interpretation, application and enforcement of these standards.

Minimum standards include: 

Some workplace issues are not addressed by Employment Standards. These include:

Must a written complaint be filed with Employment Standards within a specified period of time?

Yes.  You must file a complaint with Employment Standards within six (6) months of your last day of employment.

If more than six (6) months has passed, the Director of Employment Standards may grant an extension if the Director considers there were extenuating circumstances.  For example, the Director has extended time limits when:

To request an extension to file a complaint, write a letter outlining your extenuating circumstances to:

Alberta Human Resources and Employment
Director of Employment Standards
Main Floor, 9940 - 106 Street
Edmonton AB T5K 2N2
Where can I get information about Alberta's employment standards?

You can find Employment Standards information by:

Is there any action I can take to resolve my concerns without direct government intervention?

Yes.  Before filing a written complaint, employees are expected to attempt recovery of unpaid earnings directly with their employer.  In order to assist you in this regard, Employment Standards has designed an Employee Self-Help Kit.

Must a Self-Help Kit be used in all circumstances?

An employee is not required to use the Self-Help Kit in the following circumstances:

Document Title and Description Date
Employee Self-Help Kit

If none of the above circumstances apply to you, proceed with the Employee Self-Help Kit. The Self-Help Kit is the first step in trying to settle your dispute for outstanding earnings.  The Self-Help Kit has been designed to provide you and your employer with relevant information on basic employee/employer rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

01/04/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)
Complaint by Employee

If any of the above circumstances apply to you, or you have already used the Self-Help Kit, proceed directly to the Complaint by Employee.  Complete and deliver the Complaint by Employee Form if you were unable to resolve your employee/employer differences yourself.

01/04/05  This file is in Portable Document format (PDF)

Can I file a confidential complaint regarding my current employment?

Yes. Employment Standards will accept a written complaint from a current employee and endeavor to resolve the matter without revealing the name of the employee. For more information, see Filing a Confidential Complaint.

Created: 2006-03-17
Reviewed: 2006-06-30