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Tax and Revenue Administration
Client Survey Results

Released: December 1999
Produced by: Alberta Treasury, Tax and Revenue Administration
For more information: tra.revenue@gov.ab.ca




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Tax and Revenue Administration (TRA) conducts an annual survey to determine the satisfaction of its "clients" (the people who deal with TRA) with the administration of the tax and rebate programs, and with what it costs the clients to comply with the relevant legislation. The survey also provides space for comments and suggestions. Overall results of the surveys are included as performance measures in the departmental business plans.


In this year’s survey, the participants were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with factors relating to TRA’s service. A six point scale was used to measure the level of satisfaction with each factor. The scale included 6 Very Satisfied, 5 Satisfied, 4 Somewhat Satisfied, 3 Somewhat Dissatisfied, 2 Dissatisfied and 1 Very Dissatisfied. The scores for each question were added and the total divided by the number of people who answered the question. The result is then divided by 6 (6 being a perfect score) and the result shown is the level of satisfaction with that particular service. The responses for questions relating to a functional area within TRA (e.g. Accounts Enquiries/Publications) are averaged to calculate the score shown in the comparative analysis. If fewer than 5 people in a particular tax or rebate program answered a question, the results for that question are not shown in that particular survey, because the result is not statistically relevant; however, those answers are included in the overall results shown, which is a summary of all responses regardless of the tax or rebate program.

Program Codes

The TRA program codes mean the following:

CIT - Corporate income tax
FICT - Financial institutions capital tax
ICT - Insurance corporations tax
ARTC - Alberta royalty tax credit
RCIT - Royalty credits for individuals and trusts
FTC - Fuel Tax Collectors
PTC - Propane Fuel Tax Collectors
IFTA - International fuel tax agreement (interjurisdictional carriers)
BD - Bulk fuel dealers (farm fuel benefits)
PR - Propane retailers (refunds for non-taxable propane sales)
TEFU - Tax-exempt fuel users (fuel tax rebates)
TT - Tobacco tax
AITE - Alberta Indian tax exemptions
HRT - Hotel room tax
HCR - Health Cost Recovery

TRA Response to Survey Results

TRA uses a random selection tool to send surveys to a portion of the clients in each tax or rebate program. The names of the persons to whom the survey is sent, and the names of those who responded, are kept confidential. The responses can only be viewed by the staff responsible for conducting the survey. If an account-specific question was asked or concern raised by a client, these staff will respond with the appropriate information. Otherwise, no individual responses are provided.

The results and the comments and suggestions, are compiled by the staff conducting the survey, and given in summary form to TRA. After they have been reviewed, TRA puts together an action plan to address the issues raised. In some cases, improvements can be made immediately; in other cases, the problem identified requires time and money to fix, and the solution can take several years.

Here are some examples of actions that have been taken or are underway, some of which are in response to comments and suggestions made on the 1998 survey:

  • Expanded bank payment options, allowing for payments under most TRA programs to be made at all Chartered Banks and most major Financial Institutions across Canada;
  • Added TRA’s website address to letters and forms (as they are revised);
  • Enhanced our telephone system for better service to clients;
  • Introduced the AT1 RSI (Alberta Return and Schedule Information) as an important feature of the corporate EFILE project;
  • Expanded the information and forms available on our website. All Information Circulars have been posted and we are in the process of posting our forms.

TRA Contact

For further information about TRA’s client survey, or about actions that have been taken or are planned for the future, call the Director, Tax Services at (780) 427-9425, or send a letter, fax or e-mail to TRA (e-mail address: tra.revenue@gov.ab.ca).


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