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Value-added upgrading of Alberta's energy resources is a priority for the Alberta government.

Petrochemical production is one of the largest manufacturing industries in Alberta, accounting for over $9 billion worth of products and $5.3 billion worth of exports each year. The industry directly employs more than 6,500 Albertans with a combined payroll of nearly $400 million. Alberta is Canada's leading petrochemicals manufacturer and home to four petrochemical plants with a combined annual production capacity of 8.6 billion pounds. Two of those plants - at Joffre and Fort Saskatchewan - are the world's largest.

Polyethylene cord and rope, flexible packaging material, polystyrene cups and other consumer products, such as nylon and plastics are all examples of petrochemical-based products developed from Alberta's natural gas liquids and crude oil - products used in our day-to-day lives.

The viability of the province's current petrochemical industry is based on access to a long-term secure and economic supply of natural gas liquid (NGL) feedstock - especially ethane - and the ability to develop suitable competitively priced products for international markets. Alberta Energy works with stakeholders to identify their concerns and to assist in securing and expanding sustainable feedstock supplies, both conventional (natural gas) and non-conventional (oil sands) to enhance opportunities in the petrochemical sector for Alberta.

The petrochemical industry has invested approximately $9 billion in Alberta since the 1970s to substantially increase production capacity for ethylene, polyethylene, ethylene glycol and linear olefins. For example, ethylene production has nearly doubled in recent years as a result of expansions at both Joffre and Fort Saskatchewan.
Learn more about petrochemicals>>

Energy Facts
Petrochemicals are made by processing and reprocessing natural gas and oil.