December 30, 2003

Gas rebate kicks in at $2.50 per gigajoule for January

Residential consumers will see a reduction of about $58 on their bills

Edmonton...Recent increases in natural gas utility prices have activated a $2.50 per gigajoule (GJ) rebate for January 2004 at "step two" of Alberta's tiered Natural Gas Rebate Program (NGRP).

Gas prices for most consumers will be reduced to $5.10 per gigajoule from about $7.60 per gigajoule. As a result, the average Alberta household that consumes about 23 GJ of gas in January will see a reduction of about $57.50 on their bills.

"January's gas rates are high, and, as promised, a rebate has automatically kicked in to help Albertans with their utility bills," Premier Ralph Klein said. "This is a full winter program, so we'll keep a close eye on the prices consumers will pay over the months of February and March as well."

The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board has verified January's gas utility rates for ATCO Gas South, ATCO Gas North, and AltaGas Utilities will all exceed the $7.50 per GJ threshold and be less than $9.00 per GJ. In order to trigger a rebate, two of the three major gas utility companies serving the province must be charging over $5.50 per GJ.

Regulated gas utility

January gas costs
on consumers'

January gas costs
exceed $7.50/GJ

December gas
costs on
consumers' bills

November gas
costs on
consumers' bills

ATCO Gas South





ATCO Gas North





AltaGas Utilities





More than one million natural gas users will receive rebates under the revised NGRP. The same $2.50 per GJ rebate will be provided to all eligible residential, commercial and industrial consumers, whether they buy gas from an investor-owned gas utility, a municipally owned gas utility, a rural gas co-operative or have signed a natural gas contract with a retailer or direct marketer. Industrial consumers will be limited to 5,000 GJ per month per meter, or the equivalent amount for other fuels. The oil and gas sector is not eligible.

Homeowners, condominium associations, landlords, farms, businesses, municipal and community buildings, non-profit operations, schools, hospitals, as well as propane, kerosene and heating oil users are all eligible for winter rebates.

Most natural gas consumers who have a gas meter will have their rebate deducted from their bills. Rebates for propane, kerosene and heating oil users will be based on purchases that occur within the month in which a rebate has been activated, rather than on consumption.

"The rebate is for natural gas used in January. However, due to monthly billing cycles, consumers may see their January consumption and the related rebate spread between their January and February bills," Alberta Energy Minister Murray Smith said. "We don't know what February prices will look like, as natural gas is a volatile commodity, but if prices remain over $5.50 per GJ, the rebate program will continue to offset bills."

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More information on the Alberta government's Natural Gas Rebate Program can be found on the Alberta government's web site at: <>.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Background information on how the rebate program works is attached.

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Gordon Vincent
Alberta Energy Communications
Tel: (780) 422-3667


December 30, 2003

Natural Gas Rebates

Alberta's Natural Gas Rebate Program is in place to provide protection from high gas prices when consumers need it most. For the majority of Albertans this is over the winter months of November to March, when natural gas prices and consumption needs are traditionally highest. If during any of these months, a rebate is activated due to high natural gas prices, all eligible natural gas consumers will receive the same $ per gigajoule rebate.

The rebate program is in effect for a three-year term ending March 31, 2006.

Here's how the Natural Gas Rebate Program works

How are natural gas utility prices set?

Who is eligible for gas rebates?

Who is not eligible for gas rebates?

Who needs to apply to get their rebate?

How to Apply

How this rebate benefits residential consumers, communities and businesses:


Average Monthly consumption (GJ)

Amount saved with a $2.50/GJ rebate

Residential consumer


$ 57.50

Small church


$ 82.50

Seniors' centre


$ 125.00

Convenience store


$ 250.00

Community hall


$ 325.00

Fast food restaurant


$ 875.00

Small rink


$ 2,000.00

Swimming pool


$ 4,250.00

Large leisure centre



For further information, contact:

Gordon Vincent
Alberta Energy Communications
Tel: (780) 422-3667

For more information on the Alberta government's Natural Gas Rebate Program, go to

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