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Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio
Important information about this vaccine

What are Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio?

Diphtheria is caused by bacteria infecting the nose and throat so children may have trouble breathing or they may have skin or ear infections. The bacteria also produces a poison that can cause paralysis or heart damage. Before routine immunization against diphtheria, it was one of the most common causes of death in children under five years of age, especially babies.

Pertussis (whooping cough) causes coughing spells so severe that a child has a hard time breathing or eating. Coughing can last for weeks or months. Children with serious complications may require long hospitalization. Pneumonia, convulsions, brain injury and death may occur. Complications of whooping cough are more severe in babies.

Tetanus (lockjaw) can happen when tetanus bacteria, which can be found in soil, gets into wounds. The bacteria make a poison, which is absorbed by the body’s muscles, causing severe spasms. Even with modern medicine, about 10 to 20 per cent of people who get tetanus die.

Poliomyelitis (polio) is caused by a virus. One person in 100 infected with the polio virus is paralyzed and the paralysis may be permanent and crippling. Before the development of a vaccine, thousands of cases of paralysis and hundreds of deaths from polio occurred each year in Canada. Since polio vaccine became available in the mid-1950’s, polio disease has been virtually eliminated in North and South America and is under control in several other parts of he world. However, polio still exists in some countries and could return to Canada through the travels of people who have not been immunized. Until polio is eliminated on a worldwide basis, the risk to Canadians who are not immunized is high.

If we do not protect our children with vaccines, the risk of these diseases will increase again.

Who should receive the DTaP-IPV vaccine?

Children should receive this vaccine when they are between four and six years of age. Each vaccine contains a tiny amount of the virus or bacteria that has been changed. It doesn’t cause the disease, but allows our bodies to develop protection against each disease.

DTaP-IPV (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis and Polio) is a combination vaccine given in one needle. Combination vaccines are very effective and do not cause more side effects than if given by separate needles.

These vaccines, plus the vaccine to protect against Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) infection, are given in a “series” beginning at two months of age. Hib vaccine is given to infants to protect them from serious infections caused by Hib and is not required for children over five years of age. The dose given to preschool age children does not include the Hib vaccine.

Protection is best if your child has the entire series at the recommended ages. But it is never too late to start.

Boosters of tetanus and diphtheria are recommended every 10 years.

Is the DTaP-IPV vaccine safe?

Yes, this vaccine is safe. There are no living bacteria or viruses in the vaccine. You cannot get the diseases from the vaccine. In Canada, each vaccine must first undergo laboratory and field-testing and pass a rigorous licensing procedure with the federal government before it is introduced. Once a vaccine has been approved, every lot is tested for safety and quality. In addition, vaccines are continuously monitored for side effects.

What if your child is allergic to latex or thimerosal?

They may still receive this vaccine because latex and thimerosal are not in the vaccine or the packaging.

What are the side effects of DTaP-IPV vaccine?

There can be some side effects with DTaP-IPV vaccine. For a day or two, some children may:

  • have a slight fever.
  • be irritable.
  • have redness, swelling and soreness in the area where the needle was given (there may be slightly more swelling with the fourth and/or fifth dose of this vaccine series).
  • get a small painless lump where the needle was given (usually disappears in less than two months.

As with any immunization, unexpected or unusual side effects can occur. Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) are rare, occurring at a rate of approximately 0.2 reports per 100,000 doses of vaccines distributed.

What should you do if your child has a reaction to the vaccine?

  • For pain or swelling where the needle was given, apply a cool moist towel to the area for about 15 minutes. Repeat as needed.
  • Use acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol® or Tempra®) if your child has pain or a fever (temperature over 38.5°C or 100.4°F).

Note: Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA or Aspirin®) is not recommended for persons less than 18 years of age because of increased risk of Reye’s syndrome.

  • Call your local public health unit or doctor if you have questions or if your child has an unusual reaction to the vaccine.

Talk to a public health nurse or your child’s doctor before getting this vaccine, if the child:

  • is sick now with something more serious than a cold or has a fever greater than 38.5°C (101.3°F).
  • has severe allergies to any part of the vaccine.
  • is severely allergic to any foods, drugs, bee stings, etc.
  • has a weakened immune system (immune compromised).

Your child should not get the vaccine if he/she:

  • has had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to a previous dose of this vaccine or to a component of this vaccine.

For more information

Call your local public health office.

Also available in PDF- CD0088


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