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Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 2 - Water Quality Guide

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 Table 1 Causes and Symptoms of Some Waterborne Diseases
DiseaseMicrobiological AgentSymptoms
Bacterial gastroenteritisBacteria - various organisms including E. coliDiarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting
CampylobacteriosisBacteria - campylobacter jejuniFever, abdominal pain, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
CryptosporidiosisProtozoa - cryptosporidiaDiarrhea, abdominal discomfort, slight fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches
Cyclospora infectionProtozoa - cyclosporaDiarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever
GiardiasisProtozoa - giardiaDiarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, chills, headache, fever
HepatitisVirus - hepatitis AFever, chills, abdominal pains, jaundice, dark urine
ShigellosisBacteria - shigellaDiarrhea, or bloody diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps
Typhoid feverBacteria - samonella typhiHigh fever, headache, constipation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal rash
Viral gastroenteritisViruses - Norwalk type, rotaviruses, adenoviruses, enterovirusesDiarrhea, vomiting, fever, headache, abdominal cramps

Table 2 Chemicals and Their Associated Risk to Human Health
ChemicalSourcePotential Health EffectCanadian Drinking Water
Quality Guideline (mg/L)
AluminumNatural deposits in earth and aluminum-based coagulantsUnknown; unproven links to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseasesUnder review
BariumNatural deposits in earthCirculatory system effects1
BoronNatural deposits in earthDamage to reproductive system5
CopperNatural deposits; corrosion products from pipingGastrointestinal irritation at levels much higher than guideline1*
LeadNatural deposit and corrosion products from piping, solder, and some brass alloysDamage to kidneys, reproductive and nervous systems; development damage in young children0.01
NitrateFertilizers; human or animal wastesMethemoglobinemia in infants under six months; unproven link to some cancers45
Pesticides (including various fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides and insecticides)Agricultural activities (spraying and water runoff)Various effects depending upon type of pesticide; suggested links to cancers, damage to liver, kidneys, nervous and reproductive systemsVaries depending upon pesticide (see Health Canada website or contact local health authority for specific details)
Petroleum hydrocarbonsLeak in fuel oil or gasoline tanks allowing seepage into waterSome hydrocarbons have been linked to various cancers, damage to liver, kidneys, nervous systemUnder review
Phytoplankton toxinsNatural toxins produced and released by microscopic plants and algaeLiver and nervous system damageUnder review
Sodium*Natural deposits in earthHealth risk only for individuals on salt-restricted
SulphateNatural deposits in earth; some flocculantsAt elevated levels causes laxative effect leading to dehydration500***
TrihalomethanesBy-products of disinfection of waterCancer0.1****
TurbiditySuspended mineral or organic materialShelters pathogens from disinfection.
Increases requirement for disinfectant
1 NTU*****
* Guideline established based on aesthetic quality. Adverse health effects are possible at levels much higher than guideline.
** Guideline established based on aesthetic quality. Adverse health effects possible only for those on salt-restricted diets.
*** Guideline established based on aesthetic quality. Consumption of water with elevated levels of sulphates may result in gastrointestinal irritation including diarrhea.
**** Average of four quarterly samples.
***** Nethelometric Turbidity Units

Table 3 Chemical Agents and Microbiological Species Affecting Aesthetic Quality of Water
CalciumNatural deposits (limestone)Hard water; scales and deposits in kettles and water heaters
CopperNatural deposits; corrosion products from pipingGreen staining of fixtures; metallic taste
Hydrogen SulphidePresent in water with high iron content and low pHRotten egg odour
IronNatural deposits and iron-based coagulantsRusty reddish-brown staining of fixtures and laundry; metallic taste
Iron bacteriaBacteria feeding on iron in waterReddish-brown slime on fixtures
MagnesiumNatural depositsHard water; scales and deposits in kettles and water heaters
ManganeseNatural depositsBlack staining of fixtures and laundry; metallic taste
SodiumNatural depositsSalty taste
SulphateNatural deposits; some flocculantsObjectionable taste
SulphateBacteria feeding on sulphates in waterRotten egg odour; blackish slime on fixtures
Tannins and Humic AcidsNatural organic matter (decaying plants and animals)Various odours (aromatic, fishy, musty, earthy, woody) and tastes
TurbidityExcessively fine sand or silt; runoff from soilAbrasive texture to water; residue left in sink and tub
ZincNatural deposits; corrosion products from plumbingObjectionable metallic taste

Other Documents in the Series

  Quality Farm Dugouts
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 1 - History
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 2 - Understanding Prairie Dugouts
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 3 - Planning
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 4 - Design and Construction
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 5 - Operating Systems
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 6 - Water Quality for Domestic and Drinking Water Supplies
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 7 - Water Treatment for Domestic Water Supplies
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 8 - Dugout Maintenance
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 9 - Trouble Shooting Guide for Dugout Problems
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 1- Provincial Regulations
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 2 - Water Quality Guide - Current Document
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 3 - Using Copper Products to Control Cyanobacteria
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 4 - Contacts and References
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Bob Buchanan.
This document is maintained by George Ragan.
This information published to the web on December 20, 2005.

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