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Alberta 2006 Crop Reporting Program

 The objective of the crop report is to capture information related to crop production in Alberta during the current crop season. The information is collected mostly through surveys and may include moisture and crop conditions, progress of seeding and harvesting, insect and disease situation, yield potential and crop quality, etc. The delivery of the Alberta Crop Reporting Program is done in partnership with Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) and a number of Agricultural Fieldmen.
Data and information collected from surveys, along with precipitation data and information from other sources, will be used to compile the Alberta crop report, which will be released in the form of provincial and regional summaries.

The crop report provides useful information which is used to validate some of the Alberta crop estimates generated by Statistics Canada. The report is also used by industry and other stakeholders to assist in drought monitoring, forecasting of production insurance payment and other purposes.

The Alberta 2006 crop report series will consist of 12 biweekly reports (six from AFSC and six from AAFRD), with a final summary report to be released by AAFRD in January 2007 (see schedule below). For information on the AFSC crop report, please contact James Wright at (403) 782-8336. For information on the AAFRD crop report, please contact Chuanliang Su at (780) 422-2887.

The assistance of industry and government stakeholders, particularly Agricultural Fieldmen and AFSC, is very much appreciated.

Alberta 2006 Crop Report Release Schedule

Crop Report Number
Release Date
Prepared by
Contact Person
Telephone Number
1May 16AFSCJames Wright(403) 782-8336
2May 30AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
3June 13AFSCJames Wright(403) 782-8336
4June 27AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
5July 11AFSCJames Wright(403) 782-8336
6July 25AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
7Aug 9AFSCJames Wright(403) 782-8336
8Aug 22AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
9Sept 6AFSCJames Wright(403) 782-8336
10Sept 19AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
11Oct 3AFSCJames Wright(403) 782-8336
12Oct 17AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
Crop Season in ReviewJan 2007AAFRDChuanliang Su(780) 422-2887
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Chuanliang Su.
This document is maintained by Gail Atkinson.
This information published to the web on April 19, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 20, 2006.

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