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Alberta Crop Report - July 6, 2006

 This information has been made available by Agriculture Financial Services.

The July 6, 2006 Crop Report is also available as a PDF file on the AFSC website.

Prepared by:
James Wright
Project Manager
Research and Program Development
Lacombe, AB
Telephone: (403)782-8336

Hot weather predominated across the province over the past 2 week period with some spotty thunderstorm activity. Some hail was reported from these storms but damage has been light in most areas. The almost ideal growing conditions experienced thus far this year has resulted in very lush plant growth, which provides the potential for significant leaf diseases, and in shallow rooting, which could make the crop prone to moisture stress. Moisture stress is of great importance as most crops are now entering their extremely sensitive pollination and filling stages.

Surface moisture in the top 6” is rated 23% poor/ 33% fair/ 32% good/ 12% excellent. Subsoil moisture ratings are higher at 16% poor/ 25% fair/ 42% good/ 17% excellent provided the crops can make use of it.

The lengthy period of hot weather has allowed producers to make good progress on the 1st cut hay harvest. The dryland harvest is 50% completed with good to very good yields and quality. Tame hay conditions are rated 8% poor/ 27% fair/ 47% good/ 18% excellent. Pastures are rated 12% poor/ 32% fair/ 41% good/ 15% excellent.

Lethbridge Region
The hot weather advanced crop growth and provided some improvement to those crops that were late seeded or suffering due to too much moisture. Crops are rated very good throughout the region with the poor to fair rated crops being those which were late seeded or under too much moisture. Surface moisture is rated 1% poor/ 18% fair/ 47% good/ 34% excellent. Subsoil moisture is rated 3% poor/ 20% fair/ 35% good/ 41% excellent. There are reports of moderate infestations of lygus bugs in some areas but other insects are not a problem this year.

The harvest of the 1st cut dryland hay crop is 33% completed. Progress has been slower than normal due to heavy swaths and high humidity. Yields are good to excellent at 1.5 – 2 tons/acre and good quality. 60% of the 1st cut irrigated alfalfa hay is harvested. Yields are good in the 2.5 – 3 ton/acre range but quality is rated as fair to good as some of the crop was already swathed prior to the rains of two weeks ago. Tame hay is rated 0% poor/ 18% fair/ 46% good/ 36% excellent. Pastures are rated 1% poor/ 20% fair/ 45% good/ 34% excellent.

Red Deer Region
Crops are good to excellent in all areas of the region. Some areas will require precipitation shortly due to the lush growth and high moisture requirements. Insect pests have generally not been a problem this year. Surface soil moisture is rated 17% poor/ 35% fair/ 30% good/ 18% excellent. Subsoil moisture is rated 2% poor/ 15% fair/53% good/ 30% excellent.

30% of the 1st cut dryland hay crop has been baled. Yields are good in the 1.5 – 2 ton/acre range and quality is very good. Tame hay is rated 0% poor/ 10% fair/ 56% good/ 34% excellent. Pastures are rated 0% poor/ 22% fair/ 51% good/ 27% excellent.

Camrose Region
The hot weather has crops across the region exhibiting signs of moisture stress, especially those crops grown on poorer soils. Surface moisture is rated as 31% poor/ 42% fair/ 26% good/ 1% excellent. Subsoil moisture is rated 15% poor/ 35% fair/ 47% good/ 3% excellent. Soil moisture conditions are generally slightly drier in the east/central/NE portions of the region in comparison to the west and NW portions. Insect infestations have not been a concern this year with the exception of a moderate infestation of grasshoppers in some areas of the NW.

60% of the 1st cut hay crop has been harvested. Yields and quality have been very good in the east, central and NE portion ranging 1.5 – 2 tons/acre. Yields have been extremely variable in the west and NW portion reporting yields of 1 – 2.5 tons/acre. Quality is reported to be excellent. Tame hay is rated 7% poor/ 30% fair/ 52% good/ 11% excellent. Pastures are rated 15% poor/ 42% fair/39% good/ 4% excellent.

Fairview Region
The region is varying back and forth between dry and adequate moisture conditions. The growing season began early into dry soil moisture conditions. Precipitation in June improved soil moisture significantly but the region has returned to dry conditions as a result of the hot weather received over the past two weeks. Surface moisture is rated as 40% poor/ 27% fair/ 31% good/ 2% excellent. Subsoil moisture is rated 47% poor/ 24% fair/ 24% good/ 5% excellent. Grasshoppers are the only insect infestation of concern with 13% of the region rating them as a moderate infestation and 6% rating the infestation as over threshold.

55% of the 1st cut hay crop has been harvested. Yields are fair at 0.8 – 1 ton/ac range showing the effects of the dry spring conditions. Hay quality is rated fair to good. Tame hay is rated 28% poor/ 37% fair/ 34% good/ 1% excellent. Pastures in the region are rated 32% poor/ 36% fair/ 30% good/ 2% excellent.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on July 13, 2006.

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