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Chapter H‑12

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Jurisdiction of regional health authority

Part 1
Non‑regional Hospitals

                3       Order rescinding hospital district - transitional

                4       Plan for hospital facilities 

                5       Board of management

                6       Regulations 

                7       Minister acting instead of municipality

                8       Dismissal of board members

Part 2
Operation of Approved Hospitals

                9       Definitions 

              10       Governing board 

              11       Bylaws

              12       Board is final authority

              13       Access to facilities

              14       Responsibility of medical staff 

              15       Hospital services utilization committee

              16       Protection to hospital staff review committee

              17       Medical staff bylaws

              18       Hospital Privileges Appeal Board

              19       Rules re hearings

              20       Deemed decision not to re‑appoint

              21       Appeal to Appeal Board

              22       Model bylaws

              23       Administrator

              24       Records of treatment

              25       Information to Minister

              26       Inquiry re management

              27       Investigation or mediation committee

              28       Regulations 

              29       Committee of inquiry

              30       Liability for hospital charges

              31       Discharge or transfer of patients

              32       Removal of discharged patients

              33       Registration of births

              34       Notice of board appointments

              35       Withholding of grants 

Part 3
Hospitalization Benefits Plan

              36       Definitions 

              37       Insured services

              38       Entitlement to insured services 

              39       Recovery of cost of services 

              40       Payment for insured services 

              41       Operating costs 

              42       Debentures

              43       Regulations 

              44       Group contracts 

              45       Agreements

              46       Penalty

              47       Use of word hospital

Part 4
Hospital Foundations

              48       Definitions 

              49       Establishment, status and composition

              50       Chair 

              51       Bylaws and frequency of meetings

              52       Objects

              53       Transfer of property to board

              54       Transfer of board property 

              55       Payments to trustees

              56       Fiscal year and annual report

              57       Non‑application of Loan and Trust Corporations Act

              58       Prohibitions against establishing and operating
hospital foundations

              59       Winding‑up

              60       Regulations 

Part 5
s Right to Recover Health Costs

              61       Definitions

           61.1       Application of s626.1, Insurance Act

Division 1
s Right of Recovery

              62       Crowns right of recovery

        63,64       Determining contributory negligence

              65       Commencement of Crowns right

              66       Interest

              67       Limitation period

              68       Settlement

              69       Directors certificate

              70       Priority of beneficiarys payments

              71       Structural settlements - terms and conditions

              72       Beneficiarys duty

              73       Information from beneficiary

              74       Beneficiarys duty to co‑operate

              75       Insurers duty

              76       Information relating to health services

              77       Structured settlements

              78       Wrongdoers insurance

              79       Order for information and documents

              80       Offence

              81       Order for medical examination

Division 2
s Cost of Health Services -
Automobile Accidents

              82       Aggregate assessment

              83       Procedure for establishing aggregate assessment

              84       Automobile insurers duty to provide information

              85       Assessment factor

              86       Automobile insurers duty to pay

              87       Duty to report premiums

              88       Interest

              89       Duty to provide other information

              90       Estimate of amounts payable

              91       Review

              92       Examination of automobile insurers books

              93       Civil action

Division 3

              94       Appointment of Director

              95       Certain powers of the Director

              96       Regulations

              97       Extinguishment of certain rights

              98       Transitional

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “Appeal Board” means the Hospital Privileges Appeal Board established under section 18;

                                 (b)    “approved hospital” means a hospital designated by the Minister as an approved hospital pursuant to Part 2;

                                 (c)    “auxiliary hospital” means a hospital for the treatment of long‑term or chronic illnesses, diseases or infirmities;

                                 (d)    “board of management” means a board of management referred to in section 5;

                                 (e)    “council” means

                                           (i)    in the case of a city, town, village or municipal district, its council,

                                          (ii)    in the case of an improvement district, the Minister responsible for the Municipal Government Act,

                                         (iii)    in the case of a special area, the Minister responsible for the Special Areas Act, and

                                         (iv)    in the case of a national park, its superintendent;

                                  (f)    “general hospital” means a hospital providing diagnostic services and facilities for medical or surgical treatment in the acute phase for adults and children and obstetrical care, or any of them;

                                 (g)    “health region” means a health region established under the Regional Health Authorities Act;

                                 (h)    “hospital” means an institution operated for the care of diseased, injured, sick or mentally disordered people;

                                  (i)    “included municipality” means a municipality the whole or a part of which is included in a health region;

                                  (j)    “Minister” means the Minister determined under section 16 of the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for this Act;

                                 (k)    “municipality” means a city, town, village, summer village, municipal district, improvement district and special area;

                                  (l)    “non‑regional hospital” means a hospital that is owned or operated by a person other than a regional health authority;

                                (m)    “nursing home” means a nursing home as defined in the Nursing Homes Act;

                                 (n)    “physician” means

                                           (i)    with reference to medical services provided in Alberta, a person registered as a medical practitioner or a practitioner of osteopathy under the Medical Profession Act, and

                                          (ii)    with reference to medical services provided in a place outside Alberta, a person lawfully entitled to practise medicine or osteopathy in that place;

                                 (o)    “regional health authority” means a regional health authority constituted under the Regional Health Authorities Act;

                                 (p)    “resident of Alberta” means a person entitled by law to reside in Canada who makes the person’s home and is ordinarily present in Alberta, but does not include a tourist, transient or visitor to Alberta.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s1;1983 c81 s5(2);1985 cN‑14.1 s39;
1988 cM‑13.1 s55;1989 cD‑21.5 s13;1994 cM‑26.1 s642(29);
1994 cR‑9.07 s25(15);1995 c24 s99(8);1996 c22 s1(2)

Jurisdiction of regional health authority

2(1)  Where an order establishing a district is rescinded under section 8(4) of the Hospitals Act (RSA 1980 cH­-11) as it read on July 31, 1996 and the district is located in a health region under the Regional Health Authorities Act, then, subject to the regulations under subsection (2), for the purpose of the administration of this Act in that part of the health region that formerly constituted the district, the regional health authority has the power, authority and jurisdiction and is subject to the duties and obligations that the district board had and was subject to.

(2)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    providing for the non‑application of provisions of this Act or the regulations under it in a case where subsection (1) applies,

                                 (b)    varying the application of provisions of this Act or the regulations under it in a case where subsection (1) applies, and

                                 (c)    respecting any other matters the Lieutenant Governor considers necessary in a case where subsection (1) applies

for the purpose of facilitating the administration of this Act in such a case.

1994 cR‑9.07 s25(15)

Part 1
Non‑regional Hospitals

Order rescinding hospital district - transitional

3   Without limiting the generality of section 8(4) of the Hospitals Act  (RSA 1980 cH-11) as it read on July 31, 1996, an order rescinding an order under section 8(2) of that Act as it read on July 31, 1996 may contain any provisions the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary

                                 (a)    to provide for the transfer of the assets and property of the district to a regional health authority under the Regional Health Authorities Act,

                                 (b)    to provide for the assumption of liabilities and obligations of the district by a regional health authority under the Regional Health Authorities Act, and

                                 (c)    to facilitate the taking over of the affairs of the district by a regional health authority under the Regional Health Authorities Act.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s8;1983 c81 s5(8);1985 cN‑14.1 s39;
1994 cR‑9.07 s25(15);1996 c22 s1(5)

Plan for hospital facilities

4(1)  On the request of the owner of a non‑regional hospital that serves a health region, or on the request of the regional health authority, the Minister may cause a plan to be prepared for the use of the services of the non‑regional hospital by the regional health authority and for the integration of the operation, management and financing of all hospitals serving the health region.

(2)  On being satisfied that a plan prepared pursuant to subsection (1) meets the needs of the regional health authority and the owners of the non‑regional hospitals and serves the interests of the residents of the health region, the Minister may, by order, declare the plan to be in force in the health region.

(3)  After consultation with the regional health authority and the owners of non‑regional hospitals who are parties to a plan prepared pursuant to this section, the Minister, by order,

                                 (a)    may amend the plan, and

                                 (b)    may, on reasonable notice in writing to the parties, terminate the plan.

(4)  An order terminating a plan under subsection (3) may contain any provisions the Minister considers necessary

                                 (a)    to provide for the disposition of assets and property;

                                 (b)    to provide for the assumption of liabilities and obligations;

                                 (c)    to facilitate the winding‑up of the plan.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s11;1985 cN‑14.1 s39;1996 c22 s1(6)

Board of management

5(1)  A plan under section 4 may require the establishment of a board of management for a non‑regional hospital consisting of members appointed by the regional health authority and a greater number of members appointed by the owner of the non‑regional hospital.

(2)  On the coming into force of a plan under section 4 that requires a board of management for a non‑regional hospital, the board of management

                                 (a)    is on that coming into force constituted as a corporation with the name and membership given in the plan and with the powers, objects and duties necessary for it to operate and administer the affairs of the hospital, except the power to dispose of the real and personal property of the non‑regional hospital, and

                                 (b)    becomes the governing board of the hospital and has full control of the hospital and has absolute and final authority and responsibility in respect of all matters appertaining to the operation of the hospital,

subject to any limitations on its authority imposed by statute or the regulations or the plan.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s12;1996 c22 s1(7)


6   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations to carry out the intent of this Part and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, may make regulations to

                                 (a)    govern the manner of appointment, including nomination of members of boards of management;

                                 (b)    subject to the Local Authorities Election Act and the regulations under that Act, govern the qualifications for membership and conditions of disqualification from membership, terms of office, procedure for filling vacancies, and other matters pertaining to members of boards of management;

                                 (c)    govern the election of officers, fixing quorums, times of meetings, books and records to be kept, reports and returns to be made, travelling and expense allowances to be paid and other matters pertaining to the organization of boards of management and the management of their affairs;

                                 (d)    prescribe the manner in which boards of management may borrow money and fix the rate of interest on it, fix the terms of borrowing and the periods of borrowing;

                                 (e)    prescribe conditions that must be contained in or that apply to plans prepared pursuant to section 4 and other matters that are relevant to the relationship between regional health authorities and the owners of non‑regional hospitals;

                                  (f)    prescribe any procedures relating to the provision of financial assistance to a board of management or the owner of a non‑regional hospital by a regional health authority pursuant to a plan under section 4.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s14;1983 cL‑27.5 s162;1983 c81 s5(10);
1985 cN‑14.1 s39;1994 cM‑26.1 s642(29);1996 c22 s1(9)

Minister acting instead of municipality

7   When under this Act an act or thing is directed to be done forthwith or within a specified time by an included municipality or by a council of it or by a regional health authority or board of management or by an officer of one of those bodies and the act or thing is not done, the Minister may do the act or thing with the same effect as if it had been done by that body.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s24;1996 c22 s1(11)

Dismissal of board members

8(1)  The Minister by order may for cause dismiss the members of a board of management and appoint an official administrator in their place.

(2)  An official administrator appointed under this section

                                 (a)    has the powers and authorities conferred by this Act on a board of management,

                                 (b)    shall perform all the duties of a board of management, and

                                 (c)    shall be paid the salary the Minister determines together with proper expenses, as an operating expense of the regional health authority.

(3)  The Minister may by order terminate at any time the appointment of an official administrator and restore the affairs of the board of management to an authority selected pursuant to the regulations.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s25;1985 cN‑14.1 s39;1996 c22 s1(12)

Part 2
Operation of Approved Hospitals


9   In this Part,

                                 (a)    “administrator” means the person who is the most senior official in the administrative organization of a hospital and is responsible for the day to day operation and management of the affairs of the hospital;

                                 (b)    “Associations” means the Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta, The Alberta Medical Association (C.M.A.‑Alberta Division), the Alberta Association and College of Registered Nurses, the Alberta College of Pharmacists and any professional association that is representative of a group of employees or of professional staff or medical staff of a hospital;

                                 (c)    “board” means the corporate body or person that owns or operates a hospital, and includes a regional health authority;

                                 (d)    “medical staff” means the physicians appointed by a board to serve as the medical staff of a hospital or hospitals owned or operated by the board;

                                 (e)    “patient” means a person who is admitted to the hospital as an in‑patient or as an out‑patient for diagnosis or treatment services, or both;

                                  (f)    “professional staff” means professional staff as defined in the regulations.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s9;RSA 2000 cH‑7 s147

Governing board

10(1)  Each approved hospital must have a governing board and, subject to any limitations of its authority imposed by Acts of the Legislature and regulations under it, the board has full control of that hospital and has absolute and final authority in respect of all matters pertaining to the operation of the hospital.

(2)  A board may be the board of more than one approved hospital.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s27;1996 c22 s1(14)


11(1)  The board of each approved hospital shall enact general bylaws governing the organization, management and operation of the hospital that it owns or operates.

(2)  The board or the administrator shall send to the Minister a true copy of all general bylaws enacted including all amendments, variations or repeals.

(3)  General bylaws enacted by a board shall provide for the adoption of rules that may govern the duties and responsibilities of the administrator and other hospital staff, the detailed organization and administration of hospital departments and any other matters the board considers to be necessary or desirable.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s28;1996 c22 s1(15)

Board is final authority

12   The board has final authority in respect of the appointment of the medical staff of the approved hospitals it owns or operates.

1996 c22 s1(16)

Access to facilities

13   The board may grant physicians and other health care practitioners access to hospital facilities on any terms and conditions set out in the medical staff bylaws, the general bylaws or any contract for services or employment.

1996 c22 s1(16)

Responsibility of medical staff

14   The medical staff of an approved hospital is responsible to the board

                                 (a)    for the quality of the professional services provided by the medical staff,

                                 (b)    for reviewing professional practices of the medical staff,

                                 (c)    for the improvement of the care of patients under the care of the medical staff, and

                                 (d)    for the clinical and scientific work of the medical staff.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s29;1996 c22 s1(17)

Hospital services utilization committee

15(1)  The general bylaws of a board shall provide for the establishment of a committee to be called the “hospital services utilization committee” and may prescribe the powers and duties of that committee.

(2)  The hospital services utilization committee of an approved hospital, in addition to its powers and duties under the general bylaws of the board,

                                 (a)    shall conduct a review of a continuing nature of the utilization of all hospital services, and

                                 (b)    is entitled to require from the board and its employees any information the committee reasonably requires for the purposes of its duties and access to the relevant records of the board for those purposes.

(3)  This section does not apply in the case of the Alberta Cancer Board.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s30;1982 c10 s8;1988 cM‑13.1 s55;
1994 cR‑9.07 s25(15);1996 c22 s1(18)

Protection to hospital staff review committee

16(1)  No action for defamation lies against any member of a hospital staff review committee in respect of

                                 (a)    advice given or statements, decisions or recommendations made in good faith to the board of an approved hospital by the committee, or

                                 (b)    anything done or omitted to be done by the member in good faith in the exercise of powers or performance of duties given to the committee by this Act, the regulations or the bylaws of the board or of the medical staff.

(2)  In this section, “hospital staff review committee” means a committee appointed by the board of an approved hospital or by the medical staff

                                 (a)    to evaluate and control clinical practice in the hospital on a continuing basis for the purpose of maintaining and improving the safety and quality of patient care, or

                                 (b)    to perform any functions in relation to the appraisal and control of the quality of patient care in the hospital.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s31;1996 c22 s1(19)

Medical staff bylaws

17(1)  The board of an approved hospital

                                 (a)    shall require the preparation and adoption of bylaws by its medical staff governing the organization and conduct of the medical staff practising in the hospital and the procedures whereby the medical staff must make recommendations to the board concerning the appointment, re‑appointment, termination or suspension of appointment of, and the delineation of hospital privileges of, members of the medical staff;

                                 (b)    may from time to time require the amendment or repeal of the bylaws of the medical staff.

(2)  Bylaws under this section are ineffective until they have been approved by the board and the Minister.

(3)  Where the board and the medical staff agree on the contents of bylaws under this section, the board shall send a true copy of the bylaws signed by the appropriate officers of the medical staff and of the board to the Minister for approval.

(4)  Where the board and the medical staff cannot agree on the contents of bylaws under this section, the board shall refer the draft bylaws and the matters in dispute to the Minister, whose decision is final, and the medical staff shall adopt the bylaws and the board shall approve them in accordance with the Minister’s decision.

(5)  The board and the medical staff may make independent written representations to the Minister on the matters in dispute.

(6)  Bylaws under this section must provide for

                                 (a)    the adoption of rules governing the day to day management of medical affairs in the hospital and the amendment or replacement of those rules from time to time as the need arises, and must provide that the rules become effective only on their approval by the board;

                                 (b)    a procedure for the review of decisions made by the medical staff or the board pertaining to or affecting the privileges of members of the medical staff;

                                 (c)    a procedure to ensure that all applications for appointment to the medical staff reach the board in the time prescribed in the bylaws, whether or not the appointment is recommended by the medical staff;

                                 (d)    a procedure to ensure that the board gives notice to an applicant for an appointment to the medical staff within a reasonable time of the decision of the board as to whether  the application has been accepted;

                                 (e)    mechanisms to ensure that the board considers medical staff input respecting patient care and that medical staff have input into strategic planning, community needs assessment, facility use management and quality assurance activities of the board;

                                  (f)    mechanisms to promote ethical behaviour, evidence‑based decision making and participation in continuing medical education by medical staff.

(7)  The board and the medical staff shall comply with bylaws under this section.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s32;1996 c22 s1(20)

Hospital Privileges Appeal Board

18(1)  There is hereby established the Hospital Privileges Appeal Board consisting of the following members appointed by the Minister, each for a term of not more than 3 years:

                                 (a)    2 physicians;

                                 (b)    one member of The Law Society of Alberta or of the judiciary;

                                 (c)    one member of a board of an approved hospital;

                                 (d)    one member of the Alberta Association and College of Registered Nurses;

                                 (e)    2 other persons.

(2)  The Minister shall designate one of the members to be chair.

(3)  The Minister may fill a vacancy on the Appeal Board by appointing a person as a member to fill the unexpired term of office of the former member, but no vacancy on the Appeal Board impairs the right of the remaining members to act until the vacancy is filled.

(4)  The members of the Appeal Board may be paid remuneration for their services and allowances for the expenses necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their duties at rates fixed by the Minister.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s18;RSA 2000 cH‑7 s147

Rules re hearings

19(1)  The Appeal Board may make rules not inconsistent with this Act governing the hearing of appeals.

(2)  A majority of the members then holding office constitutes a quorum at a hearing of the Appeal Board.

(3)  In the event of the absence or inability to act of the chair, the members present at a hearing of the Appeal Board may elect one of the members to be chair for the purposes of that hearing.

(4)  A party to an appeal to the Appeal Board may be represented by counsel at the hearing of the appeal.

(5)  The Appeal Board has, for the purposes of an appeal under section 21, the powers, privileges and immunities conferred on a commissioner under sections 3 and 4 of the Public Inquiries Act.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s34

Deemed decision not to re‑appoint

20(1)  For the purposes of an appeal under section 21, if a board does not re‑appoint a member of its medical staff who has applied for re‑appointment to the medical staff, it is deemed to have made a decision not to so re‑appoint that member.

(2)  For the purposes of subsection (1) and section 21, a regulated member of the Alberta Dental Association and College who has or who has had privileges in a hospital is deemed to be a member or former member of the medical staff.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s20;RSA 2000 cH‑7 s145;
2001 c21 s26;2005 c13 s5

Appeal to Appeal Board

21(1)  A member or former member of the medical staff of an approved hospital who feels personally aggrieved by a decision of the board of the approved hospital

                                 (a)    not to re‑appoint the member or former member as a member of the medical staff or to re‑appoint the member or former member with different hospital privileges than those that the member or former member had immediately prior to the re‑appointment,

                                 (b)    terminating or suspending

                                           (i)    the member’s or former member’s appointment as a member of the medical staff, or

                                          (ii)    the member’s or former member’s hospital privileges,


                                 (c)    varying the member’s or former member’s hospital privileges,

may appeal the decision by giving written notice of appeal to the Appeal Board within 90 days after receiving notice of the board’s decision.

(2)  The Appeal Board on hearing an appeal under this section may, by order, either

                                 (a)    confirm the decision of the board,

                                 (b)    direct that the former member be re‑appointed to the medical staff or that the member’s hospital privileges on re‑appointment be varied,

                                 (c)    direct the reinstatement of

                                           (i)    the former member’s appointment as a member of the medical staff, or

                                          (ii)    the member’s hospital privileges,

                                 (d)    remove or vary the suspension, or

                                 (e)    direct that the member’s hospital privileges be varied.

(3)  A person whose appeal is heard by the Appeal Board, or the board, may appeal an order of the Appeal Board on a matter of law only by filing an originating notice with the Court of Queen’s Bench within 30 days after being notified in writing of the order, and the Court may make any order that the Appeal Board may make under subsection (2) or may refer the matter back to the Appeal Board with any directions that the Court considers appropriate.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s36

Model bylaws

22(1)  After consultation with the Associations, the Minister may prescribe

                                 (a)    model general bylaws for the guidance of boards of approved hospitals, and

                                 (b)    model bylaws of the medical staff for the guidance of physicians practising in an approved hospital and for the guidance of the board of an approved hospital.

(2)  In respect of model bylaws prescribed under subsection (1), the Minister may designate that the bylaws are applicable to all approved hospitals or to any type, grade or size‑group of approved hospitals the Minister may specify.

(3)  If model bylaws are prescribed pursuant to this section, the Minister may, by order, direct

                                 (a)    that bylaws of the same or like effect must be enacted by the board or must be prepared and adopted by the medical staff and approved by the board, as the case may be, in respect of all approved hospitals or in respect of the type, grade or size‑group of approved hospitals to which the model bylaws have been designated as applicable, and

                                 (b)    that true copies of the bylaws and amendments shall be sent to the Minister within 6 months of the date of publication of the Minister’s order.

(4)  The approval of a bylaw by the Minister may be withdrawn at any time by notice in writing to the board of the hospital and, on that withdrawal, the bylaw for which approval has been withdrawn ceases to have effect.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s37


23   The board of each approved hospital shall appoint an administrator and shall appoint or shall cause to be appointed, as the bylaws or regulations may require, any other officers and employees required for the efficient operation of the hospital and shall prescribe their duties, remuneration and other terms of employment.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s38

Records of treatment

24(1)  The board of each approved hospital shall cause to be kept by the attending physician or any other person providing diagnostic or treatment services to a patient a record of the diagnostic and treatment services provided in respect of each patient in order to assist in providing a high standard of medical care.

(1.1)  Except as permitted or required under this Act, a board or employee of a board, the Minister or a person authorized by the Minister or a physician may disclose health information obtained from hospital records or from persons having access to them only in accordance with the Health Information Act.

 (2)  For the purposes of assessing the standards of care furnished to patients, improving hospital or medical procedures, compiling medical statistics, conducting medical research, enforcing the Crown’s right of recovery under Part 5, or for any other purpose considered by the Minister to be in the public interest, the Minister, or a person authorized by the Minister, may require that all or any of the following be sent to the Minister or authorized person or a person designated by the Minister or authorized person:

                                 (a)    health information and other records of any patient;

                                 (b)    extracts from and copies of any health information or other records of any patient.

                                 (c)    repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117.

(3), (4)  Repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117.

(5)  The Minister or any person authorized by the Minister may, for the purpose of enforcing the Crown’s right of recovery under Part 5, disclose information obtained under subsection (2).

(6)  A board or employee of a board, the Minister or a person authorized by the Minister, or a physician or a member of a professional staff may

                        (a) – (c)    repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117,

                                 (d)    without the written consent of a patient, disclose health information relating to the patient to

                                           (i)    a Workers’ Compensation Board,

                                          (ii)    the Alberta Blue Cross Plan, or

                                         (iii)    any other provincial hospital insurance authority,

                                          if the information is required in order to establish responsibility for payment by the organization or insurer, or to any other hospital to which the patient may be transferred or admitted or to other attending physicians or attending professional staff.

(7)  Repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117.

(8)  The following applies with respect to disclosing records of diagnostic and treatment services in respect of a patient:

                                 (a)    the Minister may, for the purposes mentioned in subsection (2) and without the consent of any other person, disclose to or obtain from

                                           (i)    the Director of Medical Services appointed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act,

                                          (ii)    The Alberta Medical Association (C.M.A.‑Alberta Division),

                                         (iii)    the Department of Health (Canada) for purposes in connection with the Canada Health Act (Canada), or

                                         (iv)    the government of a province or territory of Canada or an agent of that government for purposes in connection with any health services or hospital care insurance plan administered by that government or its agent,

                                          any records of diagnostic and treatment services provided in respect of a patient in an approved hospital;

                                          (b)    repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117;

                                 (c)    the board of an approved hospital shall, after the discharge of a patient from the hospital for the purpose of transferring the patient to another hospital or nursing home inside or outside Alberta, forward to that other hospital or nursing home copies of the appropriate records of diagnostic and treatment services provided in respect of that patient for the use of the staff of that other hospital or nursing home;

                          (d), (e)    repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117;

                                  (f)    the board of an approved hospital may disclose any records of diagnostic and treatment services provided in respect of a patient

                                           (i)    to the Public Guardian, if the diagnosis, record or information is, in the opinion of the person making the disclosure, relevant to the making of a guardianship order, or

                                          (ii)    to the Public Trustee, if the diagnosis, record or information is, in the opinion of the person making the disclosure, relevant to the making of a trusteeship order

                                          under the Dependent Adults Act in respect of the person to whom the diagnosis, record or information relates;

                                 (g)    the board of an approved hospital may disclose any records of diagnostic and treatment services provided in respect of a patient to a board of review appointed pursuant to the Criminal Code (Canada) that is to review the case of the person to whom the records relate.

(9)  The board of an approved hospital may, in accordance with subsections (10) and (11), disclose to an authorized person information respecting diagnostic and treatment services provided to or in respect of a patient.

(10)  Information may be disclosed under subsection (9) only if it is needed for a preliminary investigation, a discipline proceeding or a practice review conducted pursuant to a professional Act.

(11)  Information may be disclosed under subsection (9) only if

                                 (a)    an officer of an association regulated by a professional Act makes a written request for it and the patient or the patient’s legal representative consents to the disclosure, or

                                 (b)    the disclosure is made by a member of the board of the approved hospital in compliance with a notice, issued pursuant to a professional Act, to attend as a witness or produce documents.

(12)  For the purposes of subsections (9), (10), (11) and this subsection,

                                 (a)    “authorized person” means a person or body that is authorized by a professional Act to conduct a preliminary investigation, a discipline proceeding or a practice review;

                                 (b)    “professional Act” means an Act that regulates a profession.

(13)  Repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117.

(14)  An Appeal Board is entitled, for the purpose of an appeal under section 21, to inspect and make copies of any health information or other records relating to a patient and may admit a copy of the health information or other records in evidence of the appeal, but all proceedings related to the health information or other records must be held in private.

(15) to (17)  Repealed RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117.

(18)  In this section,

                                 (a)    “health information” means health information as defined in the Health Information Act;

                              (a.1)    “legal representative” means an executor or administrator of the estate of a deceased person, the guardian or trustee of a dependent adult under the Dependent Adults Act, the agent designated in a personal directive made by a person in accordance with the Personal Directives Act or the guardian of a minor;

                                 (b)    “mentally competent” means able to understand the subject‑matter in respect of which consent is requested and able to appreciate the consequences of giving or refusing consent.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s24;RSA 2000 cH‑5 s117

Information to Minister

25(1)  The board of an approved hospital shall on the written request of the Minister provide to the Minister at the times and in the manner specified in the request the records, reports and returns that are specified in the request.

(2)  Subject to subsection (3), the council of a municipality that is included in a health region may, if the regional health authority appoints members to a board of management, require the board of management to send to the council a copy of the minutes of each of the meetings of the board of management.

(3)  A board of management shall remove from any copy of minutes sent to a council under subsection (2) any portion of those minutes pertaining to personal matters affecting an individual employee of the board or any matter affecting the diagnosis or treatment of an individual patient, where the name of the employee or patient is revealed or is otherwise identifiable in the minutes.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s41;1996 c22 s1(23)

Inquiry re management

26   The Minister and employees of the Government authorized by the Minister for the purpose may make all necessary inquiries into the management and affairs of hospitals, may visit and inspect hospitals and may examine hospital records for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of reports and ensuring that this Act and the regulations are adhered to.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s42

Investigation or mediation committee

27(1)  When the Minister is requested to do so by the board of an approved hospital, the Minister may authorize

                                 (a)    an investigation into the administration or operation of the hospital or any particular matter or problem that has arisen in connection with the administration or operation of the hospital, or

                                 (b)    the mediation of any dispute that has arisen in the course of the administration or operation of the hospital.

(2)  When the Minister authorizes an investigation or mediation proceedings pursuant to subsection (1), the Minister may designate any person or entity to conduct or participate in the investigation or mediation proceedings.

(3)  Where the Minister designates one or more Associations to conduct or participate in an investigation or mediation proceedings, the governing body of each designated Association shall appoint one or more of the Association’s members to the committee that is to conduct the investigation or mediation proceedings and shall inform the Minister accordingly.

(4)  The committee consisting of the person or persons appointed pursuant to this section

                                 (a)    shall elect one of their number as chair, if there are 2 or more members on the committee,

                                 (b)    shall conduct the investigation or mediation proceedings authorized by the Minister, and

                                 (c)    is entitled to require from the board and its employees all information the committee reasonably requires for the purpose of the investigation or mediation proceedings and is entitled to access to the relevant records of the board for that purpose.

(5)  On the completion of the investigation or mediation proceedings, the committee shall prepare a report on it and submit a copy of the report to the board concerned, the Minister and the persons and entities designated pursuant to subsection (2).

(6)  No action lies against any person or entity designated pursuant to subsection (2) or against any member of a committee constituted under this section in respect of

                                 (a)    any advice given or statements made in the committee’s report, or

                                 (b)    anything done or omitted to be done by the committee or any member of the committee in good faith in the course of conducting the investigation or mediation proceedings.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s43;1996 c22 s1(24)


28(1)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    regarding the approval of the locations, design and construction of hospitals and the conditions under which approval will be granted;

                                 (b)    prescribing the standards of service to be provided by approved hospitals;

                                 (c)    prescribing the admission policies of approved hospitals and the types of patients that may be admitted;

                                 (d)    concerning the establishment and operation of schools, centres or other facilities for the education or training of nurses or other hospital staff;

                                 (e)    concerning the disposal of human tissues, whether removed during an operation, autopsy or otherwise;

                                  (f)    prescribing the powers and duties of boards concerning the appointment, re‑appointment, suspension and termination of appointment and the delineation of hospital privileges of members of medical staffs;

                                 (g)    defining “professional staff” for the purposes of this Part;

                                 (h)    prohibiting a board or board of management from using any of its funds to pay a physician for providing insured services, as defined in the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act, without the prior approval of the Minister;

                                  (i)    prescribing procedures for the mediation of a decision of a board of an approved hospital to refuse the appointment of a physician to its medical staff;

                                  (j)    governing the use of out‑patient hostels or hostel beds instead of in‑patient beds in approved hospitals;

                                 (k)    governing the establishment of central placement offices for admission to an auxiliary hospital or a nursing home;

                                  (l)    concerning any other matters that in the opinion of the Lieutenant Governor in Council are necessary in order to carry out the purposes of this Act.

(2)  The Minister may, by order,

                                 (a)    determine which hospitals offer a standard of service that qualifies them as approved hospitals and declare them to be approved hospitals, and

                                 (b)    direct, regulate and control any other matters that may be required by this Act or the regulations.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s44;1983 c81 s5(14);1996 c22 s1(25)

Committee of inquiry

29(1)  The Minister may appoint a committee of inquiry to which or to any member or members of which a question respecting the conduct or management of an approved hospital may be referred for the purpose of making an inquiry into the affairs of the hospital and reporting on it to the Minister.

(2)  The committee, or any member or members, to whom a question is referred have all the powers of a commissioner appointed under the Public Inquiries Act.

(3)  The member or members of the committee shall receive any  remuneration that may be fixed by the Minister.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s45;1983 c81 s5(15)

Liability for hospital charges

30(1)  When hospital, medical or other services are provided by a board to a person,

                                 (a)    if the person is a minor and is unmarried and is not an adult interdependent partner, that person and that person’s parents or guardians and their respective executors and administrators are liable to the board of the hospital for the payment of all proper charges for any services so provided;

                                 (b)    if the person is an adult, that person and the spouse or adult interdependent partner, if any, of that person and their respective executors and administrators are liable to the board of the hospital for the payment of all proper charges for any services so provided;

                                 (c)    if that person is a minor and married or in an adult interdependent relationship, that person and the spouse or adult interdependent partner of that person and their respective executors and administrators are liable to the board of the hospital for the payment of all proper charges for any services so provided;

                                 (d)    if the person or any other person signs an agreement, admission form or other document assuming responsibility for the payment of charges as a result of which act the admission of the patient to the hospital is gained or hospital services are obtained, the person or persons who sign the document and their respective executors and administrators, notwithstanding the Guarantees Acknowledgment Act, are liable to the board of the hospital for the payment of all proper charges for any services so provided.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), a spouse or adult interdependent partner is not liable to pay for hospital charges incurred by the other spouse or adult interdependent partner

                                 (a)    if the other spouse or adult interdependent partner has deserted the spouse or adult interdependent partner and has not contributed to the spouse’s or adult interdependent partner’s support for at least 6 months immediately preceding the hospitalization,

                                 (b)    if the spouses are legally separated from each other, or

                                 (c)    if the spouses or adult interdependent partners are living separate and apart and a spouse or an adult interdependent partner, as the case may be, has not contributed to the other spouse’s or adult interdependent partner’s support for at least 6 months immediately preceding the hospitalization.

(3)  In this section, “proper charges” means the charges for services not provided as insured services under Part 3 or charges for the payment of which patients are liable pursuant to Part 3 or the regulations.

(4)  The board of a hospital may recover from any person liable for the payment of it, in a court of competent civil jurisdiction as a debt, the amount of any charges for the payment of which a person is made liable by this section.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s30;2002 cA‑4.5 s41

Discharge or transfer of patients

31(1)  Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the Minister or the board or administrator of an approved hospital may

                                 (a)    declare that a patient is no longer in need of the services provided by that hospital or of the services provided in a particular ward, section or unit of that hospital, and is eligible for transfer or discharge;

                                 (b)    move the patient

                                           (i)    to another type of accommodation or to another ward, section or unit of that hospital,

                                          (ii)    to another approved hospital, or

                                         (iii)    to a nursing home or other accommodation.

(2)  The Minister may act under subsection (1) on the basis of reports of the attending physician or the attending professional staff and the hospital records.

(3)  The board or administrator may act under subsection (1) only after the board or administrator has consulted with the attending physician or the attending professional staff or a committee established to consider matters referred to in subsection (1).

(4)  Any patient who has been declared eligible for transfer or discharge as provided in this section and who refuses or fails to move or to leave when requested to do so is a trespasser.

(5)  Any other person who remains on hospital premises without the consent of the board or of a representative of the board and who fails or refuses to leave the premises when ordered to do so is a trespasser.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s48;1996 c22 s1(28)

Removal of discharged patients

32(1)  When a patient has been declared eligible for discharge under section 31(1), the board or a representative of the board may require that the removal of that patient be effected by

                                 (a)    any person made liable for the payment of hospital services in respect of the patient pursuant to section 30, or

                                 (b)    the Minister of Human Resources and Employment in the case of a patient who is a tourist, transient or visitor in Alberta.

(2)  The administrator may by registered mail notify the person responsible for the removal of a patient to remove the patient from the hospital within 10 days from the date of receipt of notification.

(3)  The administrator shall send a copy of any notice given pursuant to subsection (2) to the local welfare officer, the Department of Human Resources and Employment and the Minister.

(4)  A person referred to in subsection (1)(a) who fails to comply with a notice given pursuant to subsection (2) is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $50 and in default of payment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 days.

(5)  Notwithstanding any other Act, a person referred to in subsection (1)(a) who fails to comply with a notice given pursuant to subsection (2) is liable to pay to the board of the hospital or to the Minister, the cost of caring for the patient from the date of the mailing of the notice; the cost to be calculated by multiplying the number of days during which the patient remained in the hospital subsequent to that date by the daily rate for non‑eligible patients that is currently in effect under Part 3 or the regulations.

(6)  In the event of a dispute arising between a person referred to in subsection (1)(a) and a board in respect of this section, the matter may be referred to the Minister by the person or the board, and the Minister’s decision on the matter is final.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s49;1986 cD‑27.1 s13;
1989 c10 s7;1996 c22 s1(29)

Registration of births

33   The board of an approved hospital shall in respect of each birth in the hospital ensure that the statement of birth required under the Vital Statistics Act is completed and forwarded to the Director of Vital Statistics.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s50

Notice of board appointments

34   The board of each approved hospital shall forward to the Minister the names and postal addresses of

                                 (a)    in the case of the board of a non‑regional hospital, the members of the board and its officers;

                                 (b)    the administrator of the hospital;

                                 (c)    any other officers or employees of the board that the Minister may from time to time require,

immediately on the election or appointment of those persons.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s51;1996 c22 s1(30)

Withholding of grants

35   If the board of an approved hospital fails to comply with this Act or the regulations, the Minister may suspend or adjust any grants or payments to which the hospital may be entitled under this Act until the board complies with this Act or the regulations.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s52

Part 3
Hospitalization Benefits Plan


36   In this Part,

                                 (a)    “Agreement” means the Agreement, as amended from time to time, made on July 23, 1980, between the Minister of Health (Alberta), and the Minister of National Health and Welfare (Canada) pursuant to the Canada Act;

                                 (b)    “approved operating costs” means the portion of costs of operating hospitals met by the hospitalization plan;

                                 (c)    “authorized charges” means authorized charges as defined in the regulations;

                                 (d)    “beneficiary” means a person who receives insured services under this Part;

                                 (e)    “Canada Act” means the Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act (Canada), RSC 1970 cH‑8;

                                  (f)    “capital costs” includes the annual amount of principal and interest on debentures or loans as approved;

                                 (g)    “group contract” means a contract of insurance whereby 2 or more persons other than members of the same family are insured severally under a single contract of insurance;

                                 (h)    “insured services” means the hospital services the operating costs of which will be provided for under this Part;

                                  (i)    “insurer” means an insurer licensed under the Insurance Act;

                                  (j)    “standard ward hospitalization” means the following services to in‑patients:

                                           (i)    accommodation and meals at the standard or public ward level;

                                          (ii)    necessary nursing services;

                                         (iii)    laboratory, radiological and other diagnostic procedures, together with the necessary interpretation, for the purpose of maintaining health, preventing disease and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of any injury, illness or disability;

                                         (iv)    drugs, biologicals and related preparations when administered in a hospital, as specified in the Agreement;

                                          (v)    use of operating room, case room and anaesthetic facilities, including necessary equipment and supplies, where available;

                                         (vi)    routine surgical supplies;

                                        (vii)    use of radiotherapy facilities, where available;

                                       (viii)    use of physical therapy facilities, where available;

                                         (ix)    services rendered by persons who receive remuneration for those services from the hospital.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s53;1983 c81 s5(16);
1984 cP‑7.5 s84;1996 c22 s1(32)

Insured services

37(1)  The insured services to be provided under this Part shall be those furnished

                                 (a)    by an approved hospital of the patient’s choice, and

                                 (b)    by any other institutions or persons that are prescribed in the regulations.

(2)  The insured services to be provided under this Part shall include

                                 (a)    standard ward hospitalization in an approved hospital, and

                                 (b)    any other goods and services that are prescribed in the regulations.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s54;1985 c32 s4

Entitlement to insured services

38(1)  Subject to the following exclusions, a resident of Alberta is entitled to receive insured services under this Part except when, in respect of those services,

                                 (a)    the resident is or could be entitled to hospital services from another province or territory that has entered into a hospitalization plan with the Government of Canada under the Canada Act,

                                 (b)    the resident is entitled to receive hospital services pursuant to any workers’ compensation statute of any province or territory,

                                 (c)    the resident is entitled to receive hospital services under any statute of Canada or of any province or territory of Canada, as specified in the Agreement, or

                                 (d)    the resident is declared, pursuant to Part 2, to be not in need of hospital services.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), a resident of Alberta is not entitled to receive insured services

                                 (a)    if the resident is registered under the Health Insurance Premiums Act but has filed a declaration under section 25 of that Act or is a dependant of that person and to whom the declaration extends and applies and the services are provided during a period in which the declaration is effective, or

                                 (b)    if the insured services are provided during a waiting period applicable to the resident and prescribed by the regulations.

(3)  For the purposes of this section, the registration of a person under the Health Insurance Premiums Act shall be accepted as proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the resident  is a resident of Alberta.

(4)  Notwithstanding anything in this or any other Act, no person shall, in an emergency, be refused admission to an approved hospital or be refused the provision of any services by an approved hospital by reason only of the fact that the person is not entitled to receive insured services.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s55;1981 c62 s22(1.2);1983 c32 s2;1984 c26 s3

Recovery of cost of services

39   When hospital services are provided to a person who has filed a declaration under section 25 of the Health Insurance Premiums Act, or to a dependant of that person, during a period in which the declaration is effective, the board of the approved hospital is entitled to recover the cost of those services only from the person filing the declaration, and no part of those costs shall be shared by the Government of Alberta.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s56;1984 c26 s3;1996 c22 s1(33)

Payment for insured services

40   Nothing in this Part is to be construed to prevent a person who does not desire to receive insured services as provided pursuant to this Part from assuming the entire responsibility for the payment of the costs of the person’s hospital services.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s57

Operating costs

41   Approved hospital operating costs shall be shared between the patients and the Government of Alberta on a basis that is to be set out in the regulations.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s59


42(1)  When pursuant to any regulations, provision is made for the payment of sums for capital costs to the owners of approved hospitals, the Minister may in accordance with the regulations undertake to provide the sums required by making any payments or part of them of principal and interest on specified debentures or of any rentals or part of them or otherwise as may be required in the circumstances, either to the approved hospital or to its assignee or agent as agreed on by the hospital and the Minister.

(2)  An undertaking by the Minister under this section may be endorsed on any debentures of the approved hospital to which the undertaking applies or on any instrument of lease or conveyance of the property of the approved hospital and the signature of the Minister and the endorsement may be engraved, lithographed or otherwise mechanically reproduced on it.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s61


43   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    prescribing the basis on which the Minister may make contracts with hospitals, other than approved hospitals, for the provision of standard ward hospitalization or other services to be furnished to patients as insured services under this Part;

                                 (b)    prescribing the goods and services for the purpose of section 37(2)(b);

                                 (c)    prescribing the institutions and persons for the purpose of section 37(1)(b);

                                 (d)    respecting the amounts payable by the Government of Alberta in respect of goods and services provided to a resident of Alberta outside Alberta that if provided in Alberta would be insured services;

                                 (e)    respecting a schedule of fees for goods and services provided to a person not entitled to receive insured services;

                                  (f)    respecting the disposition of fees that are authorized under clause (e) and are charged for goods and services provided to non‑residents of Canada;

                                 (g)    prescribing the waiting period, not exceeding 3 months, for a person who is or becomes a resident of Alberta and during which that person is not entitled to be provided with insured services;

                                 (h)    prescribing the basis on which approved operating costs and capital costs of hospitals are determined;

                                  (i)    prescribing the rates and manner of payment by the Minister of the Minister’s share of the operating and capital costs of hospitals and the manner of accounting by hospitals for those payments;

                                  (j)    providing for the payment of sums for capital costs to the owners of approved hospitals in Alberta including the payment of sums required under approved lease‑back arrangements;

                                 (k)    defining “authorized charges”;

                                  (l)    respecting the basis of sharing the operating costs of hospitals between the Minister, patients and other persons using hospital facilities, the assessment and collection of authorized charges and charges for accommodation and meals where hostel accommodation is provided, and exemptions from those charges;

                                (m)    providing for the payment by the Minister of all or any part of the authorized charges on behalf of patients suffering from specific diseases or conditions;

                                 (n)    providing for the imposition of penalties in the way of suspension or cancellation of payments that may be imposed on an approved hospital that gives incorrect information to the Minister, or that withholds from the Minister information that the approved hospital is required by this Act or the regulations to supply;

                                 (o)    prohibiting or regulating changes in existing services or educational programs in approved hospitals or the introduction of new services or educational programs in approved hospitals;

                                 (p)    prohibiting or regulating the sale, lease or other disposition of real and personal property by a board of an approved hospital, other than a regional health authority;

                                 (q)    concerning any other matter considered necessary to carry out the purposes and objects of this Part.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s62;1983 c81 s5(17);1985 c32 s4;
1994 cR‑9.07 s25(15);1996 c22 s1(35);2000 cH‑3.3 s33

Group contracts

44(1)  Subject to subsection (2), an insurer shall not make a new contract or add new members to a group contract under which a resident of Alberta is to be provided with or is to be reimbursed or indemnified for the cost of

                                 (a)    standard ward hospitalization, including authorized charges for it, or

                                 (b)    any other insured services, other than authorized charges for those other services.

(2)  An insurer

                                 (a)    may continue to renew all contracts in existence on July 1, 1961 and

                                 (b)    may issue a contract of insurance in respect of the cost of insured services if

                                           (i)    the contract is issued to a person who has filed a declaration under section 25 of the Health Insurance Premiums Act,

                                          (ii)    the contract provides insurance coverage for that person and that person’s dependants as defined in the regulations under that Act,

                                         (iii)    the insurance coverage relates to insured services provided during a period for which the person’s  declaration is effective, and

                                         (iv)    no coverage is provided in respect of the cost of authorized charges for standard ward hospitalization.

(3)  A contract made in contravention of subsection (1) or that does not comply with subsection (2)(a) or (b) is void.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s63;1983 c81 s5(18);1984 c26 s3;1996 c22 s1(36)


45(1)  The Minister has the authority on behalf of the Government of Alberta, and it is deemed that the Minister has always had the authority, to enter into an agreement under the Canada Act and to amend the agreement from time to time as the circumstances may require.

(2)  The Minister may on behalf of the Government of Alberta enter into an agreement with the Government of Canada providing for the making of contributions by Canada to Alberta in respect of the costs incurred by Alberta in providing insured services to Indians residing in Indian reserves in Alberta.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s64


46   A person who contravenes this Part or the regulations is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $1000 and in default of payment to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s66;1996 c22 s1(37)

Use of word hospital

47   No owner or operator of an institution for the care of diseased, mentally disordered, injured or sick people shall describe the institution or permit it to be described as a hospital or use or permit the use of the word “hospital” in the name of the institution unless the institution

                                 (a)    is an approved hospital, or

                                 (b)    is owned or operated by the Crown or an agent of the Crown.

RSA 1980 cH‑11 s67;1996 c22 s1(38)

Part 4
Hospital Foundations


48   In this Part,

                                 (a)    “board” means a board as defined in section 9, but does not include

                                           (i)    the Alberta Cancer Board under the Cancer Programs Act,

                                          (ii)    a provincial health board under the Regional Health Authorities Act,

                                         (iii)    a regional health authority;

                                 (b)    “foundation”, except in section 58, means a foundation established under this Part.

1983 c81 s5(19);1985 c32 s4;1988 cM‑13.1 s55;
1994 cR‑9.07 c25(15);1996 c22 s1(39)

Establishment, status and composition

49(1)  A board may by bylaw establish a hospital foundation.

(2)  A bylaw establishing a foundation on or after March 29, 1985 has no effect until a certified copy of the bylaw is filed with the Minister.

(3)  A foundation, on its establishment, is a corporation.

(4)  A foundation consists of the following, who are the trustees of the foundation:

                                 (a)    the chair of the board,

                                 (b)    2 other persons who are members of and are appointed trustees by the board, and

                                 (c)    2 persons who

                                           (i)    are residents of Alberta,

                                          (ii)    are not members of the board, and

                                         (iii)    are appointed trustees by the board.

(5)  Appointments referred to in subsection (4)(b) and (c) shall be made for terms not exceeding 3 years.

1983 c81 s5(19);1985 c32 s4


50   The trustees shall appoint a chair of the foundation from among themselves.

1983 c81 s5(19)

Bylaws and frequency of meetings

51(1)  The trustees may make bylaws governing the procedure and business of the foundation, including the expenses referred to in section 55(2).

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), the trustees shall meet at least once a year on a date that, unless fixed by the bylaws, is to be fixed by the chair of the trustees.

1983 c81 s5(19)


52   The objects of a foundation are

                                 (a)    to solicit and receive by gift, bequest, devise, transfer or otherwise, property of every nature and description,

                                 (b)    subject to any prior trust conditions imposed on the use of the property, to hold, use and administer the property generally for maintaining and enhancing hospital care for the people of the community served by the hospitals administered by the board, and, in particular, to finance or assist in the financing of the construction, equipping, operation, maintenance and management of those hospitals or facilities forming part of those hospitals, and

                                 (c)    to further health care education in that community.

1983 c81 s5(19);1984 c22 s1

Transfer of property to board

53   A foundation may, subject to any prior trust conditions, transfer any of its property to the board on any terms that it considers expedient.

1983 c81 s5(19)

Transfer of board property

54   Except as provided by regulation, a board may not transfer any of its property to a foundation.

1985 c32 s4

Payments to trustees

55(1)  The payment of any dividend or remuneration out of the funds of a foundation to any of the trustees is prohibited.

(2)  A trustee may be reimbursed out of the funds of a foundation for the travelling and living expenses provided for in the bylaws that are necessarily incurred by the trustee in the performance of the trustee’s duties.

1983 c81 s5(19)

Fiscal year and annual report

56(1)  The fiscal year of a foundation is April 1 to the following March 31.

(2)  At the end of the fiscal year a foundation shall prepare and submit to the Minister an annual report that shall include the audited financial statements and any other statements and reports that the Minister may require.

1983 c81 s5(19);1996 c22 s1(40)

Non-application of Loan and Trust Corporations Act

57   Notwithstanding anything in the Loan and Trust Corporations Act, a foundation shall not be considered to be a trust corporation for the purposes of that Act. 

1983 c81 s5(19);1991 cL‑26.5 s335(22)

Prohibitions against establishing and operating
hospital foundations

58(1)  A board shall not establish a hospital foundation except in accordance with this Part.

(2)  No person shall operate a hospital foundation established to benefit a general or auxiliary hospital, including any corporation established before March 29, 1985, to receive, hold, administer and apply any property or the income from it for purposes or objects in connection with a hospital, unless exempted by the Minister subject to any terms and conditions the Minister prescribes.

1983 c81 s5(19);1985 c32 s4


59(1)  In the event of the winding‑up of a foundation, the property of the foundation must be used

                                 (a)    first, in the payment of any costs incurred in the winding‑up of the foundation,

                                 (b)    2nd, in the discharge of all liabilities of the foundation, and

                                 (c)    3rd, to give effect, as far as possible, to any outstanding applicable trust conditions,

and the balance, if any, shall be disposed of in accordance with the regulations.

(2)  A regulation under subsection (1) must not be inconsistent with any trust condition under which the property is held.

1983 c81 s5(19);1985 c32 s4


60   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    respecting the types and amounts of property that a board may transfer to a foundation and the circumstances under which that property may be transferred;

                                 (b)    subject to section 59, governing the winding‑up of a foundation.

1983 c81 s5(19);1985 c32 s4

Part 5
s Right to Recover
Health Costs


61   In this Part,

                                 (a)    “automobile” means an automobile as defined in the Insurance Act;

                                 (b)    “automobile insurer” means an insurer under a motor vehicle liability policy;

                                 (c)    “beneficiary” means a person who receives health services for personal injuries;

                                 (d)    “Crown” means Her Majesty in right of Alberta;

                                 (e)    “Crown’s cost of health services” means the direct and indirect costs of the Crown for health services as determined and calculated in accordance with this Part and the regulations;

                                  (f)    “Crown’s right of recovery” means the Crown’s right, under Division 1 of this Part, to recover the Crown’s cost of health services;

                                 (g)    “Director” means the Director of Third Party Liability appointed under section 94;

                                 (h)    “health services” means the following, whether provided inside or outside Alberta:

                                           (i)    in‑patient and out‑patient services provided in a hospital or other facility;

                                          (ii)    health services as defined in the Alberta Health Care Insurance Act;

                                         (iii)    transportation services, including air and ground ambulance services;

                                         (iv)    public health services;

                                          (v)    mental health services;

                                         (vi)    drug services;

                                        (vii)    any good or service prescribed to be a health service by the regulations;

                                  (i)    “motor vehicle liability policy” means a motor vehicle liability policy as defined in the Insurance Act evidencing a contract of insurance that has been made or renewed in Alberta or that is deemed under the Insurance Act to have been made or renewed in Alberta;

                                  (j)    “settlement” means an agreement to terminate a legal dispute;

                                 (k)    “third party liability insurance” means that portion of an insurance contract evidenced by a motor vehicle liability policy that insures against liability resulting from bodily injury to or the death of one or more persons and loss of or damage to property;

                                  (l)    “wrongdoer” means a person whose wrongful act or omission results in personal injuries to a beneficiary.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1

Application of s626.1, Insurance Act

61.1   Nothing in section 626.1 of the Insurance Act affects the application of this Part.

2003 c40 s23

Division 1
s Right of Recovery

Crowns right of recovery

62(1)  If a beneficiary receives health services for personal injuries suffered as a result of a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer, the Crown has the right to recover from the wrongdoer the Crown’s cost of health services

                                 (a)    for health services that the beneficiary has received for those personal injuries, and

                                 (b)    for health services that the beneficiary will likely receive in the future for those personal injuries.

(2)  If a beneficiary is contributorily negligent, the Crown is entitled to recover 100% of the Crown’s cost of the beneficiary’s health services less a percentage for the beneficiary’s contributory negligence as determined under sections 63 and 64.

(3)  Notwithstanding this Division, the Crown does not have a right to recover the Crown’s cost of health services provided to a beneficiary if

                                 (a)    the beneficiary’s personal injuries are caused by an act or omission of a wrongdoer in the use or operation of an automobile, and

                                 (b)    the wrongdoer is, when the injuries are caused, insured under a motor vehicle liability policy.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1

Determining contributory negligence

63(1)  This section applies when a beneficiary has obtained a judgment against a wrongdoer that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery before the Crown has obtained a judgment against or entered into a settlement with the wrongdoer based on the Crown’s right of recovery.

(2)  This section does not apply when the judgment obtained by the beneficiary implements or approves a structured settlement.

(3)  If a beneficiary obtains a judgment that indicates that the beneficiary’s claim has been reduced by a specified percentage because of the beneficiary’s contributory negligence, the specified percentage in the judgment is the percentage of contributory negligence to be used to calculate the Crown’s entitlement under section 62(2).

1994 c37 s4

Determining contributory negligence

64   Unless section 63 applies, the percentage of contributory negligence to be used to calculate the Crown’s entitlement under section 62(2) is,

                                 (a)    if the Crown obtains a judgment against the wrongdoer, the percentage specified in the judgment, or

                                 (b)    if the Crown enters into a settlement with the wrongdoer, the percentage specified in the settlement.

1994 c37 s4

Commencement of Crowns right

65   The Crown’s right of recovery arises for all purposes when the  beneficiary receives health services for which there is a cost to the Crown for personal injuries suffered as a result of a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer.

1994 c37 s4


66(1)  When the Crown obtains a judgment based on the Crown’s right of recovery, the court shall award interest calculated in accordance with the regulations from the date that the Crown’s right of recovery arose to the date of the judgment.

(2)  The interest shall be awarded on that part of the judgment that represents the Crown’s cost of health services for health services that the beneficiary has received to the date of the judgment.

(3)  The rate of interest to be used to calculate the award of interest is the rate of interest for pecuniary damages that is established for each year under Part 1 of the Judgment Interest Act.

(4)  For the purposes of enforcing a judgment, interest awarded under this section is included in the judgment.

(5)  If a wrongdoer

                                 (a)    pays money into court in satisfaction of the claim of the Crown, or

                                 (b)    makes an offer of judgment specifying the terms on which the wrongdoer is willing to settle the claim of the Crown,

and the Crown does not accept the payment or the offer and obtains a judgment for an amount equal to or less than the amount paid into court or the amount offered, the court shall award interest from the date that the Crown’s right of recovery arose only to the day the payment into court was made or the date of service of the offer of judgment, as the case may be.

(6)  Except for the rate of interest referred to in subsection (3), Part 1 of the Judgment Interest Act does not apply to the Crown’s right of recovery.

1994 c37 s4

Limitation period

67   The limitation period to commence an action based on the Crown’s right of recovery is the period that ends 6 months after the expiration of the beneficiary’s limitation period to commence an action against the wrongdoer.

1994 c37 s4


68(1)  The Director may enter into a settlement respecting the Crown’s right of recovery.

(2)  When the terms of a settlement are met, the Director may release a person from liability to the Crown in respect of the Crown’s right of recovery.

(3)  If the Director believes that the cost of pursuing the Crown’s right of recovery in a particular case will exceed the benefit to the Crown, the Director may release a person from liability to the Crown in respect of that right without receiving any payment.

1994 c37 s4

Directors certificate

69(1)  The Director may issue one or more certificates that set out

                                 (a)    the health services that a beneficiary has received and the health services that a beneficiary will likely receive in the future for personal injuries suffered as a result of a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer for which there is a cost to the Crown, and

                                 (b)    the Crown’s cost of those health services.

(2)  For the purposes of the Crown’s right of recovery, a certificate is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the health services referred to in subsection (1)(a).

(3)  For the purposes of the Crown’s right of recovery, after the health services for which there is a cost to the Crown have been determined, a certificate is conclusive proof of the Crown’s cost of those health services.

(4)  A certificate is admissible in evidence without proof of the signature, authority or office of the person purporting to have signed the certificate.

1994 c37 s4

Priority of beneficiarys payments

70(1)  Subject to subsection (2) and the regulations, payments to a beneficiary under a judgment obtained against or a settlement entered into with a wrongdoer that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery have priority over payments to the Crown under a judgment obtained against or a settlement entered into with the wrongdoer that is based on the Crown’s right of recovery.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to a payment received by the Crown under a judgment obtained against or a settlement entered into with a wrongdoer before the beneficiary has obtained a judgment against or entered into a settlement with the wrongdoer.

(3)  When the Crown has received a payment under a judgment obtained against or a settlement entered into with a wrongdoer before the beneficiary has obtained a judgment against or entered into a settlement with the wrongdoer, the Director may pay to the beneficiary an amount that does not exceed the payment received by the Crown if

                                 (a)    the beneficiary subsequently obtains a judgment or enters  into a settlement with the wrongdoer, and

                                 (b)    the Director believes that the beneficiary will not receive the full amount to which the beneficiary is entitled under the judgment or settlement.

1994 c37 s4

Structured settlements - terms and conditions

71(1)  This section applies when

                                 (a)    a beneficiary has entered into a structured settlement with a wrongdoer or obtained a judgment against a wrongdoer that implements or approves a structured settlement that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery, and

                                 (b)    the Crown has obtained a judgment against or entered into a settlement with the wrongdoer that is based on the Crown’s right of recovery.

(2)  The Director, under subsection (3), may impose on the structured settlement terms and conditions authorized by the regulations respecting payments to the Crown under the Crown’s judgment or settlement.

(3)  Terms and conditions may be imposed if

                                 (a)    the beneficiary dies or requires institutional health care on a permanent basis after the structured settlement is entered into or the judgment that implements or approves the structured settlement is obtained,

                                 (b)    the payments to or on behalf of the beneficiary under the structured settlement are to continue after the beneficiary dies or requires institutional health care on a permanent basis, and

                                 (c)    the Director believes that the structured settlement does not adequately provide for payments to the Crown under the Crown’s judgment or settlement after the beneficiary dies or requires institutional health care on a permanent basis.

(4)  If the Director imposes terms and conditions under this section,

                                 (a)    the terms and conditions form part of the structured settlement, and

                                 (b)    the Crown is deemed to be a party to the structured settlement for the purpose of enforcing the terms and conditions.

1994 c37 s4

Beneficiarys duty

72   A beneficiary who consults a lawyer or has someone consult a lawyer on the beneficiary’s behalf in respect of personal injuries suffered by the beneficiary as a result of a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer shall, as soon as possible after the consultation, provide the Director with the information prescribed by the regulations.

1994 c37 s4

Information from beneficiary

73(1)  The Director may request a beneficiary to provide information relating to the wrongful act or omission of the wrongdoer, the personal injuries that the beneficiary has suffered and the health services that have been received for those injuries.

(2)  A beneficiary who receives a request to provide information under subsection (1) shall, as soon as possible, comply with the request.

1994 c37 s4

Beneficiarys duty to co-operate

74(1)  A beneficiary shall co‑operate fully with the Minister and the Director and their agents and legal counsel in establishing and proving the Crown’s right of recovery in respect of the beneficiary.

(2)  If the Crown is unable to recover all or a portion of the Crown’s cost of health services under the Crown’s right of recovery because the beneficiary has not complied with subsection (1), the Crown has the right to recover from the beneficiary the amount of the Crown’s cost of health services that the Crown was unable to recover from the wrongdoer.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1

Insurers duty

75   An insurer who is notified of circumstances in which the Crown’s right of recovery may arise shall, as soon as possible, notify the Director of those circumstances and provide the Director with the information prescribed by the regulations.

1994 c37 s4

Information relating to health services

76(1)  The Director may request any person who has information respecting the health services provided to a beneficiary to provide the Director with that information.

(2)  A person who receives a request to provide information under subsection (1) shall, as soon as possible, comply with the request.

(3)  The provision of information under this section is subject to any solicitor‑client privilege.

1994 c37 s4

Structured settlements

77   If a beneficiary enters into a structured settlement with a wrongdoer or obtains a judgment against a wrongdoer that implements or approves a structured settlement that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery, the wrongdoer shall, as soon as possible after the structured settlement is entered into or the judgment is obtained, provide the Director with a copy of the structured settlement.

1994 c37 s4

Wrongdoers insurance

78   If

                                 (a)    a beneficiary obtains a judgment against a wrongdoer or enters into a settlement with a wrongdoer that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery, and

                                 (b)    the wrongdoer has insurance against liability in respect of the personal injuries suffered by the beneficiary,

the wrongdoer shall, as soon as possible after the judgment has been obtained or the settlement has been entered into, provide the Director with information respecting the insurance as specified by the Director and, if required by the Director, a copy of the insurance policy.

1994 c37 s4

Order for information and documents

79(1)  If a beneficiary, insurer or other person fails to provide information under one or more of sections 72 to 76 or if a wrongdoer fails to provide a copy of a structured settlement under section 77 or information or a copy of an insurance policy under section 78, the Director may apply by originating notice to the Court of Queen’s Bench for an order compelling the beneficiary, insurer or other person to provide the information or compelling the wrongdoer to provide a copy of the structured settlement or insurance policy.

(2)  The Court may, subject to any conditions that it considers appropriate, grant an order compelling the beneficiary, insurer or other person to provide the information if it is satisfied that

                                 (a)    the information is in the possession or under the control of the beneficiary, insurer or other person, and

                                 (b)    the information is relevant to the Crown’s right of recovery.

(3)  The Court may, subject to any conditions that it considers appropriate, grant an order compelling the wrongdoer to provide a copy of the structured settlement if it is satisfied that the wrongdoer has entered into a structured settlement with a beneficiary that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery.

(4)  The Court may, subject to any conditions that it considers appropriate, grant an order compelling the wrongdoer to provide information respecting the wrongdoer’s liability insurance or a copy of the insurance policy if it is satisfied that

                                 (a)    the beneficiary has obtained a judgment against or entered into a settlement with the wrongdoer that is based on a claim that gives rise to the Crown’s right of recovery, and

                                 (b)    the wrongdoer has insurance against liability in respect of the personal injuries suffered by the beneficiary.

1994 c37 s4


80(1)  A beneficiary, insurer, other person or wrongdoer who fails to comply with an order obtained under section 79 is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of not more than $10 000.

(2)  Nothing in this section affects the remedies available to enforce an order obtained under section 79.

1994 c37 s4

Order for medical examination

81(1)  The Director may, after an action based on the Crown’s right of recovery is commenced against a wrongdoer, apply for an order directing the beneficiary to submit to an examination by a physician under Part 14 of the Alberta Rules of Court, and that Part applies to the Crown’s right of recovery.

(2)  The Crown is responsible for the reasonable expenses incurred by the beneficiary as a result of an examination ordered under this section.

1994 c37 s4

Division 2
s Cost of Health Services - Automobile Accidents

Aggregate assessment

82(1)  The Minister shall establish, in accordance with the regulations, for each calendar year an aggregate assessment payable by automobile insurers.

(2)  The aggregate assessment for a calendar year is

                                 (a)    the Minister’s estimate of the Crown’s cost of health services for personal injuries suffered by a beneficiary as a result of a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer in the use or operation of an automobile in that calendar year if the wrongdoer was insured under a motor vehicle liability policy when the injuries were caused, and

                                 (b)    a portion, as established by the regulations, of the Minister’s estimate of the Crown’s cost of insured services as defined in section 36(h) for personal injuries suffered by a beneficiary as a result of a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer in the use or operation of an automobile that occurred before August 1, 1996 if

                                           (i)    the wrongdoer was insured under a motor vehicle liability policy when the injuries were caused, and

                                          (ii)    no judgment has been obtained or settlement entered into in respect of the Crown’s cost of the insured services before August 1, 1996.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s82;2002 c30 s14

Procedure for establishing aggregate assessment

83(1)  Before establishing the aggregate assessment for a calendar year, the Minister shall

                                 (a)    calculate a proposed aggregate assessment for that calendar year,

                                 (b)    provide a notice of the proposed aggregate assessment and of the right to make representations concerning the assessment to each automobile insurer who is licensed to provide automobile insurance under the Insurance Act when the notice is sent out, and

                                 (c)    select a person to hear representations.

(2)  If representations are made to the person selected by the Minister, the person shall provide the Minister with a report on them.

(3)  The Minister shall, after considering any report under subsection (2), establish, in accordance with the regulations, the aggregate assessment for the calendar year and notify the Minister of Finance and the automobile insurers referred to in subsection (1)(b) of the amount of the aggregate assessment.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s83;2006 c23 s42

Automobile insurers duty to provide information

84   An automobile insurer who is licensed to provide automobile insurance under the Insurance Act for all or a portion of a calendar year shall, at the times specified by the Director, provide the Director with the information prescribed by the regulations.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1

Assessment factor

85   After the Minister of Finance receives notice of the aggregate assessment for a calendar year, the Minister of Finance shall

                                 (a)    establish, in accordance with the regulations, the assessment factor for that year, and

                                 (b)    provide a notice of the assessment factor to each automobile insurer who is licensed to provide automobile insurance under the Insurance Act when the assessment factor is established and to each automobile insurer who becomes so licensed in the calendar year for which the assessment factor is established.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s85;2006 c23 s42

Automobile insurers duty to pay

86(1)  An automobile insurer who is licensed to provide automobile insurance under the Insurance Act for all or a portion of a calendar year for which an assessment factor has been established shall pay to the Crown an amount that is the product obtained when the assessment factor for the calendar year is multiplied by the total premiums written by the automobile insurer for third party liability insurance in the calendar year.

(2)  The manner of and time for making a payment under subsection (1) are governed by the regulations.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1

Duty to report premiums

87(1)  An automobile insurer who was licensed to provide automobile insurance under the Insurance Act for all or a portion of a calendar year for which an assessment factor was established shall, on or before March 15 of the following year, file with the Minister of Finance a report of the premiums for third party liability insurance written in the calendar year for which the assessment factor was established.

(2)  An automobile insurer referred to in subsection (1) shall file the report in a manner and form specified by the Minister of Finance.

(3)  An automobile insurer who fails to file a report for a calendar year as required by this section shall pay a penalty to the Crown in accordance with the regulations.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s87;2006 c23 s42


88    If an automobile insurer does not make a payment under section 86 or pay a penalty under section 87 in the manner or at the time specified in the regulations, the insurer shall pay interest to the Crown in accordance with the regulations.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1

Duty to provide other information

89(1)  The Minister of Finance may by notice direct an automobile insurer to provide any information or document that the Minister of Finance requires for the purposes of establishing an assessment factor or determining amounts payable to the Crown under this Division.

(2)  An automobile insurer who receives a notice under subsection (1) shall provide the information or document to the Minister of Finance within the time period specified in the notice.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s89;2006 c23 s42

Estimate of amounts payable

90(1)  If

                                 (a)    an automobile insurer does not provide information under section 87 or 89 in respect of a calendar year or provides the information late, or

                                 (b)    the Minister of Finance has reason to believe that the information provided under section 87 or 89 in respect of a calendar year is not correct,

the Minister of Finance may, using the Minister of Finance’s estimate of premiums for third party liability insurance written by the automobile insurer in that calendar year, establish an amount that the automobile insurer is required to pay in respect of that calendar year.

(2)  If the Minister of Finance establishes an amount that an automobile insurer is required to pay under subsection (1), the Minister of Finance shall notify the automobile insurer of the amount required to be paid and the basis for determining the amount.

(3)  An amount that an automobile insurer is required to pay under this section is deemed to be an amount that is payable under section 86.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s90;2006 c23 s42


91(1)  An automobile insurer who receives a notice from the Minister of Finance under section 90 may request a review of the estimate of the premiums for third party liability insurance used to calculate the amount payable specified in the notice.

(2)  An automobile insurer who wishes a review shall submit to the Minister of Finance, within 30 days from the notice under section 90 being sent, a written statement that sets out the reasons on which the request for a review is based.

(3)  On receiving a request for a review that meets the requirements of subsection (2), the Minister of Finance shall select an employee of the Government who is under the Minister of Finance’s administration to conduct the review.

(4)  After considering the representations of the automobile insurer, the person selected to conduct the review shall

                                 (a)    confirm or vary the amount that the automobile insurer is required to pay to the Crown, and

                                 (b)    notify the automobile insurer of the decision.

(5)  Interest accrues on an unpaid amount that a person conducting a review decides is required to be paid from the time that the amount should have been paid under section 86.

(6)  If the person conducting a review reduces the amount that an automobile insurer is required to pay to the Crown and the automobile insurer has paid the full amount under review, the Minister of Finance shall

                                 (a)    refund the difference with interest at the rate charged on amounts owing by automobile insurers under the regulations, or

                                 (b)    if the automobile insurer is required to pay other amounts to the Crown under this Division, apply the difference and interest referred to in clause (a) to offset payment of those other amounts.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s91;2006 c23 s42

Examination of automobile insurers books

92(1)  In this section, “auditor” means a person authorized by the Minister of Finance to be an auditor.

(2)  An auditor may at any reasonable time enter the offices of an automobile insurer who was licensed to provide automobile insurance under the Insurance Act for all or a portion of a calendar year for which an assessment factor was established and examine and make copies of the books and records of the insurer for the purposes of determining the amount of premiums written by the insurer for third party liability insurance in the calendar year.

(3)  The officers, employees and agents of the automobile insurer shall assist an auditor in conducting an examination under subsection (2) and shall provide the auditor with the books and records that the auditor requires.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s92;2006 c23 s42

Civil action

93(1)  An amount that is payable by an automobile insurer to the Crown under this Division may be collected by the Crown by civil action for debt in a court of competent jurisdiction.

(2)  A person designated by the Minister of Finance may issue a certificate that sets out the amount that an automobile insurer is required to pay under this Division and, for the purposes of a civil action for debt, the certificate is conclusive proof of the amount that the automobile insurer is required to pay.

(3)  A certificate is admissible in evidence without proof of the signature, authority or office of the person purporting to have signed the certificate.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s93;2006 c23 s42

Division 3

Appointment of Director

94   The Minister may appoint a Director of Third Party Liability.

1994 c37 s4

Certain powers of the Director

95(1)  The Director may hire legal counsel for the purpose of recovering the Crown’s cost of health services under the Crown’s right of recovery.

(2)  The Director may establish forms for use under this Part.

(3)  The Director may authorize a person to exercise any power or to perform any duty of the Director under this Part or the regulations made under this Part, including any power or duty that requires the Director to form a belief.

1994 c37 s4;1996 c24 s1


96(1)  The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations

                                 (a)    providing that the Crown’s right of recovery does not apply or arise in certain circumstances;

                                 (b)    prescribing a good or service to be a health service for the purposes of this Part;

                                 (c)    respecting the calculation of interest for the purposes of section 66;

                                 (d)    for the purposes of section 70,

                                           (i)    respecting the conditions and circumstances in which the priority of payment to the beneficiary operates, including special provisions for structured settlements, and

                                          (ii)    respecting the determination of amounts that have priority;

                                 (e)    respecting the terms and conditions that may be imposed on structured settlements under section 71;

                                  (f)    respecting the payment of legal counsel, physicians and other persons for services provided to the Crown for the purposes of the Crown’s right of recovery;

                                 (g)    generally for giving effect to any of the purposes or provisions of this Part.

(2)  The Minister may make regulations

                                 (a)    for the purpose of determining the Crown’s cost of health services,

                                           (i)    respecting what is a cost of the Crown, and

                                          (ii)    respecting whether something is a capital cost or an operating cost and whether a health service has a capital cost;

                                 (b)    respecting the calculation of the Crown’s cost of health services under the Crown’s right of recovery, including

                                           (i)    the establishment of a capital cost factor to be used to determine capital costs, and

                                          (ii)    the establishment of discount rates to be used to determine future costs;

                                 (c)    prescribing the information to be provided to the Director under sections 72, 75 and 84;

                                 (d)    respecting the calculation and establishment of an aggregate assessment for a calendar year payable by automobile insurers, including provisions respecting the aggregate assessment for the portion of 1996 that Division 2 is in force.

(3)  The Minister of Finance may make regulations

                                 (a)    respecting the establishment of an assessment factor for a calendar year;

                                 (b)    respecting the manner in which and time at which automobile insurers are required to make payments under Division 2;

                                 (c)    respecting the penalty referred to in section 87, the manner in which the penalty is calculated and the manner in which and time at which automobile insurers are required to pay the penalty;

                                 (d)    for the purposes of section 88, respecting rates of interest, the manner in which interest is calculated and the manner in which and time at which automobile insurers are required to pay interest.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s96;2006 c23 s42

Extinguishment of certain rights

97(1)  A beneficiary’s right to recover the cost of insured services as defined in section 36(h) in respect of a wrongful act or omission that occurred before August 1, 1996 and the Minister’s right of subrogation in respect of the beneficiary’s right are extinguished if

                                 (a)    the beneficiary’s personal injuries were caused by a wrongful act or omission of a wrongdoer in the use or operation of an automobile, and

                                 (b)    the wrongdoer was, when the injuries were caused, insured under a motor vehicle liability policy.

(2)  Subsection (1) does not affect any judgment obtained or settlement entered into before August 1, 1996.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s97;2002 c30 s14


98(1)  An action based on the Crown’s right of recovery may be commenced only if the wrongful act or omission of the wrongdoer occurs on or after August 1, 1996.

(2)  Subject to section 97, a beneficiary’s rights and the Minister’s right of subrogation in respect of a wrongful act or omission that occurred before August 1, 1996 are governed by the provisions of this Act in force when the wrongful act or omission occurred.

RSA 2000 cH‑12 s98;2002 c30 s14

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