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Benefits of Coverage

Every hour, Albertans are injured on the job. Injuries can be difficult and stressful for the person hurt and everyone involved. Workers' compensation coverage benefits include:

Protection against loss of income

  • Compensation for lost wages based on 90 per cent of your net earnings or income (up to a maximum level).
  • Benefit entitlement is immediate as there is no waiting period.
  • Lump sum payments may be offered for permanent disability or impairment.
  • If an accident results in a fatality, funeral expenses and survivor benefits are provided to eligible dependants.

Comprehensive medical and rehabilitation services

  • No preset limits to treat or lessen the effects of injuries and encourage return to work.
  • Approved health care expenses include chiropractic treatments, physiotherapy, and counseling.

Risk management

  • The only insurance that offers protection from lawsuit for you, your workers, and other parties covered by WCB*. (*If you are incorporated, the directors must carry personal coverage to enjoy protection from lawsuit).

No fault insurance

  • Protection is provided regardless of how the injury happened.

Other services