Government of Alberta website telephone directory

Winter in Alberta — road conditions, outdoor planning, special events and more.

Alberta in Action — priorities for our province.

Graphic Feedback
Most Requested Numbers
Graphic Emergency Numbers
AADAC Recovery Centre (detoxification)
Edmonton (24 hours)1-866-332-2322
Child Abuse Hot Line
(24 hours, toll free)1-800-387-5437
Children's Services Crisis Unit
(toll free)1-800-638-0715
Edmonton780 422-2001
Edmonton (after hours)780 427-3390
Dangerous Goods
(24 hours)1-800-272-9600
Emergency Management Services (EMA)
(24 hours)1-800-272-9600
Environment Complaint / Pollution Control
(24 hours, toll free)1-800-222-6514
Gambling Hot Line
(24 hours, toll free)1-800-665-9676
Income Support Contact Centre
(24 hours, toll free)1-866-644-5135
Edmonton (24 hours)780 644-5135
Industrial Accidents (fatality/serious injury)
(24 hours, toll-free)1-866-415-8690
Graphic Frequently Called Numbers
Aids to Daily Living
Edmonton780 427-0731
Alberta Child Health Benefit
(toll free)1-877-469-5437
Edmonton780 427-6848
Apprenticeship and Industry Training
Edmonton780 427-8517
Calgary403 297-6457
Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
Edmonton780 415-6300
Calgary403 297-8511
Canada-Alberta Jobs
(24 hours, toll free)1-800-727-2925
Edmonton (24 hours)780 917-4899
Career Information Hotline
(toll free)1-800-661-3753
Edmonton780 422-4266
Child and Youth Advocate
(toll free)1-800-661-3446
North office780 422-6056
South office403 297-8435
Child Care Services Information
Edmonton780 427-0444
Calgary403 297-6100
Consumer Information
(toll free)1-877-427-4088
Edmonton780 427-4088
Courts - Main Switchboard
Edmonton780 422-2200
Crown Debt Collections
Edmonton780 427-3244
Driver Examinations and Training
Edmonton780 427-8901
Calgary403 297-6679
Driver Fitness and Monitoring
Edmonton780 427-8230
Employment Standards
Edmonton780 427-3731
Family Support for Children with Disabilities
Edmonton780 427-4354
Calgary403 297-6022
Fish and Wildlife
Edmonton780 427-3574
Calgary403 297-6423
Gaming - Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC)
Edmonton780 447-8600
Calgary403 292-7300
Health Care Insurance
Edmonton780 427-1432
Housing Services
Edmonton780 422-0122
Human Rights Commission
Edmonton780 427-7661
Calgary403 297-6571
Land Titles
Edmonton780 427-2742
Calgary403 297-6511
Maintenance Enforcement Program
Edmonton780 422-5555
Ombudsman's Office
Edmonton780 427-2756
Calgary403 297-6185
Premier's Office
Edmonton780 427-2251
Calgary403 297-6464
Protection for Persons in Care reporting line
(toll free)1-888-357-9339
Public Trustee
Edmonton780 427-2744
Calgary403 297-6541
Registry Information
Edmonton 780 427-7013
Safety Services
(toll free)1-866-421-6929
Seniors Benefit
(toll free)1-800-642-3853
Edmonton780 427-7876
Small Business - Business Link
(toll free)1-800-272-9675
Edmonton780 422-7722
Student Funding Contact Centre
(toll free)1-800-222-6485
Edmonton780 427-3722
Transportation Safety Board
Edmonton780 427-7178
Calgary403 297-3466
Edmonton780 427-5732
Vital Statistics780 427-7013
Refer to your local telephone directory yellow
pages under License and Registry Services

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