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Ag Awareness

 The Ag Awareness Program's vision is to foster awareness and understanding of the agriculture industry in Alberta. The program provides activities and resources for Alberta educators.

We can be reached at:
201, 7000 - 113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T6H 5T6
Phone (780) 427-4309
Fax: (780) 422-7755

Resource development and distribution
For Educators K - 12, our library of lesson plans, stories and multimedia products is currently being updated. We will soon be able to provide resources on a variety of agricultural themes to Alberta classrooms online.

Agriculture Ambassador Program
A regular Ag Ambassador newsletter is sent to practicing teachers across the province. More than 600 Alberta schools participate in this program, and the newsletter keeps them informed about new ag-oriented resources and activities. Please contact us if you would like to be put on our mailing list.

Professional development
Ag Awareness works with the industry and post-secondary institutions to present opportunities for teachers to learn more about agriculture, and to provide them with resources to meet specific curricular needs.

Teachers and students
Here are some super Web Links to Support Curricula

Classroom Agriculture Program
Information for Volunteers

City Slickers Harvest
'City Slickers Harvest' Related Activities

WaterQuest is an online webquest that introduces Grade 8 students to the issues surrounding water availability and use in Alberta. It also contains pdf lesson plans for field studies in which students assess a local pond or stream. The links and field studies are valuable to Grade 5 students or High School biology students looking for a useful tool with which to assess wetlands.

All About Food - three publications

The All About Food publications come in three parts; Agri-Food Facts, Farm Visit Guide, and Teacher's Guide. All About Food is just what you need if you are looking for a wide variety of clear, simple and effective graphs to use in your statistics and probability lessons. You will find recent Canadian statistics about agriculture and food production combined with information about food safety and nutrition in these colorful booklets. The Farm Visit Guide contains great tips for any field trip planning. Sponsored by Farm Credit Canada. Teachers can order up to four copies for classroom use.

Order form (PDF file - 28 KB) is available on-line.

Tomatosphere: Seeding the Way. Register now!
Tomatosphere is a hands-on science project in which students have the chance to uncover clues about plant growth through scientific discovery. The key component of the project involves the germination of tomato seeds from three different sources: a Mars greenhouse simulation, a Mars-like environment simulation and a control group. Visit the Tomatosphere website to register. Click to see pictures of Tomatosphere seeds in space.

Grade 1 Science Lesson Plans: Topic B Seasonal Change
Grade 1 Science Lesson Plans: Topic D Senses
Grade 1 Science Lesson Plans: Topic E Needs of Plants and Animals
Grade 3 Science Lesson Plans: Topic B Building With a Variety of Materials
Grade 4 Science Lesson Plans: Topic A Waste in Our World
Grade 4 Science Lesson Plans: Topic B Wheels and Levers
Grade 4 Science Lesson Plans: Topic E Plant Growth and Changes
Grade 5 Science Lesson Plans: Topic D Weather Watch
Grade 5 Science Lesson Plans: Topic E Wetland Ecosystems
Grade 6 Science Lesson Plans: Topic D Evidence and Investigation
Grade 6 Science Lesson Plans: Topic E Trees and Forests
Grade 7 Science: Topic B Plants for Food and Fibre Soil Websites
Grade 8 Science Lesson Plans: Topic E Freshwater and Saltwater Systems
Grade 8 Science Lesson Plans: Topic B Cells and Systems

Kindergarten to Grade 9 Lesson Plans: Health and Life Skills

High School Science: Links and Resources

Links to the Agriculture Industry provides connections to producer groups in Alberta.

Planning a Farm Tour and Farm Tour possibilities

Welcome to provincial Ag in the Classroom programs across Canada.
The United States Department of Agriculture Ag in the Classroom resources.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This document is maintained by Charles Young.
This information published to the web on October 29, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 28, 2006.

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