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Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: 4-H

 1001 VT
Finishing The Modern 4-H Steer

Shows the desirable physical characteristics and features to consider when determining carcass grades on market and feeder cattle. Members will learn how to judge carcass potential of the live animal and compare it to the actual characteristics used in grading a hung carcass. Several feeding programs are discussed to ensure that a feeder steer will reach the desirable carcass grade by 4-H Achievement Day.

VHS 27 min.
University of Saskatchewan

1002 VT
Beef Management Practices - I

Highlights management practices that allow an animal to perform to its genetic potential. Major areas of emphasis are cattle handling techniques, various restraining methods and popular types of animal identification. Members learn how to administer drugs and vaccinations by several different routes. In addition, the advantages of growth-stimulant implants are discussed. Vivid photography shows the common methods of dehorning and an introduction to castrating cattle. Includes two short quizzes with answers.

VHS 24 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

1002-1 VT
Beef Management Practices - II

Gives a more detailed demonstration of the practical skills needed for cattle castration, and control and identification of parasites. Includes correct techniques for artificial insemination and palpation of beef cattle. Members see commonly used equipment for castration with emphasis on proper technique and hygiene as well as methods of restraint. An in-depth discussion on the control of external and internal parasites is presented that emphasizes the importance of sanitation management practices and chemical treatments. Included is a comprehensive section that covers actual semen collection, semen processing, artificial insemination (A.I.) of the cow and pregnancy diagnosis by rectal palpation. Includes two short quizzes with answers.

VHS 32 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

SF 215 F57 1991 (1006 VT)
Fitting A Steer For Show

Every 4-H member should be familiar with the techniques involved in clipping and fitting their steer project for the show ring. The proper techniques for blowing, brushing, clipping and fitting a steer are shown by Dawn Miller of Miller Angus Farms near Bashaw, Alberta. The tools and material used in the fitting process are shown and their proper use demonstrated. Also touches on the differences between fitting bulls and females.

VHS 35 min.
Browarny Photographics

1010 VT
Score 9 For Milk

Explains the purpose and overall process of the linear scoring system as a means of evaluating dairy traits. Graphic illustrations emphasize both the desirable and undesirable traits in evaluating dairy cattle. In addition, members will learn how the linear classification program can help select for production, longevity and type in your dairy herd.

VHS 23 min.
Summitt Film Productions Limited

SF 215 C55 1984 (1012 VT)
Clipping Dairy Cattle

Anyone who's ever clipped a dairy animal for show knows that it's an art requiring refined techniques and a sound knowledge of the tools and equipment used. Takes you from rough cut through to the final clipping the day of the show. You'll see the award-winning techniques of an internationally recognized dairy clipping expert, while listening to carefully chosen narration emphasizing the important points along the way. The presented techniques really can make the difference between a winner and a runner-up.

VHS 20 min.
Vocational Education Productions

1013 VT
Hoof Care In Dairy Cattle

Designed to be used in whole or in part to demonstrate to your members the importance of proper hoof care. A healthy, ideal foot is examined, and excellent information on how and why we trim feet is provided.

VHS 42 min.
University of Wisconsin, Cooperative Extension Service

1014 VT
Heat Detection In Dairy Cows

Emphasizes the importance of reproductive management and shows the signs of a cow in heat. The end result of your well-defined heat detection program will be a more profitable dairy operation.

VHS 12 min.
Agriculture Communications Centre, University of Idaho

1015 VT
Showing Dairy Cattle

The appearance of your dairy animal in the show ring is affected by your showmanship ability. Discussed are the halter, training prior to the show, head carriage, leg placement and showing the animal to its best advantage. The exhibitor's appearance is also important. He/she must wear appropriate clothing and exhibit sportsmanship and knowledge. Suitable for 4-H members of all ages and experience.

VHS 16 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

1018 VT
Fitting Dairy Cattle

Proper fitting is an important part of preparing your dairy animal for exhibit. Summarizes the important points of advance preparation: training, feeding, trimming feet, washing and clipping. Can be used before Achievement Day to remind your 4-H members of the preparations they must make.

VHS 17 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

Basic Horsemanship Series

SF 285 B37 v.1 1982 (1020-1 VT)
From The Ground Up

Learn the elements of safe and correct horsemanship from the ground up. Members will get advice on basic health consideration, safety for horse and handler, correct bathing and grooming, and exercise and proper care of legs. Concludes with an introduction to riding technique. (60 min.)

SF 285 B37 v.2 1982 (1020-2 VT)
Health Care

Discover how to spot potential problems and to prevent them by following a simple daily routine. Gain a working knowledge of equine anatomy and how to safely work around your horse while administering medicine. Learn the basics of good nutrition. Find out how to spot the signs of major medical emergencies and how to possibly avoid them. (60 min.)

SF 285 B37 v.3 1982 (1020-3 VT)
Mount Up

Teaches the riding skills that lead to complete riding proficiency. Whether English or Western, you'll learn how to correctly walk, trot or jog, canter or lope, make simple lead changes, and pick up the proper diagonal. Learn how to communicate with your horse, and how to interpret the ways he communicates with you. Become familiar with different types of bits and saddles as you learn how they can help you. (60 min.)

Palomine Productions

1030 VT
Sheep Docking

Effectively illustrates all aspects of tail docking lambs. Each of the modern methods is shown, along with the required equipment and preventative measures.

VHS 14 min.
Vocational Education Programs

1031 VT
Sheep Castration

Gives the what, when, how and why of castrating lambs. Each castration method is illustrated step by step, with emphasis on the importance of using proper procedures.

VHS 15 min.
Vocational Education Programs

1032 VT
Sheep Shearing

Illustrates the correct procedures for safely and efficiently shearing sheep. Includes a demonstration of proper shearing equipment maintenance.

VHS 22 min.
Vocational Education Programs

SF 374 S54 1986 (1033 VT)
Sheep Showmanship

Demonstrates proper sheep fitting and showmanship techniques. A mock showmanship class is shown, giving viewers the opportunity to watch the judge and the showmen in the ring. An excellent tool for teaching sheep showmanship to members of all ages.

VHS 27 min.
Vocational Education Programs

1034 VT
Starting A Working Border Collie

Covers all of the basic commands and training of the young border collie. Provides both good and bad examples of working with sheep. Concludes with an excellent summary of the information covered.

VHS 120 min.
Rural Route Videos

1035 VT
Practice Sheep Judging

Provides five practice judging classes of market and breeding sheep. Official rankings and cuts are provided at the end of each class, but no reasons are given. Suitable for experienced 4-H members wishing to practice their sheep judging skills.

VHS 41 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

1041 VT
Practice Swine Judging

Provides practice judging classes of market and breeding swine. Three classes of market hogs and two classes of breeding gilts are shown along with their official rankings and cuts. Suitable for experienced 4-H members wishing to practise their swine judging skills.

VHS 42 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

1052 VT
Oral Reasons Livestock Judging

Designed as a training tool for advanced judges moving on to livestock judging competitions. The finer points of oral reasons presentations are reviewed. Several examples are provided, along with critiques by coaches and judges.

VHS 34 min.
Creative Educational Video, Inc.

1055 VT
Quality Assurance: Strengthening The Chain Of Wholesome Food Production

Takes the less-than-exciting issue of quality assurance in livestock production and adds a healthy dose of humour. Discusses proper injection sites, nutrition, and facilities, as well as the importance of reading and following labels, and the proper handling and care of livestock.

VHS 17 min.
Goodwin Educational Videos

1082 VT
Meet The Challenge: Communicate With Confidence

A look at a variety of communication skill activities that help people become more involved in the communication process. 4-H leaders and members learn that there are several ways to improve communication.

VHS 36 min.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

S 533 F66 F68 1989 (1083 VT)
The 4-H Team

At a year-opening 4-H club meeting, the leader explains the aims, activities and organization of the club by comparing it to a baseball team. A good introduction for 4-H members, parents and leaders.

VHS 10 min.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

S 533 F66 A44 1990 (1084 VT)
All In A 4-H Club Year

A long-standing 4-H club leader explains his early trepidations at leading a youth club. He nearly quit as a result. However, after picking up a few leadership techniques and separating business from education and recreation, his efforts became much more rewarding. We see his leadership skills in action with a multi-club, and follow a planned event with seniors. The "old" leader says, "If you think you can, you can!" This program aims to help develop leadership skills.

VHS 12 min.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

1085 VT
4-H Teaching Tips With Hugh Phillips

Assists leaders in making 4-H meetings more interesting and fun for its members. Comes with leaders' guide and participants' guide.

VHS 13 min.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

S 535 C2A4 A42 1995 (1092 VT)
The Alberta 4-H Centre - A Great Environment For Learning

In 1977, the 4-H Foundation of Alberta bought 143 acres of land on the west side of Battle Lake, near where Grant MacEwan built his lakeside retreat. Today, it's the site of the Alberta 4-H Centre, a scenic year-round facility offering nature trails, canoeing, camping and swimming. Focuses on the new Grant MacEwan Environmental Centre, the centrepiece to this interactive environmental experience for school groups. Includes interview segments with environmentalist and former Lieutenant Governor Grant MacEwan.

VHS 8 min.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

1095 VT
I Know A Place/ 4-H . . . More Than You Ever Imagined

Where friends meet . . . smiles come from . . . kids can be kids . . . and everyone can learn by doing . . . that's 4-H! Features two promotional 4-H programs on one tape: the first, a music video; the second an upbeat look at 4-H itself. Ideal for trade shows or for anyone looking to promote 4-H!

VHS 10 min.
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development


Other Documents in the Series

  Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: 4-H - Current Document
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Agricultural Economics
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Agricultural Engineering/Equipment Videos
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Animal Science
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Field Crops
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Food And Food Safety
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: General
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Insects, Diseases and Pests
Alberta Agriculture Videos for Loan: Soil and Water Management
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Jane Starr.
This information published to the web on September 5, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 22, 2006.

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