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Funding Health care allocations, 2006-07

funding the health system 

  • Funding for Health and Wellness is up $997 million (10.4 per cent) for a total of $10.6 billion. That’s more than one third of all government spending $29 million a day, or $1.2 million every hour.


  • Health authorities receive over 58 percent of all health funding: $6.1 billion, up $450 million (8 percent). 
  • The budget also includes $25 million for a Mental Health Innovation Fund.
  • $607 million will be spent on health facilities and $150 million on diagnostic/medical equipment.

increases for other health priorities

  • The budget for physician services, including tri-lateral agreement among government, physicians and regions, will cost $1.88 billion, up almost 8 percent or $135 million from the previous year.
  • An increase of $91 million or 15 percent for drug benefits under the Ministry supported non group health benefit program.
  • $42 million is being provided to improve continuing care, which is in addition to the $25 million increase provided in 2005-06
  • $27 million will be spent in 2006-07 as the second half of a two-year $54 million initiative to reduce wait times.
  • $25 million will be drawn from the $500 million Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund for initiatives such as the expansion of cancer screening programs and development of a virtual cancer research institute to co-ordinate cancer research.

sources of health funding

Of every dollar in health funding:
09 cents come from premiums,
18 cents come from federal transfer payments,
69 cents come from Alberta’s general revenues; and
04 cents come from lottery and other revenues.


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