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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Regions > Southern Region > Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy
Last Review/Updated: January 18, 2005
Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy area map
Click on the map for a larger view of the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy area.

Steering Committee Members

A Sustainability Strategy for Southern Alberta

This Web site provides detail about the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy. These questions are linked to the answers below.

What is the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy?
What steps are involved in completing Phase 1?
How can the public become involved?
Who do I contact for more information?

What is the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy?

The Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy will involve Albertans in developing a vision of the future of Southern Alberta and the desired environmental, social and economic benefits for the region, and then address the issues and follow a plan to achieve the vision.

The first phase of the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy -- Defining the Agenda -- will appraise the current state of the region, identify a vision, goals, and principles for sustainable development, make policy recommendations and identify the key issues that need to be addressed and in what order of priority.

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What steps are involved in completing Phase 1?

    1. A Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee of key government personnel was formed and will meet throughout the delivery of the strategy. This steering committee is responsible for managing the project.
    2. A Southern Alberta Development Group will guide the development of the content of the strategy. Membership on this group will include provincial government representatives and southern Albertans with an interest in the sustainable development of the region.
    3. In the initial step of Phase 1, the province will compile air, water, land use and socio-economic data, build landscape modeling and simulation tools and gather information about important resource sectors.
    4. Albertans will then review the situation appraisal and the assessment of future scenarios of the region.
    5. The outcome of Phase 1 will be presented to the provincial government.
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How can the public become involved?

Learn more about IRM and regional strategies by visiting our Web site at www.gov.ab.ca/env/irm/index.html. The Web site includes a quarterly newsletter, IRM Connections, that discusses integrated resource management and its contributions to sustainable development in Alberta. When the public consultation process begins for the Southern Alberta Sustainability Strategy there will be opportunities for anyone who is interested to participate.

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Who do I contact for more information?

IRM Contact Ian Dyson, Head, Environmental Management, Alberta Environment, at (403) 381-5430, or
Pat Kinnear, Project Coordinator, Environmental Management, Alberta Environment, at (403) 297-5672.

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