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Health Care Service Complaints
Alberta's health services are delivered by 9 regional health authorities, three provincial health authorities, health professionals in fee-for-service practice and others who provide equipment, supplies and services.

Complaints or concerns about health care services can be directed to a number of sources.

Concerns should first be discussed with the member of the care team who provided or supervised the care, such as the nurse or doctor.

Comments can also be directed to the health facility that provided the care, and then to the regional health authority responsible for the facility.

If concerns are not addressed to your satisfaction, comments should be directed to:

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta
investigates complaints about the practice of physicians. For more information, contact the college at 780-423-4764 or call toll-free 1-800-661-4689.

College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
investigates complaints about the practice of registered nurses. For more information, contact the Association by telephone at 780-451-0043 or toll-free at 1-800-252-9392.

For other Health Professions regulatory colleges see the extended list in News / Media / Resources.

The Health Facilities Review Committee
monitors the quality of care, treatment and standards of accommodation provided to patients and residents in hospitals and nursing homes. The committee also investigates health care complaints. For more information contact:

250 Garneau Professional Centre
11044 - 82 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6G 0T2
Telephone (780) 427-4924
Facsimile (780) 427-0806  

Health Facilities Review Committee website


The Public Health Appeal Board
hears appeals that may arise from decisions and/or orders issued pursuant to section 5 of the Public Health Act by Regional Health Authorities. For more information contact:

Public Health Appeal Board
23rd Floor, 10025 Jasper Ave.
Telus Plaza North Tower
Edmonton, AB T5J 2N3
Telephone (780) 427-2813
Facsimile (780) 422-0914

Complaints about health care in the case of a death
complaints may also be investigated by the Medical Examiner's Office. The Medical Examiner can recommend to the Fatality Review Board that a public fatality inquiry is warranted. For more information contact:

Chief Medical Examiner
7007 - 116 Street, NW
Edmonton, AB T6H 5R8
Telephone (780) 427-4987
Facsimile (780) 422-1265

The Mental Health Patient Advocate
investigates complaints about the care of formal or involuntary patients certified under the Mental Health Act. The Mental Health Patient Advocate also investigates complaints about facilities that provide care to formal and involuntary mental health patients. For more information contact:

Mental Health Patient Advocate
1202, 10035 - 108 Street
Centre West Building
Edmonton, AB T5J 3E1
Telephone (780) 422-1812
Facsimile (780) 422-0695

Monday to Friday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm

The Protection for Persons in Care Act
is legislation that requires health care providers, employees and members of the public to report incidents of abuse against any adults who receive care in hospitals, seniors' lodges, group homes and nursing homes. For more information, or to report abuse, call toll-free 1-888-357-9339.

Alberta Ombudsman
Effective September 1, 2006, Albertans unsatisfied with a health authority's response to a patient concern or complaint will be able to ask the Alberta ombudsman to review the decision.




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