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Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Contact Information


Information line: (780) 427 2727
Hon. Doug Horner, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Hon. Doug Horner
Major Responsibilities
  • Industry growth — facilitates new and diversified product development (primary and value-added food and non-food products), enhanced market access for agriculture and food industry products and improved food industry business services, including access to capital, risk management tools, business and entrepreneurial processes, and enhanced infrastructure;
  • Rural sustainability — maintains or improves Alberta's air, water and soil for the well-being of current and future generations through essential policy, legislation, information and services related to soil conservation, water quality, range management, climate change, and biodiversity;
  • Safety nets — provides safety net funding (through programs such as the Canadian Agriculture Income Stabilization Program, Farm Income Disaster Program, Crop Insurance, Farm Fuel Distribution Allowance, drought preparedness and disaster initiatives) to allow farmers the opportunity to adopt the most economically viable management practices for their area.
  • Food safety — promotes and/or ensures appropriate safe food production and processing practices throughout the supply chain. Monitors the adoption and implementation of food safety process control systems for, and in partnership with, the agriculture and food industry.
  • Rural development — coordinates the implementation of the Rural Development Strategy, intended to build sustainable rural communities by facilitating action in economic development, community capacity, infrastructure, quality of life, environment and improved access to health and learning.
Recent News Releases
Recent News Stories
October 03, 2006
Government invests $239 million in bioenergy
A $239 million investment in Alberta’s bioenergy sector will make the province a leader in producing renewable energy from organic materials.
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August 21, 2006
Province provides $261 million to assist agriculture producers
A total of $261 million in provincial funding will help agricultural producers whose operations have been affected by increasing production costs and falling crop prices.
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July 25, 2006
About West Nile virus
West Nile virus arrived in Alberta in July 2003. It is a disease of birds that mosquitoes can also transmit to other animals. While most animals are not affected, horses and humans can become ill if infected.
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