• The North Saskatchewan River watershed in AB. 2013 U N International Year of Water Cooperation
  • From the Rockies to the Saskatchewan border. The North Saskatchewan River watershed in Alberta.
  • Your Watershed; Your Voice. The North Saskatchewan River Watershed in Alberta
  • Working together for a healthy and functioning North Saskatchewan River watershed
  • There are 20 Rural Municipalities in the North Saskatchewan River watershed in Alberta


We work with others to understand human activities that can impact our watershed and to find ways to minimize those impacts.


We work with others to find ways to integrate land and water planning to improve watershed function.


We advocate for the protection of water quality, water supplies and ecosystem health through watershed management.


We provide information about the watershed and create forums for sharing that information.

watershed management:
A balancing act

Watershed management is about meeting human needs while at the same time conserving the natural systems that provide them.

Environment & Biodiversity
Community & Recreation
Industry & Agriculture