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Tractor Performance Monitors

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 Summary of Dickey-John TPM II Tractor Performance Monitor

Quality of Work: The Dickey-john TPM II tractor performance monitor was very useful in providing the operator with information on tractor operation.

Accuracy of the ground speed measurements was very good. Error was less than 1% if the monitor was properly calibrated for each field condition.

Accuracy of the wheel slip measurement was very good. Wheel slip was accurately displayed in 1% increments.

Accuracy of the area and workrate calculations was also very good. However, these values continued to increase in weedy fields on windy days, even though the tractor was stationary.

Ease of Installation: Ease of installation was very good. It took one man about four hours to install the Dickey-john TPM II. Installation instructions were clear and descriptive. The sensors were easily installed on the test tractor.

Ease of Operation and Adjustment: Ease of operating the Dickey-john TPM II was good after some operator experience had been gained.

Readability of the liquid crystal display was very good. but was reduced by glare from direct sunlight.

Ease of calibrating the monitor was good, however, the procedure was time-consuming since many calibration steps were required.

Electrical Power Requirements: The monitor drew a maximum 0.5 A when operating. Memory loss occurred if the tractor battery was disconnected or voltage dropped below 4 V.

Safety: Safety decals were provided to warn the operator against looking directly into the radar ground speed sensor.

Operator's Manual: The operator's manual was very good and was well illustrated.

Mechanical History: No mechanical problems occurred during the test.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact George Ragan.
This information published to the web on February 14, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 23, 2003.

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