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Mandatory Cattle Age Verification Deadline Suspended

  From the Oct 9, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 897K  
 The Alberta government has postponed the April 1, 2007 target date for mandatory age verification of cattle. At this time, focus is on a national livestock traceability system, with participation from all provinces, territories and industry. A national traceability system will open export markets that require age certification. Government will continue to work with industry to ensure the necessary technology and infrastructure are available to implement a real-time age verification system across key points in the Canadian cattle supply chain. In Alberta, industry support for age verification is strong, significant progress has been made and premium prices are being paid for age-verified cattle. Although a new target date for mandatory age verification has not been set, industry consultation on the regulatory changes required to establish mandatory age verification is being planned for the spring of 2007. Producers can learn more about voluntary age verification by visiting  

Other Articles From the Oct 9, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Fall Weed Control
Changes to AOPA in effect October 1, 2006
Explaining the AOPA Extension Services
Alberta Enjoys a Mexican Summer
Elm-Pruning Ban in Alberta is Over
Alberta's Great Tree Hunt Receives Over 600 Nominations
Fall Yard Care
Mandatory Cattle Age Verification Deadline Suspended - Current Document
Sunfuel "How-To" Workshop
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on October 4, 2006.

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