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Common Questions
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Justice Topics
  • Aboriginal justice
    • General Information
    • Aboriginal Justice Initiatives Unit (AJIU)
    • Aboriginal people in the justice system
  • Appointments / document authentication
    • Commissioner for Oaths
    • Authentication / legalization of documents
  • Civil matters
    • General Information
  • Courts
    • General Information
    • Jury duty
  • Criminal prosecutions
    • General Information
    • Prosecutor's roles and responsibilities
    • Criminal charges
  • Employment
    • Careers
    • Job search
  • Families
    • General Information
    • Family law legislation
    • Maintenance Enforcement Program
  • Financial property protection & administration
    • Public Trustee
  • Law & legislation
    • General Information
    • Administration of acts
    • A User's Guide to Legislation
  • Legal assistance
    • Lawyers
    • Legal aid
  • Mediation / Dispute resolution
    • General Information
  • Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program
    • General Information
    • Lawyers and plaintiffs
    • Uninsured drivers
    • Victims
  • Sudden death investigations
    • General Information
    • Public fatality inquiries

    Solicitor General and Public Security Topics
  • Aboriginal justice
    • General Information
    • Aboriginal Justice Initiatives Unit (AJIU)
    • Aboriginal people in the justice system
  • Community awareness
    • Illegal drugs
  • Corrections
    • General Information
    • Alternative Measures
    • Bail
    • Criminal records
    • Extrajudicial Sanctions
    • Facilities (adults & youth)
    • Offenders (adults)
    • Offenders (youth)
    • Pardons
    • Probation & Parole
    • Youth Justice Committees
  • Crime prevention & restorative justice
    • Tips
    • Statistics
  • Employment
    • Job search
  • Law & legislation
    • General Information
    • Administration of acts
    • A User's Guide to Legislation
  • Policing
    • General Information
    • Complaints about police
    • First Nations policing
    • Law Enforcement Review Board
    • Traffic enforcement
    • Firearms
  • Private security programs
    • Locksmiths
    • Private investigators & security guards
  • Sheriffs Branch
    • General Information
  • Special constable program
    • General Information
  • Victims of crime
    • General Information
    • Help for victims of crime
    • Victim Impact Statements
    • Requesting restitution
    • Financial Benefits Program

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    Government of Alberta