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(Consolidated up to 109/2003)


Public Health Act


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “day care centre” means a facility providing care, development and supervision for 7 or more children under the age of 6 years for more than 3 consecutive hours per day but less than 24 consecutive hours;

                                 (b)    “day care facility” means

                                           (i)    a day care centre,

                                          (ii)    a family day home, or

                                         (iii)    a nursery school;

                                 (c)    “family day home” means a facility within the operator’s private residence that provides care, development and supervision for more than 3 but less than 7 children, under the age of 6 years including the operator’s own children of which not more than 4 are under the age of 2 years, for periods of more than 3 hours but less than 24 consecutive hours per day and for at least 12 consecutive weeks per year;

                                 (d)    “institution” means a building or part of a building other than a home maintained by a person to whom the children living in that home are related by blood or marriage or by virtue of an adult interdependent relationship, and where care or supervision is provided for 4 or more people, but it does not include a school, nor does it include a place of accommodation designated by the Minister of Social Services and Community Health as not constituting a child care institution or a day care facility;

                                 (e)    “nursery school” means a facility providing care, development and supervision for 7 or more children under the age of 6 years for periods of 3 consecutive hours or less per day and for at least 12 consecutive weeks per year other than a program operated pursuant to the regulations under the Department of Education Act;

                                  (f)    “operator” means the person who has the charge, care or control of an institution either as an owner, lessee or agent of the owner and in the case of a day care facility, means a person or partnership holding a licence under the Social Care Facilities Licensing Act.

AR 143/81 s1;109/2003

2   Pursuant to section 32(1) of The Public Health Act, the Provincial Board of Health hereby delegates to local boards the powers and the authority of the Provincial Board of Health that are necessary to carry out the provisions of this Regulation.

AR 143/81 s2

3   Any executive officer of the Provincial Board or of a local board may by written order require that within a stated period of time, specific alterations be made in any building used for institutional business or that specific changes be made in the methods of conducting any institutional business as may be necessary to comply with this Regulation.

AR 143/81 s3

4   Every local board is authorized to empower any of its executive officers to carry out an inspection at any time in any institution within its boundaries for the purpose of

                                 (a)    investigating conditions which may have an effect on the health of occupants or the general public,

                                 (b)    investigating a complaint, and

                                 (c)    responding to a request from the director of Social Care Facilities Licensing with respect to an application for a licence.

AR 143/81 s4

Building Construction

5   No renovation, construction or alteration with respect to an institution that requires a building permit shall be undertaken without the approval of the local board.

AR 143/81 s5

6   The land and premises used in whole or in part as an institution shall be of such construction and in such a state of repair that it does not create a hazard to the safe and sanitary operation of the institution.

AR 143/81 s6

7   Any building used in whole or in part as an institution shall provide, in the opinion of the local board, adequate space and facilities for all activities connected with the operation of the institution.

AR 143/81 s7

8   Every room or area used for resting or sleeping shall have a net floor area of

                                 (a)    not less than 2.5 square metres per child under 10 years of age and a ceiling height of not less than 2.3 metres, and

                                 (b)    at least 5 square metres for each person 10 years of age and older and a ceiling height of not less than 2.3 metres.

AR 143/81 s8;317/82

9   Rooms in any institution used other than for sleeping or resting shall have a maximum occupancy as prescribed by The Alberta Uniform Building Standards Act and the regulations.

AR 143/81 s9

Ventilation and Lighting

10   Every room in an institution or a day care facility shall be maintained at a minimum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius unless otherwise specified.

AR 143/81 s10

11   Walls, ceilings and floors in every room in an institution or in a day care facility shall be constructed so as to be easily cleaned.

AR 143/81 s11

12   Every room in an institution or in a day care facility shall be ventilated in accordance with The Alberta Uniform Building Standards Act and the regulations.

AR 143/81 s12

13   Every institution and day care facility, except family day homes, shall comply with the following:

                                 (a)    every sleeping area, hallway, stairway and toilet room shall have artificial light sources capable of maintaining light intensity of not less than 215 lux (20 foot candles) in all parts of the room;

                                 (b)    every classroom shall have illumination levels in accordance with the school recommended lighting levels, document C92,3‑1967 of the Canadian Standards Association;

                                 (c)    all other rooms shall have natural or artificial light sources capable of maintaining light intensity of 375 lux (35 foot candles) in all parts of the room;

                                 (d)    all rooms shall have adequate curtains or shades over natural light sources.

AR 143/81 s13

Plumbing Facilities

14   Every institution and day care facility shall provide plumbing facilities in a convenient location and in accordance with The Alberta Uniform Building Standards Act and the regulations.

AR 143/81 s14

15   In communities where there is a public sewage system adjacent to an institution or day care facility property line, the institution or day care facility shall be connected to the public sewage system.

AR 143/81 s15

16   Every institution and day care facility, accommodating more than 10 persons, located where there is no public sewage system shall ensure that there is a private sewage disposal system constructed in accordance with the Plumbing and Drainage Act and the regulations.

AR 143/81 s16

17   Electric hot air dryers, paper towels or other forms of towels that provide each user a clean, unused towel or portion of a towel shall be provided in every institution and day care facility except for children resident within a private residence or day care facility where individual washcloths and towels are provided.

AR 143/81 s17

18   The operator of every institution and day care facility shall provide, in the institution or day care facility, an adequate supply of hot and cold water and soap for the use of the occupants.

AR 143/81 s18;462/83

19   Every institution and day care facility shall provide, suitable in the opinion of the local board,

                                 (a)    toilet paper in dispensers;

                                 (b)    receptacles for the disposal of sanitary napkins;

                                 (c)    receptacles for use where paper towels are provided;

                                 (d)    an ample supply of potable drinking water by means of an easily accessible drinking fountain or individually labelled cups or paper cups;

                                 (e)    receptacles for the disposal of disposal drinking cups.

AR 143/81 s19

20   Disposable cups shall not be reused.

AR 143/81 s20

Waste Disposal

21   In every institution and day care facility, garbage or refuse shall be

                                 (a)    kept in fly proof and water proof containers or in properly closed plastic bags made of material sufficiently substantial to hold the contents without tearing or splitting, and

                                 (b)    properly stored and disposed of at least once a week.

AR 143/81 s21

Sleeping and Resting Accommodation

22   In every institution

                                 (a)    a cot, bed or sleeping mat shall be provided for each individual accommodated in the institution except in those institutions operated as foster and group homes by the Director of Child Welfare,

                                 (b)    every crib, cot, bed or sleeping mat shall be constructed of material that can be kept clean and sanitary,

                                 (c)    cribs and beds shall be equipped with mattresses and moisture resistant covers,

                                 (d)    cots and sleeping mats shall be equipped with washable covers,

                                 (e)    all bedding shall be maintained in a clean, dry and sanitary condition and shall not be used for more than one individual without laundering between use, and

                                  (f)    all sheets and pillow cases shall be laundered at least once a week.

AR 143/81 s22


23   Every institution and day care facility shall be maintained at all times in a clean and sanitary condition.

AR 143/81 s23

24   In every institution and day care facility, indoor and outdoor premises, equipment and facilities shall be of such construction and in such state of repair as to provide for the safe and sanitary operation of the program and shall comply with the following:

                                 (a)    all paints used shall be lead free and non‑toxic when dry;

                                 (b)    medical supplies, corrosive agents and similar products shall be labelled and stored according to the directions on the label in an enclosure accessible to authorized personnel only;

                                 (c)    persons shall be adequately protected, in the opinion of the local board, from radiators, water pipes, electrical outlets, toxic plants and other hazards;

                                 (d)    all supplies for communal use shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

AR 143/81 s24

25   In every institution all furnishings and equipment shall be maintained in good repair and be free from sharp, loose or pointed parts.

AR 143/81 s25

First Aid Supplies

26   In every institution a first aid kit for emergency treatment shall be readily available and shall be of a type prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the regulations.

AR 143/81 s26

Food Facilities

27   Every institution and day care facility accommodating more than 10 persons shall provide facilities in accordance with the Provincial Board of Health Regulations Respecting Restaurants (Alta. Reg. 399/70).

AR 143/81 s27

28   In every institution and day care facility, food shall be properly prepared, stored and served under sanitary conditions.

AR 143/81 s28

29   All food handlers in every institution and day care facility shall satisfy the requirements of the Provincial Board of Health Respecting Restaurants (Alta. Reg. 399/70).

AR 143/81 s29

Day Care Facility

30   In every day care facility where children under 19 months of age are cared for,

                                 (a)    provision shall be made for bathing them;

                                 (b)    a surface or change table for diapering shall be provided separate from food preparation and food service areas and adjacent to hand washing facilities that is acceptable to the local board;

                                 (c)    the top of the surface of change tables shall be of a non‑moisture absorbing material that can be scrubbed and disinfected frequently;

                                 (d)    the top of the surface of change tables shall be covered with a fresh diapering service for each child;

                                 (e)    soiled cloth diapers shall be rinsed and stored in a non‑absorbent and easily cleanable container;

                                  (f)    soiled disposable diapers shall be disposed of in a container with a tight fitting lid or in closed plastic bags;

                                 (g)    cloth diapers shall be provided by the operator and when soiled shall be laundered with suitable soap or detergent and disinfectant;

                                 (h)    cloth diapers provided by the parents when soiled shall be sent home in a container with a tight fitting lid or closed plastic bags;

                                  (i)    staff shall wash hands after each diapering;

                                  (j)    staff shall ensure that personal effects, soothers and bottles are properly identified and shall not interchange this equipment between children.

AR 143/81 s30

31   The Provincial Board of Health Regulations Regarding the Inspection of Institutions and Nurseries, Division 15 of (Alta. Reg. 572/57) is repealed.

AR 143/81 s31

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