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(Consolidated up to 221/2004)


Regional Health Authorities Act


Table of Contents

Regional Health Authority Foundations

                1       Establishing a foundation

                2       Contents of by‑law

                3       Board of trustees

                4       Eligibility

                5       Corporate status

                6       Powers and duties

                7       By‑laws

                8       Fiscal year

                9       Meetings

              10       Remuneration

              11       Reports

              12       Transfer of property

              13       Winding up

Continued Foundations

              14       Definitions

              15       Foundations continued

              16       By‑laws re continued foundation

              17       Board of continued foundation

              18       Board of University Hospitals Foundation continued

              19       General - eligibility, term

              20       Application of other sections

              21       Winding‑up continued foundation

              22       Special powers and duties

Regional Health Authority Foundations

Establishing a foundation

1   A regional health authority may by by‑law establish a foundation for any or all of the following purposes:

                                 (a)    to benefit the health region generally;

                                 (b)    to benefit a specific health facility or facilities located or to be located in the health region;

                                 (c)    to benefit a specific health program or programs operated or to be operated by the regional health authority.

Contents of by‑law

2(1)  A by‑law establishing a foundation shall contain the following provisions:

                                 (a)    the name of the foundation;

                                 (b)    the purposes for which the foundation is established;

                                 (c)    the number of voting members on the foundation’s board of trustees;

                                 (d)    the qualifications and other eligibility requirements for becoming and remaining a member of the board of trustees.

(2)  No by‑law under subsection (1) and no amendment or repeal of such a by‑law has effect unless it is approved by the Minister.

(3)  On receiving by‑laws under this section, the Minister may

                                 (a)    approve the by‑laws as submitted, or

                                 (b)    refer the by‑laws back to the regional health authority to take further action directed by the Minister and to resubmit the by‑laws.

Board of trustees

3(1)  A foundation shall consist of a board of trustees appointed by the regional health authority.

(2)  Subject to subsection (3), the number of voting members on the board of trustees shall be as prescribed in the by‑laws under section 2(1)(c).

(3)  There shall be not fewer than 5 nor more than 15 voting members on the board of trustees and at least one of the voting members must be a member of the regional health authority establishing the foundation and at least one of the voting members must be a member of the public who is not a member of the regional health authority.

(4)  The initial voting members of the board of trustees, other than persons who are members of the regional health authority, shall be chosen from a list of persons compiled by the regional health authority pursuant to a public nomination or appointment process implemented by the regional health authority.

(5)  The subsequent voting members of the board of trustees, other than persons who are members of the regional health authority, shall be chosen from

                                 (a)    a list of persons nominated by the board of trustees, and

                                 (b)    a list of persons compiled by the regional health authority pursuant to a public nomination or appointment process implemented by the regional health authority.

(6)  The regional health authority may appoint additional persons as non‑voting members of the board of trustees.

(7)  A member of the board of trustees shall be appointed for a term not to exceed 3 years and is eligible for reappointment for additional terms.

(8)  The members of a board of trustees shall choose a person as chair from among themselves.


4(1)  No person is eligible to be or remain a voting member of a board of trustees unless that person is ordinarily resident in Alberta.

(2)  A majority of the voting members of a board of trustees must be ordinarily resident in the health region.

(3)  A regional health authority may by notice in writing terminate the appointment of a member of a board of trustees who

                                 (a)    ceases to be ordinarily resident in Alberta, in the case of a voting member, or

                                 (b)    ceases to meet any of the qualifications or other eligibility requirements for membership set out in the by‑laws.

Corporate status

5(1)  A foundation is a corporation consisting of the board of trustees.

(2)  Notwithstanding anything in the Loan and Trust Corporations Act, a foundation shall not be considered to be a trust corporation for the purposes of that Act.

Powers and duties

6(1)  A foundation may, in order to carry out its purposes, solicit and receive by gift, bequest, devise, transfer or otherwise, property of every nature and description.

(2)  A foundation shall adhere to any trust conditions attaching to any property that is given, bequeathed, devised or otherwise transferred to it.

(3)  A foundation

                                 (a)    shall carry on its business without the purpose of gain of its members and shall not pay dividends to its members, and

                                 (b)    shall apply the profits, if any, and other income of the foundation to carry out the purposes of the foundation.

(4)  A foundation may enter into any contracts and do all other things that may be necessary, desirable or expedient to carry out its purposes.

(5)  A board of trustees may at any time delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of any of the trustees and of any other persons as the trustees think advisable.

(6)  Any committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform and be subject to the direction and control of the board of trustees.


7   A foundation may make by‑laws respecting the conduct of the business and affairs of the foundation that are not inconsistent with the Act, this Regulation and the by‑laws establishing the foundation.

Fiscal year

8   The fiscal year of a foundation is from April 1 to the next following March 31.


9   The board of trustees shall meet at least once a year on a date determined in accordance with the by‑laws of the foundation or fixed by the chair.


10   Members of the board of trustees are not entitled to remuneration for acting as trustees but the board may authorize payment of out‑of‑pocket expenses properly incurred by a member in the course of acting as a trustee.

AR 16/95 s10;221/2004


11(1)  Not later than the July 31 immediately following each fiscal year a foundation shall prepare and submit to the regional health authority that established it and the Minister an annual report which shall include

                                 (a)    audited financial statements for the previous fiscal year, and

                                 (b)    any other information specified by the Minister in a notice in writing to the foundation.

(2)  A foundation shall on the written request of the Minister forward to the Minister records, reports and returns as specified by the Minister in the request.

(3)  The Minister may issue to a foundation written directives respecting the form and content of any information to be provided under subsection (1).

(4)  A foundation must submit its audited financial statements to the Minister not later than the June 15 immediately following each fiscal year.

AR 16/95 s11;276/96

Transfer of property

12   A foundation may, subject to compliance with prior trust conditions, transfer any of its property to the regional health authority that established it on any terms it considers appropriate.

Winding up

13(1)  The Minister may order that a foundation be wound up in any of the following circumstances:

                                 (a)    on the request of the foundation or of the regional health authority that established the foundation;

                                 (b)    if the foundation contravenes the Act, a regulation under the Act or any order or direction of the Minister;

                                 (c)    if the regional health authority that established the foundation ceases to exist;

                                 (d)    if the Minister is satisfied that the foundation is inactive;

                                 (e)    if the Minister is satisfied that the foundation is not carrying out its purposes.

(2)  A foundation may not be wound up except by an order of the Minister under this section.

(3)  Where the Minister orders that a foundation be wound up,

                                 (a)    the Minister shall, subject to subsection (4), take such measures as the Minister considers are necessary to give effect to the order and, for that purpose, has all the power and authority to act as if the Minister were the foundation, and

                                 (b)    the members of the board of trustees may not exercise any of their powers or authority except under the direction of the Minister.

(4)  Where a foundation is wound up, the property of the foundation shall be used

                                 (a)    firstly, in the payment of any costs incurred in the winding‑up of the foundation,

                                 (b)    secondly, to discharge all liabilities of the foundation, and

                                 (c)    thirdly, to give effect, as far as possible, to any outstanding applicable trust conditions,

and the balance if any shall be transferred

                                 (d)    to a successor foundation, if there is one in the opinion of the Minister,

                                 (e)    to the regional health authority that established the foundation if there is no successor foundation, or

                                  (f)    if there is no successor foundation or regional health authority within the meaning of clause (d) or (e), to another person in Alberta who is a registered charity or qualified donee under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and has objects or purposes similar to the purposes of the foundation being wound up, as determined by the Minister.

Continued Foundations


14   In sections 15 to 21, and in any other provision of this Regulation incorporated by reference for the purpose of those sections,

                                 (a)    “continued foundation” means a foundation referred to in section 15;

                                 (b)    “regional health authority” means the regional health authority of the health region in which the facility benefitted by the continued foundation is located or in which the program benefitted by the continued foundation is based, as the case may be.

AR 16/95 s14;221/2004

Foundations continued

15(1)  The following existing foundations are continued as foundations:

                                 (a)    a foundation that has been established under the Hospitals Act;

                                 (b)    a foundation that has been established under the Public Health Act;

                                 (c)    a foundation that has been established under the Provincial General Hospitals Act by the board of a hospital referred to in section 2(1) of that Act or created under section 2(2) of that Act;

                                 (d)    the University Hospitals Foundation.

(2)  A foundation referred to in subsection (1)(a) is continued on the effective date of

                                 (a)    an order under section 8(4) of the Hospitals Act rescinding the order establishing the hospital board that established the foundation, or

                                 (b)    the repeal of the Calgary General Hospital Board Act, in the case of the foundation established by the Board of The Calgary General Hospital.

(3)  A foundation referred to in subsection (1)(b) is continued on the effective date of an order under section 10(2) of the Public Health Act disestablishing the health unit whose local board established the foundation.

(4)  A foundation referred to in subsection (1)(c) is continued on the effective date of the repeal of the appropriate provision of section 2(1) of the Act or the repeal of the Order in Council establishing the hospital, as the case may be.

(5)  A foundation referred to in subsection (1)(d) is continued on the effective date of the repeal of the University Hospitals Foundation Act.

By‑laws re continued foundation

16(1)  A continued foundation shall, not later than 180 days after the appropriate effective date referred to in section 15, submit to the Minister by‑laws that have been made by the foundation and contain provisions in respect of the matters listed in section 2(1).

(2)  A continued foundation may amend by‑laws made under subsection (1) and shall forthwith submit the amendments to the Minister.

(3)  On receiving by‑laws under this section, the Minister may

                                 (a)    approve the by‑laws as submitted, or

                                 (b)    refer the by‑laws back to the continued foundation to take further action as directed by the Minister and to resubmit the by‑laws.

(4)  The Minister may refer by‑laws received under this section to the regional health authority for comment.

(5)  No by‑law made under this section has effect until it has been approved by the Minister.

(6)  If a continued foundation fails to submit by‑laws to the Minister as required by subsection (1), the Minister may order that the foundation be wound up.

(7)  If a continued foundation amends by‑laws approved under this section to change the purposes of the foundation, the by‑laws shall be written so as to ensure that the foundation’s funds that were accumulated, acquired or pledged before the date of the amendment will be used solely to carry out the purposes of the foundation as they existed immediately before that date.

Board of continued foundation

17(1)  In the case of a continued foundation referred to in section 15(1)(a), (b) or (c), the board of trustees shall be constituted as follows:

                                 (a)    there shall be not fewer than 5 nor more than 15 voting members on the board of trustees;

                                 (b)    the trustees of the foundation who are in office immediately before the appropriate effective date referred to in section 15(2), (3) or (4) continue as voting members of the board of trustees of the continued foundation until the expiry of 90 days after the by‑laws have been approved by the Minister under section 16 or until the expiry of their terms under the predecessor legislation, whichever occurs last;

                                 (c)    the regional health authority may appoint one voting member to the board of trustees;

                                 (d)    the remaining members shall be elected at a meeting of the board of trustees by the other voting members then in office;

                                 (e)    where the term of a voting member expires or a vacancy in the voting membership occurs (other than in the case of the member referred to in clause (c)) the member may be replaced or the vacancy may be filled, as the case may be, through election by the other voting members of the board then in office.

(2)  The members of a board of trustees who are elected under subsection (1)(d) or (e) shall be elected from

                                 (a)    a list of persons nominated by the other voting members then in office, or

                                 (b)    a list of persons compiled by the continued foundation pursuant to a public nomination process implemented by the continued foundation,

or a combination of both.

Board of University Hospitals Foundation continued

18(1)  In subsection (2)(a), “administrator” means the person who is the most senior official in the administrative organization of the hospitals and is responsible for the day to day operation and management of the affairs of the hospitals, regardless of the formal title of that person.

(2)  The board of trustees of the continued foundation referred to in section 15(1)(d) shall consist of the following voting members:

                                 (a)    the administrator of the hospitals commonly known as The University of Alberta Hospitals;

                                 (b)    the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta;

                                 (c)    one member who is a member of the regional health authority and is appointed by the regional health authority;

                                 (d)    one member who is a member of the public, is not a member of the regional health authority and is elected at a meeting of the board of trustees by the other voting members then in office;

                                 (e)    at least 6 other persons who are elected at a meeting of the board of trustees by the other voting members then in office.

(3)  Except for the person referred to in subsection (2)(a), no person who is a member of the attending medical staff or is an employee of a hospital referred to in that provision is eligible to be a member of the board of trustees of the continued foundation referred to in section 15(1)(d).

(4)  As soon as is practicable after the effective date in section 15(1)(d), the regional health authority shall appoint the member referred to in subsection (2)(c).

(5)  The elected trustees of the continued foundation referred to in section 15(1)(d) who are in office immediately before the effective date referred to in section 15(5) continue as voting members of the board of trustees of the continued foundation until the expiry of 90 days after the by‑laws have been approved by the Minister under section 16 or until the expiry of their terms under the predecessor legislation, whichever occurs last.

General - eligibility, term

19(1)   No person is eligible to be appointed or elected as a voting member, or to remain as a voting member, of a board of trustees of a continued foundation referred to in section 15(1)(a), (b) or (c) unless that person is ordinarily resident in Alberta.

(2)  A majority of the voting members of the board of trustees of the continued foundation referred to in section 15(1)(d) must be ordinarily resident in Alberta.

(3)  A foundation may by notice in writing terminate the appointment of a member of the board of trustees

                                 (a)    who ceases to meet any of the qualifications or other eligibility requirements for membership set out in the by‑laws, or

                                 (b)    who, being a voting member of the board of trustees of a foundation referred to in section 15(1)(a), (b) or (c), ceases to be ordinarily resident in Alberta.

(4)  All members of the board of trustees of a continued foundation who are appointed or elected shall be appointed or elected for a term not to exceed 3 years, and are eligible for reappointment or re‑election for additional terms.

(5)  A continued foundation may appoint additional persons as non‑voting members of the board of trustees.

(6)  The members of the board of trustees of a continued foundation shall choose a person as chair from among themselves.

Application of other sections

20(1)  Subject to this section, sections 5 to 12 apply in respect of continued foundations.

(2)  Section 11(1) does not apply so as to require a continued foundation to submit a report to a regional health authority.

Winding‑up continued foundation

21(1)  The Minister may order that a continued foundation be wound up in any of the following circumstances:

                                 (a)    on the request of the foundation;

                                 (b)    if the foundation contravenes the Act, a regulation under the Act or any order or direction of the Minister;

                                 (c)    if the Minister is satisfied that the foundation is inactive;

                                 (d)    if the Minister is satisfied that the foundation is not carrying out its purposes.

(2)  A continued foundation may not be wound up except by an order of the Minister under this section.

(3)  Where the Minister orders that a continued foundation be wound up,

                                 (a)    the Minister shall, subject to subsection (4), take such measures as the Minister considers are necessary to give effect to the order and, for that purpose, has all the power and authority to act as if the Minister were the continued foundation, and

                                 (b)    the members of the board of trustees may not exercise any of their powers or authority except under the direction of the Minister.

(4)  Where a continued foundation is wound up, the property of the foundation shall be used

                                 (a)    firstly, in the payment of any costs incurred in the winding‑up of the foundation,

                                 (b)    secondly, to discharge all liabilities of the foundation, and

                                 (c)    thirdly, to give effect, as far as possible, to any outstanding applicable trust conditions,

and the balance if any shall be transferred

                                 (d)    to a successor foundation, if there is one in the Minister’s opinion,

                                 (e)    if there is no successor foundation, to the regional health authority for the benefit of the facility or program benefitted by the continued foundation,

                                  (f)    if there is no successor foundation and no facility or program referred to in clause (e), to the regional health authority of the health region in which the community benefitted by the continued foundation is located, as determined by the Minister, or

                                 (g)    if there is no successor foundation, no facility or program referred to in clause (e) and no regional health authority referred to in clause (f), to another person in Alberta who is a registered charity or qualified donee under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and has objects or purposes similar to the purposes of the continued foundation being wound up, as determined by the Minister.

Special powers and duties

22   In addition to any other powers and duties of the University Hospitals Foundation under this Regulation, the Foundation is subject to the following:

                                 (a)    the Foundation shall apply its property or expend the income from its property for particular purposes, including trust conditions imposed, that could not otherwise be readily met out of public funds;

                                 (b)    where on the effective date referred to in section 15(5) the Foundation holds donated funds, it may invest those funds only in securities authorized by law for investment of trust funds, unless it obtains the consent of the donor to invest the funds in other ways;

                                 (c)    earnings derived from investments must be used in furthering the purposes of the Foundation.

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