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(Consolidated up to 143/2002)


Regional Health Authorities Act


Table of Contents

                1       Reports and returns to rha

                2       Annual report

             2.1       Additional information

                3       Remuneration and benefits

                4       Financial records

                5       Auditor eligibility

                6       Remuneration and benefits

Reports and returns to rha

1(1)  A regional health authority may by notice in writing require an existing health authority or community health council that is operating in the health region to provide a report or return relative to the operations of the existing health authority or community health council to the regional health authority.

(2)  A notice under subsection (1) shall specify the information requested and the time by which and the manner in which the report or return must be provided.

(3)  An existing health authority or community health council that receives a notice under subsection (1) shall comply with it.

Annual report

2(1)  The annual report required under section 14 of the Act consists of

                                 (a)    the audited financial statements of the regional health authority,

                                 (b)    the information referred to in section 3, and

                                 (c)    any other information specified by the Minister by notice in writing directed to the regional health authority.

(2)  Subject to subsection (3), a regional health authority shall provide its annual report to the Minister

                                 (a)    in the case of the 1994‑95 fiscal year, not later than September 30, 1995, and

                                 (b)    in the case of subsequent fiscal years, not later than the July 31 immediately following each fiscal year.

(3)  A regional health authority shall provide its audited financial statements and the information referred to in section 3 to the Minister

                                 (a)    in the case of the 1994‑95 fiscal year, not later than July 31, 1995, and

                                 (b)    in the case of subsequent fiscal years, not later than the June 30 immediately following each fiscal year.

(4)  The Minister may issue to regional health authorities written directives as to the form and content of any of the information required to be provided as part of the annual report.

AR 169/95 s2;251/2001

Additional information

2.1   A regional health authority shall provide to the Minister within 30 days after the quarters ending on June 30, September 30 and December 31 a report in the form and manner required by the Minister containing

                                 (a)    the financial performance information for that quarter as specified by the Minister, and

                                 (b)    the forecasted revenue and expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year.

AR 143/2002 s2

Remuneration and benefits

3(1)  In this section, “management personnel” includes medical officers who exercise management functions.

(2)  For the purposes of section 14(2)(b)(ii) of the Act, information on remuneration and benefits paid to members, officers and senior employees must be disclosed in accordance with subsections (3) to (9).

(3)  Commencing with the 1995‑96 fiscal year remuneration and benefits must be disclosed for

                                 (a)    all members of the regional health authority;

                                 (b)    the chief executive officer;

                                 (c)    all management personnel who report directly to one or more members of the regional health authority;

                                 (d)    all management personnel who report directly to the chief executive officer;

                                 (e)    all remaining management personnel who report to management personnel referred to in clause (d);

                                  (f)    all persons who are engaged on a fee for service basis in a management capacity referred to in any of clauses (b) to (e).

(4)  Remuneration and benefits must be disclosed

                                 (a)    on an individual basis by name in the case of the persons referred to in subsection (3)(a),

                                 (b)    on an individual basis by reference to position titles in the case of the persons referred to in subsection (3)(b), (c) and (d) and the persons referred to in subsection (3)(f) who are engaged in a capacity referred to in subsection (3)(b), (c) or (d), and

                                 (c)    on a group basis in the case of the persons referred to in subsection (3)(e) and the persons referred to in subsection (3)(f) who are engaged in a capacity referred to in subsection (3)(e).

(5)  For the 1994‑95 fiscal year

                                 (a)    remuneration and benefits in respect of personnel of a regional health authority must be disclosed for

                                           (i)    all members of the regional health authority,

                                          (ii)    the chief executive officer,

                                         (iii)    all management personnel who report directly to the chief executive officer or to one or more members of the regional health authority, and

                                         (iv)    all persons who are engaged on a fee for service basis in a management capacity referred to in subclause (iii);

                                 (b)    remuneration and benefits in respect of the personnel of an existing provincial health authority whose affairs were assumed by a regional health authority must be disclosed in the same manner as they were disclosed for the 1993‑94 fiscal year of the existing provincial health authority.

(6)  Remuneration and benefits must be disclosed

                                 (a)    on an individual basis by name in the case of the persons referred to in subsection (5)(a)(i), and

                                 (b)    on an individual basis by reference to position titles in the case of the persons referred to in subsection (5)(a)(ii), (iii) and (iv).

(7)  Remuneration and benefits must be disclosed under subsection (5)(a) regardless of whether the remuneration and benefits were paid by the regional health authority or the existing health authority whose affairs were assumed by the regional health authority.

(8)  The information that is required to be reported under this section must be reported as a note or schedule to the financial statements referred to in section 14(2)(b)(i) of the Act.

(9)  Where the Minister in writing directs a regional health authority to do so, the regional health authority shall include as part of a disclosure required under this section the value of a severance package that is provided on termination of employment, disclosed on the same basis as other remuneration and benefits.

AR 169/95 s2;251/2001

Financial records

4(1)  A regional health authority shall, with respect to the keeping and preparation of its financial records, apply generally accepted accounting principles as set out in the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Handbook published by that Institute and as amended from time to time.

(2)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may by notice in writing prescribe policies or rules that are to apply with respect to the keeping and preparation of the financial records, and a regional health authority shall apply those policies or rules accordingly.

(3)  A regional health authority shall keep a financial record for the longer of

                                 (a)    3 years after it was created, and

                                 (b)    any period required under an enactment of Alberta or Canada.

AR 169/95 s2

Auditor eligibility

5   No person is eligible to be appointed by a regional health authority as its auditor or to remain as its auditor unless that person is entitled to engage in exclusive accounting practice under the Chartered Accountants Act, the Certified General Accountants Act or the Certified Management Accountants Act.

AR 169/95 s2

Remuneration and benefits

6   Members of regional health authorities are entitled to remuneration and traveling and living expenses in accordance with Schedule 1, Part A of the Appendix to the Committee Remuneration Order, Order in Council No. 769/93.

AR 90/96 s2

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